"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Triple Frontier

TRIPLE FRONTIER is last week’s straight-to-Netflix-no-theaters release from director J.C. Chandor (MARGIN CALL, ALL IS LOST, A MOST VIOLENT YEAR). This one is higher profile than most such releases because it floated around various big name directors and studios before Netflix bought it with the bottomless money supply their CEO famously received by catching a magic fish, and it stars Oscar Isaac (SUCKER PUNCH), Ben Affleck (ELEKTRA, director’s cut only), Charlie Hunnam (KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD), Garrett Hedlund (TRON LEGACY) Pedro Pascal (THE GREAT WALL) and Adria Arjona (PACIFIC RIM UPRISING). It’s such a big deal for the company that they made the uncharacteristic choice of promoting its existence!

Isaac plays Santiago “Pope” Garcia, an American advising the Colombian military in violent raids on drug gangs. His informant/sometime-girlfriend Yovanna (Arjona) claims to know the location of a jungle fortress where cartel boss Lorea (Reynaldo Gallegos, MONKEY TROUBLE) hides out with all his money. So Pope goes back to the states to recruit some of his old retired spec ops buddies as a team to go in and do reconnaissance and pocket a percentage of the money the police ultimately seize.

At least that’s what he says until they get there, and then it becomes clear that the police don’t know anything about it yet. He wants his buddies to do a heist with him. Ah, shit, Pope. Are you kidding me with this shit?

The reason this one was on my radar is I remember when it was supposed to be Kathryn Bigelow’s followup to ZERO DARