"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Deadpool & Wolverine

As someone who enjoyed the first two DEADPOOL movies, and loved many of the X-MEN movies, especially LOGAN, and has feelings ranging from a soft spot to a great love for some of the other characters featured within, it’s easy to find mild to moderate amusement in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE. There are chuckles. There are smiles. There are funny ideas. I had a pretty fun time.

It’s easy to forget what an underdog Ryan Reynolds (SMOKIN’ ACES) seemed like when the first DEADPOOL came out. He had stumbled in other comic book movies, even playing that same character in X-MEN’S ORIGINS OF THE WOLVERINE. But he kept pushing to turn it into something and after seven years of doubts he managed to get this R-rated, wise-cracky meta movie made. It felt new and refreshing at the time and it’s fair to say it was a phenomenon.

Eight years later it’s a whole different world. Deadpool is an overdog, his movie correctly predicted to make giant loads of cash in a summer when actual great movies did not. Reynolds is on his third full Deadpool movie, with plenty of non-Deadpool ain’t-I-a-stinker performances in between. Admittedly I didn’t watch most of those, but I did see the commercials, as well as the ones he does for the phone and gin companies he bought with his DEADPOOL money. You see quite a bit of Ryan Reynolds these days, whether you’re looking for him or not.

Also, the world has grown wary of super hero movies after they’ve dominated pop culture for so long, and after they’ve started to grow sloppier and less special. It’s supposed to be an event that corporate mergers have brought Fox character Deadpool to Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe, a franchise even gluttons like me are no longer that invested in. In the movie Deadpool tells Logan “Welcome to the MCU, you’re joining at a bit of a low point,” and it gets a big laugh because it’s undeniable.

Making a watchable Deadpool and Wolverine team-up might be a lay up, but making one that will still be watchable five or more years from now is another story. Disney knew to make it special they’d need a truly great director, but on second thought that seemed like too much trouble so they got Sean Levy, the guy who did the Steve Martin PINK PANTHER movie and episodes of Animorphs.

Seems crazy, but here’s the strategy. One (1) time thirteen years ago Levy directed a pretty good movie called REAL STEEL. What are the chances he would only have that one? Odds are it would be technically possible for him to do a second good movie at some point in his career, and if so it could arguably end up being this one. But I mean what really is “directing” anyway. Probly an urban legend.

I’m being mean. A stinker, like Deadpool. I’m sure Levy’s a nice guy, that’s why they hire him, but I think genre movies – even studio product or whatever you want to call this – deserve directors with serious chops and vision. I don’t read a comic book with mediocre art and say “who cares, it’s a comic book, it’s not supposed to be The Guernica.” Comic book movies should have great art! That used to be one of the goals. Not just in the good old days, even as recently as part 3 of THOR and part 2 of GUARDIANS they were trying to push the visuals into new territory for the genre. It was a good idea.

The filmatism of DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE is not the worst. But I think we should ask for better than mediocre in our blockbusters. Steven Spielberg did not bless us with the summer movie season so that we could watch $200 million TV shows. I don’t care that much about green screens and all that, it can look fake as long as it looks good. Unfortunately this is not the kind of movie that has beautiful imagery. It’s also not the kind of movie that knocks you on your ass with a propulsive action sequence and when it’s over you catch your breath and think “Wow!” It is the kind of movie with lots of montages and set pieces built around needle drops and the songs never seem to have any lyrical connection to what’s going on (which I’m personally fine with) and sometimes don’t seem to really fit the scene well musically (more of a problem).

I will say, it is enthusiastic about putting them in comic book type poses, and some of the action concepts are good, like the fake oner that side scrolls as Deadpool and Wolverine move through and slaughter dozens of alternate universe Deadpools. But if you put that scene up next to, say, the overhead shootout in JOHN WICK CHAPTER 4 (since there’s a similarity there) I think it shows the difference between a professional movie director and a born filmmaker. I’m not saying arrest Sean Levy for only making adequate movies, I’m just saying don’t forget that movies can be great. Don’t lose sight of that. We can still have greatness. It should be the goal.

(Bad news from a New York Magazine headline: “Is Shawn Levy the future of populist cinema? With ‘Deadpool & Wolverine,’ he became the first director to also write and produce his Marvel movie. Disney hopes he’ll save ‘Star Wars,’ too.”)

As far as Deadpool humor goes, it’s pretty funny that this continues after Wolverine’s death in LOGAN, with Deadpool insisting that “that’s not how regeneration works” and going to dig up his grave, only to find a rotted adamantium skeleton that he then uses as weapons to murder a bunch of Time Variance Authority Or Whatever agents during the opening credits sequence.

You don’t really have to know it, but this connects with Loki, a show that was kind of cute for one season and then I realized “oh, you want me to keep watching for multiple seasons? I’m afraid I’m no longer available.” But I saw enough to know it introduced the TVA, this bureaucratic organization that can watch all the universe’s possible timelines on TV screens, and time travel in order to— well, just watch TIMECOP. The same as TIMECOP except with multiple simultaneous timelines they have to police.

The TVA calls Deadpool in because he is somehow in the timeline of LOGAN (which took place in the future) and the death of Wolverine is going to cause his timeline to end (just go with it) so they offer to save only Deadpool and make him an Avenger in our timeline. He tells them to fuck off and hops through different timelines trying to find a different Wolverine to bring to his, assuming that will save it somehow. I’m not sure if it’s established why he’s so sure of this, but of course they just want to do a montage where we get to see different famous Wolverine comic book costumes and scenes. I guess Deadpool is picky because he rejects each of the Wolverines (?) until he chooses one that’s a miserable alcoholic who the world hates because he got drunk instead of saving the world one time (?). Only as I’m trying to summarize this plot do I realize that in the whirlwind of alternate timelines and trying to remember who died and was brought back through time travel or whatever I was just going with the flow and not necessarily always understanding what was going on.

But I do know that TVA bigshot Mr. Paradox (Matthew MacFadyen, THE ASSISTANT) has some type of evil scheme or something, so he dumps the boys in The Void, a FURY ROAD inspired wasteland where the TVA dumps people “pruned” from alternate universes (mostly characters from the pre-MCU Marvel movies). They’re terrorized by Professor Xavier’s evil twin Cassandra Nova (Emma Corrin, The Crown) and a giant cloud monster called Alioth. I like that Deadpool says “You mean Alioth from Loki Season 1, episode 5?” because I promise you I would not have known it was from Loki even though I saw that episode.

In The Void we get our recommended Marvel allowance of special guest appearances. SPOILERS FOR SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES. Since I didn’t run out right away and see this I was unable to avoid finding out pretty much all of the old characters who were gonna return. Maybe the only exception is Aaron Stanford as Pyro from the X-MEN movies, but it took me a scene or two to realize that’s who he was. I had already seen confirmation of Wesley Snipes returning as Blade before I started getting “Are you going to see DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE? Because there’s a reason you in particular should see it” type messages, so those didn’t spoil it and I do appreciate still being someone people think of whenever something about BLADE comes up. It’s an honor.

And I know Snipes was honored to play the character again. That, and the warm feeling of him and Reynolds apparently getting over BLADE: TRINITY related resentments, are the reasons to appreciate it, even though this is honestly not a great use of the character. You know how the original BLADE gives us the blood rave, likely the most badass introduction any cinematic super hero ever got, or ever will get? Here they tried to capture that magic by— no, just kidding, most of his part is a long scene where he and several others are just in a room talking and giving exposition for a long time. I believe he’s sitting down.

I kinda like the white streaks they gave him, even though he’s supposed to age slow. And they changed a few other things. He doesn’t have his trench coat. I don’t think he has his sword!? He seems more social, is able to live with roommates. There are no vampires in this movie, maybe they don’t exist in The Void, so he’s had to rethink his life I guess. He has a couple funny lines and cool parts but then they make him repeat his iceskating line. Like John McClane, somehow he found out which sentence he once said that we’re fond of.

Besides the big one there are four other major guest stars, two for laughs and two serious. I like the joke of bringing back Chris Evans not as Captain America, but his earlier role of Johnny Storm from the FANTASTIC FOUR movies. Then they have Channing Tatum as Gambit, a movie that was announced and developed for about five years before being cancelled when Disney swallowed Fox. Tatum is from New Orleans, really wanted to play the character, was going to produce it, even went to San Diego Comic Con to promote it. Darren Aranofsky and Gareth Evans are among the directors who turned it down. It came close to being made with Rupert Wyatt, then Doug Liman, then Gore Verbinski. It went through endless scripts, but was always described as a heist movie, and sometimes as a romantic comedy. I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like, but I’m guessing he would’ve not had this comic-accurate of a costume and would’ve worked harder on the Cajun accent. There are pretty good jokes alluding to him being from a movie that never happened.

A more serious character is Jennifer Garner as the ninja assassin Elektra from DAREDEVIL and ELEKTRA. I think she actually fares the best of these characters, but then again I’m one of the few who liked her movie. Like Blade, it’s a little weird to see this loner character hanging out with a bunch of pals, but she has the gravitas to be sort of the leader, plus gets one of the biggest laughs at the expense of Garner’s real life ex-husband.

The other serious character is Dafne Keen as X-23 from LOGAN. I knew she was keeping up with her fight work because she recently played a Jedi in Star Wars: Acolyte (season 1 of 1) but it’s cool to see her great LOGAN character grown up.

That’s the Void team and they battle Cassandra Nova’s army of mostly X-Men villains. I did enjoy seeing Rob Zombie’s Tyler Mane return (briefly) as Sabretooth, but having him with other mutant characters we’ve seen before, now played by unknown actors (Juggernaut is bodybuilder Aaron W. Reed instead of Vinnie Jones, for example) it feels a little cheap. Oh, you took this pretty far. Not all the way, but pretty far.

Sorry to be ungrateful, but if you’re gonna ask us to be excited about this multiverse gimmick again you should insist on taking it all the way. It’s not an original thought, but you sort of need to say it in a review of this movie: it’s time to put a pin in the multi-verse shit. SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE is one of the best super hero movies ever made, and used it both for gimmickry and for meaning. SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME felt like a bit of a rehash, but I liked those Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies and it was cool to bring the characters back. And then Raimi himself did some light multi-versing in DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTI-VERSE OF MADNESS but it seemed like he knew it wasn’t enough to hang a whole movie on. Finally THE FLASH did it, armed with the novelty of being the DC universe this time and getting Michael Keaton back in the Batman cowl and having a reference to a famously unmade Superman movie. But that would have to be the last one, it felt like.

Now here we go again. Admittedly this being the smartass meta version, with the opportunity to say goodbye to the Fox era of Marvel movies, and to have Blade in it, does bring something different to the party, does help them get away with it. You can get away with wearing the same jeans a certain number of days if you change your shirt, but only so many. We’re really pushing it with this laundry, guys.

Multi-verse gimmicks are the jeans you gotta retire. Deadpool (character and franchise) at least needs to be washed. I’m sure he can have more adventures, but I don’t know how much I’m gonna enjoy them if they don’t come up with a way to reinvent him. Like it would be cool if movie #4 took place in a timeline where he starts to think talking about buttholes and masturbation all the time isn’t necessarily that funny.

Fortunately, this is also a Wolverine movie. On one hand, it didn’t pull a TOY STORY 4 and make me think “Well, I thought they had the perfect ending but this does justify its existence by showing there’s more to be said here.” On the other hand, I love seeing Jackman as this character, and he gives it his all, it really feels like Wolverine is back, it’s not kinda half there like Keaton in THE FLASH. And when you’ve got Deadpool dancing around chirping little wisecracks about penises all day the buddy movie format really helps, because at least there’s a co-lead who wants to fuckin kill him and has the power to occasionally give us a break from him by having a serious campfire talk with X-23.

I guess part of what they considered unfinished business for Wolverine was that in all those movies he never wore the yellow costume from the comics. Not important to me, but it was fun to see him do it. A surprise they left out of the advertising is when he also pulls out a mask like from the comics! I thought it was great for about half a second, and then they gave him animated white eyes. That works for Deadpool and Spider-Man, but here you immediately see how much of Jackman’s performance is in the eyes and appreciate that none of his real movies were stupid enough to turn him into a personality-less special effect for the climax.

Now that I think of it though that would’ve been funny if they also felt it was time to finally give Blade a comics accurate costume. Damn. Missed opportunity.

Let’s return to the subject of the Daywalker one more time. His team in the Void agree to battle Cassandra Nova to help Deadpool and Wolverine escape. They seem to consider it a suicide mission but a worthy sacrifice because “we finally get an ending” or words to that effect. On the story level I don’t think it’s very convincing that it’s a worthy sacrifice and I’m not sure it’s fully explained to them what’s even going on. On the meta level it’s actually offensive because sure, people hated ELEKTRA, give her a time to shine, because she’s cool. But there is no argument for Blade needing to prove he’s worthy! This doesn’t erase the existence of part TRINITY, but our memories somewhat have, and BLADE and BLADE II are generally revered as classics, clearly among the best, possibly the best comic book movies ever made. Your legacy was already rock solid, Blade. You didn’t need to come out looking old and doing a few moves that the camera doesn’t capture very clearly to earn that. It was already yours. Somebody is feeding you misinformation.

(I’m glad if Wesley got paid though. He deserves it.)

I’m never saying goodbye to Wesley Snipes as Blade, he is eternal. But I have a soft spot for the various sometimes great, often crappy Fox Marvel movies, and the X-Men series did sort of fizzle out unceremoniously, so I can appreciate giving some of them a wake like this. The end credits have a sincerely nostalgic montage of various X-Men movies, Reynolds as crappy X-MEN ORIGINS Deadpool, etc. I was a little confused though that they have multiple clips of the ill-fated other FANTASTIC FOUR with Michael B. Jordan, since (unless I missed them) there were no references to that in the movie. I guess that was a nice gesture.

Or maybe it’s a reminder that there’s a long history of this genre being a big grab bag mess. There is fun, there is greatness, there are a whole lot of bad choices, there are things I like even in the worst ones. DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE is far from the worst or the best. Maybe if everybody shat on it like they did ELEKTRA or MADAME WEB I would feel sorry for it and the best parts would stand out more. Anyway, I have purged my negativity. I won’t stress. I should get out my LOGAN blu-ray.

the end

My reviews of non-MCU Marvel movies:

Now that I look at it I’ve reviewed all but a handful of the non-MCU Marvel movies. There are maybe two I haven’t seen and a couple others I didn’t get around to writing about. So here are my reviews and notes about whether or not they connect to DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE.

DR. STRANGE (1978) – Not referenced here, I don’t think, although there’s a part about Cassandra Nova killing Dr. Strange or something that I didn’t get.

HOWARD THE DUCK (1986) – Not referenced

PUNISHER WAR ZONE (2008) – They mention the Punisher being dead (not specified which one)

CAPTAIN AMERICA (1990) – No respect for Pyun

NICK FURY: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – This was a TV movie but it’s more of a movie than Loki so he should’ve been in there, man

BLADE (1998)
BLADE II (2002)
BLADE: TRINITY (2004) – Present and accounted for.

X-MEN (2000)
X2 (2003)

LOGAN (2017)

SPIDER-MAN 2 (2004)
SPIDER-MAN 3 (2007) – Already dealt with in SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME

HULK (2003) – Not referenced? Shoulda brought back Nolte.

DAREDEVIL (2003) – dead
ELEKTRA (2005) – here

(I guess I didn’t review part 1.)

MAN-THING (2005) – not referenced

GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE (2007) – Apparently they considered it. Didn’t happen.

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2012) – handled
(I never saw part 2)

FANTASTIC FOUR (2015) – clips mysteriously shown

(didn’t review sequel for some reason)

VENOM (2018) – still going
(I enjoyed but didn’t review the sequel)

MADAME WEB – too soon


I have not seen THE NEW MUTANTS. Yet.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 at 7:09 am and is filed under Reviews, Comic strips/Super heroes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

37 Responses to “Deadpool & Wolverine”

  1. I kind of hated the first Deadpool movie. I don’t mind when films go meta, but it just seemed to me that the purpose of these movies is to kind of fluff up the viewer’s ego. They tell us, you are much smarter than these silly movies because you’re one of the good ones who laughs at and is in on the joke. And they are silly movies, but I don’t need Deadpool to tell me that. If I didn’t want to watch a silly movie, then I would watch some indie drama, a genre I also enjoy.

    Also, I find Ryan Reynolds insufferable. And it doesn’t help that he is everywhere these days.

    But, man, are they really trying to pull me back in by getting Jackman back as Wolverine and (SPOILERS) Blade too. Okay, Disney. Fine. I’ll probably check this out on streaming.

  2. By the end I mostly enjoyed this, but there was a period during the second act where I was thinking, “This is more of a collection of skits surrounding various cameos than a movie. I’m not sure I can picture it being fun to watch a second time”, but Jackman sold the third act to me and I’ll definitely watch it one more time when it’s on D+. The wife will want to watch it too.

    On a bookkeeping note it is No Way Home not Far From Home that you meant to link above.

  3. Wait, you thought I was talking about Blade? I wanted you to see it because of Elektra!

    (just kidding)

    Anyway, I do think it’s interesting that this and ALIEN: ROMULUS came out so close to each other. ALIEN’s meta approach was nothing like cheap pops for people who feel smart when they recognize the most obvious reference. It was distracting, annoying, unmotivated and out of place. DEADPOOL could easily get away with the same approach, because it’s a silly comedy, but they managed to somehow believably tie these cameos into the movies big theme:

    Nobody is truly worthless.

    The biggest trick that these DEADPOOL movies keep pulling off, is that they somehow all have a solid emotional core that never feels distracting or out of place. When I recently rewatched part 1, I noticed how dark and serious a huge chunk of it is, compared to the other two. And of course part 2 was a tentpole comedy with R-rated violence and dick jokes, that somehow was also about revenge and breaking the cycle of child abuse. And if part 3 would’ve just been about Deadpool in cameo land, it would’ve fallen flat. But they had the whole Wolverine redemption subplot to tie it together.

    So when the end credits rolled and the big good bye to the FOX era started, I actually cared. If they just had released that part on YouTube, it would’ve felt like hollow marketing bullshit, but in this movie it was a sincere: “Hey, you might not be universally beloved, but you paved the way for us. You’re alright.”

    BTW, talking about the cameos, landed the one with the Wolverine who was played by another actor with a thud in your theatre too? Maybe it’s because he isn’t that much of a star in Germany, but I didn’t recognize him, there was no reaction in my packed theatre outside of a few “Huh?” and “Who is that?” and I had no idea why Deadpool would call him “The Cavalry”. Didn’t realize who it was and what was said until I read the credits. People gasped at Blade’s appearance!

  4. I just want to say that an actor who gets rich and buys a cell phone company is, guess what, a serial killer. That’s just the cold hard facts.

  5. I thought this one kinda schizophrenically toggled between Airplane-style “anything can happen so long as it’s a gag” comedy and inept attempts to pluck heartstrings. Logan plays the hits from Logan shamelessly. He’s the worst Wolverine ever because he killed innocent people, but Deadpool kills innocent people all the time and it’s played for laughs. And the TVA is trying to recruit him despite all the fun murder in a scene that really plays like they’re crassly manipulating him for some ulterior motive, but then it turns out they sincerely want him for the MCU? And Cassandra Nova also kills innocent people to entertain herself, but she’s the bad guy, so there it’s a problem.

    By the end of this buddy movie, I had no idea why Logan (who professes to want to live up to Xavier’s ideals) would be friends with Deadpool or especially want to sacrifice his life for him. It feels like Levy and Reynolds are just savvy enough to know that the partners should have a big fight and then come to like each other, but not how or why that should actually play out besides “it’s part of the formula.”

    Also, in Loki, couldn’t the TVA prune timelines in, like, a second? Here there’s a whole 48 hour countdown. I don’t know, it just bugs me.

  6. I ended up rather enjoying this one. The plot didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I’m not going to hold that against the film. If I had to break it down, it was three things that won me over.

    First, Hugh Jackman made a great straight man. He was playing a dead-serious Wolverine who was caught up in total nonsense. I appreciate that Jackman worked hard to find the emotional truth in being frustrated by a man in a red gimp suit.

    Second, it’s a minor thing, but I appreciate the film featured a different style of humor than most superhero films. After the success of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, every film became chock-a-block with quips. Every scene, regardless of the tone, would have quippy banter dropped into it with all the subtly of a rock hitting a pond. Most of the jokes in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE didn’t land for me, but I liked that it was going for a different style of humor. No other film would have the leads stage their death battle in a Honda Odyssey. Having “You’re the One that I Want” blaring on the soundtrack was a nice touch, since Deadpool must have been so aroused during that fight.

    Third, a CJ Holden noted, D&W was sincere about it’s appreciation for the pre-MCU films. The characters got to saddle up one last time and be heroic in a big-time summer blockbuster. They were treated with respect; even Channing Tatum in his Spirit Halloween store Gambit costume got some cool moments. It was a nice remembrance of how this genre of film started out and why it became popular.

  7. This is my kind of movie! I have loved the first two movies for years, and was lucky enough to see it in a theater packed with people who who felt the same.
    And CJ, my daughter recognized THAT actor from behind. Don’t really know about the people around us, but from the laughter it sounded as if they at least knew him when he spoke. My favourite WAS Electra, by the way. We had fun guessing the actors who played some of the 200 Deadpools, and got at least a couple of them right.

  8. You guys wash your jeans?

  9. Good afternoon, Vern.

    [I had already seen confirmation of Wesley Snipes returning as Blade before I started getting “Are you going to see DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE? Because there’s a reason you in particular should see it” type messages]

    I, um, have no idea what you’re talking about. (looks around nervously) I mean…I…don’t even know your email address. (starts sweating)

    On the other hand…that “Blade: the Animated Series” anime I got you in 2017 (the one you have to go to the settings menu to get the English dub of) is still hiding in your movie collection, like a vampire avoiding sunlight.

    Best to you and your loved ones.

  10. Maybe it’s because I’m stuck on loving Marvel stuff regardless of quality, and perhaps also a portrait of arrested development, and maybe I also have low standards, but… I had a really good time with this movie while also acknowledging that it’s kind of a failure on several levels?

    Obviously there’s the multiverse stuff Vern mentioned, the whole idea that Chris Evans is going to be Human Torch again, but we’re gonna get randos playing a bunch of X-henchmen. We’re talking about characters with thirty, forty, sometimes fifty years of history in the comics, reduced to one or two lines and no identity in the previous movies, and then further reduced to being played by mute nobodies who get mowed down by a bunch of fifty year olds. Isn’t the whole point of the multiverse, within the limitations of 120-minute movies, to have the best version of everyone? Or at least to make a joke out of having the worst version of everyone?

    But also, yes, the plot doesn’t make sense. People keep talking about Blade being part of this larger Marvel world, but if vampires aren’t involved, why does he care? Why does anyone care? What were these heroes doing in the Void before Deadpool showed up? Fighting… random bad guys? And apparently living together, in a place that in no way actually looks lived in?

    It doesn’t make sense from the word jump. If Deadpool and Wolverine were in the same continuity, then Deadpool is in 2024 (as the movie actually STATES) but Logan doesn’t die until, what, 2029? What’s being pruned? What ISN’T being pruned? As Deadpool put it in the first movie, it’s a McAvoy/Stewart situation.

    The emotional core doesn’t work. Deadpool’s whole world is his friends? Like, uh, Shatterstar? Since when did he break up with his girlfriend? Because he wasn’t working on an off-camera character arc never hinted in the earlier movies? Obviously a lazy writing decision.

    There is ZERO continuity with those earlier Deadpool movies. This feels relatively left-field as far as Deadpool’s inner “anguish” or whatever it was. Where are Cable and Firefist? Seems like major characters to leave out, considering the former is responsible for the whole time travel nonsense and the latter is the whole emotional backbone of the second movie. The jokes are off this time around. In the first two movies, I remember thinking, in relation to the source material, “Oh, this would be the joke they should make at this moment,” and then they’d make it and it would connect. This time around, I was thinking, “This is the obvious joke for the material, and I hope they don’t make it,” and they DID.

    And let’s not belabor the point: Shawn Levy is the worst director Marvel has ever hired, and this movie looks like shit. Not a single amusing or dynamic visual. Someone said it was like a feature-length Super Bowl commercial, and that’s squarely where the visuals sat the whole time.

    I got to my theater early, and then stepped out to go to the bathroom, walking past several screens. On my way into the men’s room, I could hear one of the screens nearby, playing “Bye Bye Bye”. ANd I thought, what 2024 movie is so desperate as to play the entirety of “Bye Bye Bye”? Later, when I sat in my theater, I realized, oh, it’s the one I’ve paid for.

  11. “Disney knew to make it special they’d need a truly great director, but on second thought that seemed like too much trouble so they got Sean Levy, the guy who did the Steve Martin PINK PANTHER movie and episodes of Animorphs.”

    Goddammit Vern! You owe me a keyboard for having spat my coffee out on it after reading this!

    You’re generally so polite even when taking a movie to task, a burn like this..unlike a lot of DEADPOOL’s jokes, actually land!

  12. And like a lot here, this movie was largely watchable because of the “& WOLVERINE”. It was the only way I could entice my wife to come watch this with me. Because DEADPOOL, and by extension Reynolds has run it’s course where I’m concerned and my favorite scene is when WOLVIE rips him a new asshole in the car just before their fight. It not only works as a diss on how annoying POOL is but also as a meta commentary on how fucking smug Reynolds has become, regurgitating his motor mouthed asshole in Tier 3 Netflix junk in between hawking his liquor and football club.

    But you went all “water under the bridge” with Snipes and brought him back as BLADE and you’re talking up how Snipes needs an ‘OLD MAN BLADE” of his own as a swan song, so I give you props for that.

  13. Thanks for the correction, emteem. I understand that naming convention but it makes them all blend together for me.

    Kevin – I forget if yours was first, but I really did get several messages like that and I mean it, I took it as a compliment that people associate me with the Daywalker. (It was Snipes’ own twitter account that actually spoiled it for me.) And thanks for the reminder about the anime, I enjoyed what I watched of it and I should start over and do the whole thing. Thanks again!

  14. Take away the cameos, the homage to the Old Fox characters and Jackman’s performance and this is easily the worst of the POOL movies.

    The writing, as mentioned, is next level stupid and incomprehensible in many places.

    The multiverse is done, stick a fork in it if you’re gonna continue to use it as a prop for whatever popped into a writer’s mind typing on a laptop while taking a shit and hitting SEND before the flush.

    A timeline is in danger because “A Wolverine” is dead???? Why???

    After 2 previous movies established the terrific relationship between Wade and Vanessa (always the best things about the films), they’ve now broken up because he’s not in some Primo Grade Superhero Team like the AVENGERS????

    Wolverine is wracked with guilt because the X-MEN were slaughtered while he was on an all night bender??? Did the writers not see X2 and what happened to Stryker’s team when they staged an assault on the compound? Even with the big guns out that night, they suffered some casualties. And you’re telling me a team that has people who can mind control, shoot lasers out their eyes, freeze your nuts off, shatter ear drums with a scream, morph into walls, shape shift, got taken out because ONE Adamantium Clawed, Grumpy Ass Canadian had the night off???

    Fuck off with this shit.

    POOL & WOLVIE is ultimately a film you mostly enjoy while watching and then get annoyed the moment it ends and you start thinking about why you enjoyed it. I agree with the comments that it works by stroking your ego in structuring it’s references presuming you’ve not only watched every single superhero film, but are also innately clued in to it’s stars personal lives. So POOL drops a “Blake” reference (and she voices LADY DEADPOOL) and when he offers his sympathies to ELEKTRA for DAREDEVIL, you’re supposed to get that’s not just because DD and ELEKTRA were an item, but that the actor playing ELEKTRA was at one point married to the actor playing DD, before he dumped her for another Jennifer. Wow, I’m so smart for knowing this shit!!!

  15. For what it’s worth, I do like the idea of the “anchor being”, that the Fox universe dies without Wolverine. That studio insisted that Wolverine was the defacto star of the X-Men movies for so long that, after “Logan”, they could only muster “Dark Phoenix” and “The New Mutants”. If Fox wasn’t purchased by Disney, the idea that there would have been a promising future for the X-Men series outside of “Deadpool” was unlikely. I kind of like the anchor being theory in that maybe the Lionsgate Marvel world passed on with the death of Frank Castle shortly after the end of “Punisher War Zone”, that sort of thing. Alternately, the force killing the anchor beings just might be Disney, hoovering up the rights to all those Marvel characters over the years.

  16. I read some really pretentious-ass Letterboxd review of this with 5-jillion likes that was all, “fucking this is a fucking abomination against fucking cinema…proof that actual storytelling is dead and that no one cares…everything wrong about the Marvel-Disney-i-fication of film” etc., etc. — energy. And then I also saw a couple of negative critical reviews that were along the same lines.

    And I can’t really disagree, but then I was talking to a friend about this (before I went and saw the movie), and he is a much more casaul movie-watcher, and he was like, “who gives a shit, there are all kinds of movies, and most of them tell more-or-less coherent three-act stories, so, why can’t some movies just be big stupid exercises in throwing gags and fan service and spaghetti at the wall for two hours, as long as there are other movies that do the more conventional thing?” And he mostly persuaded me. Mostly but not entirely, because I do think the Disney/Marve/Netflix-stream-universe-episodic-ourosbouros-ification -induced collapse of mainstream non-reboot/non-universe popcorn theatrical cinema is an actual thing that has caused actual heartbreak in my life. I miss new stand-alone non-indie films that become events at the cinema (ironically, I had zero interest in OPPENHEIMER or BARBIE, so fuck me, I guess). However, my friend is right — if DEADPOOL VS. WOLVERINE is somehow both (a) enjoyable and (b) completely threadbare, exhausting, wink-wink fan service chum churned out by a serial killer who bought a cell phone company (who may or may not wash his pants) then so be it. Two things can be true: This film is in many ways an object lesson in the insufferable, calculating, derivative, masturbatory, self-indulgent, plot-as-afterthought, wink-wink-look-what-I-did-there, meta-times-infinity enshittification of the theatrical event film; and I had a mostly fun time watching it, with the NSYNC scene alone justifying my price of admission.

    I also agree that the visual “worldbuilding” of “the Void” was just the worst. Narratively and visually this is closer to a two-man vaudeville -type show or prop comic performance than a story. The void is so utterly devoid of visual style, conceptual richness, or personality. It’s an excuse to set everything against a flat empty backdrop. I could go on bitching about a lot of things, but I smiled and even laughed a fair amount (I hate Ryan Reynolds as a celebrity persona, but I can’t help but like Deadpool the character), and Hugh Jackman was great (I have seen exactly zero of the three Wolverine joints), so, I’ll give it the W.

  17. Inspired by Vern’s ongoing look back at 1994, I rewatched BLANKMAN last night. It was pretty much as I remembered it when I saw it thirty(!) years ago in theaters: Not great. That isn’t to say it’s the worst black superhero movie. It’s certainly a far cry from BLADE or BLACK PANTHER in terms of production, but I think the movie leans into the fact that it doesn’t have the largest budget. If shared cinematic universes had been a thing back then, I could see it existing in the same reality as METEOR MAN. I also did some reading up, and I guess the movie started life as a Howard Stern vehicle? It doesn’t seem nearly as crude as Stern’s on-air repetoire. What BLANKMAN is in desperate need of is a visual stylist, somebody not afraid to make a pulpy comic book movie, but we get Mike Binder instead. Still, it possesses an earnest quaintness that the bloated comic book epics today lack (plus it clocks in well under 100 minutes for which I am eternally grateful).

  18. I was wondering if Vern would eventually review this one… glad he did as always.

    I feel like I am aligned with most of you on this one – I had fun watching it, really enjoyed to see Wolverine on the big screen again, and really enjoyed the dynamic between the two main characters (reminded me of 48 Hours with a forced pairing of a quiet/grumpy character with a funny/fast-talking one)… it was definitely a fun night at the movie, a good popcorn movie, but sadly also one that might be quickly forgotten.

    First complain about it: as much as I have been a fan of the whole MCU thing from day one – including watching all the TV shows (except Echo, did not get to it yet) – I just feel that with the introduction of the multiverse, there is no stake to care about anymore… I have the feeling that for most of us who enjoyed the build-up to Avengers 3 & 4, Thanos was a real threat and there were consequences every time something ‘bad’ would happen – but with the multiverse, and the fact that entire timelines can be destroyed like that, I kind of lost the “emotional connection” to that whole cinematic universe. I get that for Disney and Marvel, the multiverse is an amazing cash cow – can we bet that in 10 years or so they will try to bring most of the original Avengers out of retirement for a fan-pleasing story? – but from a narrative perspective it does lower the stake quite a bit… don’t get me wrong I have enjoyed the 3 Spider-Men together, the Dr Strange Zombie, all the cameos in this Deadpool movie… but you end up feeling totally detached from it all.

    Second complain – and that was already mentioned by many here, including Vern – you want these movies to look good and/or to have cool “never seen before” scenes. Disney and Marvel have all the resources to pay for the right talents – as they have done here and there over the MCU films. But I felt that with this one, there was not one “great” scene that you might want to watch again and again… it is especially frustrating in a genre that offers so many options for coll action sequence. Think of the X-Force scene (followed by the truck chase) in Deadpool 2… there is nothing that comes close to it here – it is like they did not even try to wow the audience, assuming that the duo of Deadpool and Wolverine could sustain the whole film no matter what.

    So… again – fun movie, lots to enjoy, better than some of the later Marvel films, but far from the best ones too…

  19. We’re cool, Mr. Vern. Like a hill that some motherfucker is trying to ice skate upwards.

  20. I’ll compose some DP&W thoughts tomorrow but what stands out here is the “save Star Wars” headline. You bought the most popular thing ever for $4 billion. How bad do you have to fuck up that it needs saving 10 years later????

  21. Vern wrote some time ago that he didn’t review comedies, because humour is such a subjective art form. Or something along those lines. And I couldn’t agree more. Because it never fails. Each time we discuss a movie with some, or a lot, of comedic elements, we get 15-20 people telling us that the jokes were bad, didn’t land or were quite simply unfunny. And that’s after I’ve been to the cinema and heard 300 people laugh their asses off at the same jokes. Go figure.

  22. How is it possible that pretty much every single person I know finds Ryan Reynolds to be insufferable, yet he is seemingly the biggest movie star we have now?

  23. I really enjoyed this for what it is. No. It isn’t perfect and the plot has holes everywhere you look, but seeing it in a theater with a bunch of people who were into it was an absolute blast. I also appreciate that Ryan Reynolds clearly loves this character and just goes for it. He really does, to me at least, capture the comics version of Deadpool perfectly. He also seems to be genuinely grateful for the film’s success and I respect the way he’s been giving heartfelt shoutouts to all of the actors who made cameos in the movie and all of that. I get being a little tired of his shtick. Honestly, I was pretty tired of it myself long before the first Deadpool movie came out. But, to me, this is just a case of a perfect match between the actor’s onscreen persona and the role.

    And of course, getting to see Jackman as Logan again was awesome, even if the movie Logan was a near perfect send off. I loved that he didn’t phone it in and still gave us a true performance even if the movie is a bit more “extended sketch comedy skit” than actual movie.

    I was lucky enough to not have the better cameos spoiled for me beforehand so seeing Blade show up gave me chills, and hearing the first utterance of “Flame on” cracked me up.

    Overall, this is another one of those movies where I totally get all the criticisms anyone may have, and even agree with a lot of them, but at the end of the day I just had too much fun to really care about its faults.

  24. Like most everyone, I enjoyed the Wolverine addition and their team up. I agree that it was a fun time that didn’t leave much of a lasting effect. I actually like Ryan Reynolds but can see how he’s a bit much for others. The cameos were fun and they got me with Chris Evans’ surprise character. I think I laughed out loud at it.

    My biggest complaint is that they took the heart out of it, which has always been Vanessa. I think the first one is still a great movie and love that they snuck a love story into a superhero movie FINALLY. Then when they fridged her in the second one I gave them the benefit of the doubt while also giving them the side eye. But they just can’t keep going to that well and it’s definitely showing diminished returns in this one. I really love Wolverine in this and think he’s probably the best part. It just sucks that they jettisoned all the characters with emotional hooks, not just Vanessa but also Cable and Firefist, to fit him in.

  25. This unwieldy bastard child of a thousand franchises might be many other things, but it is primarily a comedy, and as such there is really only one consideration I care about: Did it make me laugh? The answer is yes, many times, probably twice as hard as I’ve laughed in a movie theater in six or seven years, so I don’t really care that the lighting isn’t sufficiently moody or that there should have been more production design in the Void sequences. This is the most overtly comedic of the series, and that comes with the trade-off of it feeling less like a real movie and more like an extended skit. I’m fine with it. I was entertained, which is more than I can say for most of the movies I’ve seen this year. I think I’ve had my fill of the the kind of one-note intensity that so many modern films traffic in. I am in the market for delight, and this stupid, slobbery Golden Retriever of a movie delivers.

  26. “I don’t read a comic book with mediocre art and say “who cares, it’s a comic book, it’s not supposed to be The Guernica.” Comic book movies should have great art!”

    Fuckin’ A, man. I haven’t watched this yet, and the biggest reason isn’t franchise fatigue or even Ryan Reynolds fatigue (which is definitely becoming a thing for me), its “they hired a jobber director.” Nothing in the trailers changed that feeling, and if the visuals and action are just competent at best, then I can wait for the home version. Superhero movies were already getting closer to comics with the ever-growing Marvel movie continuity and crossovers and spin-offs and the ever-shifting DC continuity and reboots, now we have the movie equivalent of a mediocre 90s comic being sold on a bunch of guest stars and drawn by the second-rate artists who imitated Jim Lee after he left the X-Men books.

    I hope I enjoy it, I hope it’s funny. As a lifelong comic nerd guy pushing 40 who counts the X-Men and Wolverine among my favorites, this would have to absolutely shit the bed for me not to get some enjoyment out of it. But if I am going to look at this as a comedy that just happens to have some action, that calls for home viewing with copious drinks.

    I also might be the only person not excited by bring Huge Jacked Man back again. He’s never felt like Wolverine to me (mostly a function of being the de facto main character of the franchise and being defanged/domesticated too quickly), and while I grew to accept the movie version as its own thing I just keep waiting for the character to get a new start and a new actor. I don’t even care about seeing him in the yellow costume, I feel like we have been teased with comic-accurate X-Men costumes multiple times in the movies before and its been too long at this point. And I will just hide my most unpopular opinion at the end here, but I finally got around to watching Logan and it was… fine? I liked the middle section a lot, thought the beginning and ending were ok. Couldn’t make much of an emotional connection, which was a problem since the story was pretty thin. B-

  27. @Maggie May Pie
    YES! I feel the same way about the Vanessa stuff. And what started as a side-eye with the fridging in part 2 turned into a full-on eyeroll when most reviews I read for DP & W started with “Deadpool and Vanessa are on the outs for some reason.” Goddamn y’all, is it that difficult to write a character who is in a happy relationship? We watched Wade be suicidal for two hours and re-write the goddamn timeline to get Vanessa back, just so they can split up? If nothing else, why not tie the TVA plotline to the fact that Wade already fucked around with the timeline and make it about saving his relationship? Maybe that comes up and I just haven’t seen it mentioned because the real point is all the cameos and gags.

  28. Actually, I think this movie might’ve ripped off Into The Spider-Verse, in terms of bare premise? The protag needs the help of an awesome, world-famous superhero, but the one who lives up to the hype has died, so he’s forced to pal around with a lame, alternate-universe version of the hero (who learns to redeem himself over the course of the movie). After being on their own for a while, they team up with a ragtag bunch of misfits from around the multiverse, who range from comedically serious (Spider-Man Noir/Blade) to out and out cartoony (Spider-Ham/Gambit). And their enemy is an evil female version of an iconic male comic book character (Doc Ock/Cassandra Nova). The story ends with the two heroes fighting over which of them should sacrifice themself to stop a doomsday machine from destroying the universe.

    I don’t know, I’m actually convincing myself of this here. I think the writers looked at ITSV, said “let’s use the bare-bones structure that we know works and pack it with a lot of cameos so no one realizes.”

  29. grimgrinningchris

    August 22nd, 2024 at 4:25 am

    Deepfriednoir. To paraphrase Michael Cera in NICK AND NORAHS INFINITE PLAYLIST.. “I rarely wash my jeans. I like to keep the night on them”

  30. grimgrinningchris

    August 22nd, 2024 at 4:54 am

    My date hadn’t seen the first two Deadpool movies and had only seen a handful of Fox or MCU movies and she had a ball and laughed A LOT even with most of the in jokes going over her head. I think Nicepools one line fourth wall break made her pee a little (she mainly knows Reynolds from romcoms). I’m with Maggie on Vanessa. My only issue (like Majestyk all I wanted was for Reynolds to be funny and Jackman to be awesome and was not disappointed in that respect and I kinda love that the best action scene rook place inside a minivan) was the sidelining of his supporting cast in general. Vanessa is one thing. Dopinder is a whole other thing. Blind AL is a whole other thing. Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a WHOLE other thing. I even missed Weasel even though TJ Miller is a human dumpster fire. I missed the character.

  31. Yes! I absolutely agree that it’s too bad how the series’ supporting cast was reduced to cameos. I understand that there wasn’t much room for them in this movie, but they better give them a proper amount of screentime in the next one. Especially Colossus and Negasonic (and Yukio).

  32. It is my understanding that this is not considered a true DEADPOOL sequel. It’s like a crossover issue of a comic book, which tend to be a bit askance of the ongoing storyline in order to accommodate the visiting guest star. The actual DEADPOOL 3 (which almost certainly won’t be called that now) will likely feature the full supporting cast.

  33. Didn’t hate it, didn’t like it much either. I spent the first hour basically not enjoying myself at all (its best joke had been spoiled in the trailer). But it grew on me a little from there on, and even made me laugh a few times. That’s not as bad as it sounds, as I was low-key amused for the rest of the duration. I appreciated some of the humour even if it didn’t make me laugh.

    Low-key amusing is an apt description for Ryan Reynolds, whom I actually don’t hate, though I do find him annoying every now and then. Hughman is great, as usual, and I liked most of the extended cast if not the use the movie had for their characters (just an accessory, easily discarded, for the protagonists). Since no one else has, I’ll go to bat for Dafne Keen’s X13.

    I won’t pile on Levy, as Vern’s hit that nail on the head. I will say that there were some fine ideas in the action scenes, at least, buried under mediocre execution; in that specific way it reminded me a little of SHOOT ‘EM UP, which botched its action in a similar way (just with a lot less money and a lot more feeling). I did like the final action scene, at least – not great, but a huge improvement on the rest.
    And seriously, know your limits, man! You are not George Miller, and any attempt to replicate his work will only highlight just shitty your movie looks.

    In any case, cynical and trendy as it might be, I ended up finding the whole homage of Sony and Fox Marvel movies past legitimately charming, especially with the behind-the-scenes reel at the credits. The movie is a bloated mess, nowhere near as good as the previous two (which I also don’t consider perfect), but I don’t hate it. It’s mid-tier marvel again, somewhat funnier than usual, this time with an R rating.

  34. I laughed a lot, and the minivan scene had my full attention. Wolverine verbally tearing Deadpool down was so good, it made me feel like I was a kid being scolded again. The cameos were fun and had some charm to them.

  35. If Deadpool & Wolverine actually leads to Snipes getting to star in one last solo Blade film- which Reynolds has been lobbying for- then it will ultimately come to be regarded as one of the most important movies of all time.

  36. Finally caught this, and was surprised to find how similar it is to SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY. To wit (with SPOILERS for D&W and I guess Space Jam 2 if you care):

    – The main plot of the movie is about a mischievous, immortal fourth-wall-breaking trickster figure (Deadpool/Bugs) teaming up with more of a straight man (Wolverine/LeBron James) to battle an evil corporate figure and prevent the literal deletion of their friends/world.
    – In doing so, they travel to a Mad Max kind of environment located in the “basement” of their universe/the corporation that owns the IP (Fox/WB).
    – There’s a gag where you think one character has shown up only for the comedic reveal that it’s a different character, played by an actor who was once the Human Torch.
    – There are a zillion cameos by various characters owned by the studio that produced the movie, many of whom are mostly in the background and played by extras/randos instead of the original actors (Mr. Freeze, Penguin, the nuns from The Devils/Juggernaut, Lady Deathstrike and I guess The Russian from The Punisher).
    – Wolverine/LeBron plans to sacrifice themselves to save the day but Deadpool/Bugs beats them to it, but then comes back to life anyway because of cartoon physics.

    Overall I thought DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE was fine. There are some good gags and some dumb ones. Some bits go on too long. The movie has that ugly, flat digital sheen. I liked the Honda Odyssey fight a lot. It was good to see Snipes, Garner, et al again, though I don’t think the movie gave them much to do; same with the recurring Deadpool supporting cast. For a supposed love letter to the Fox/pre-MCU Marvel movies, it didn’t really seem to have much respect for those characters. Regardless, I found the ending strangely affecting. I still have Like a Prayer stuck in my head.

    I have been a Ryan Reynolds fan since he was the second guy on Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. Always rooted for him to have a successful acting career. I guess he made it. I totally get why others would find him insufferable, but I don’t mind his shtick. As far as Reynolds and Levy joints go, though, I prefer FREE GUY to this.

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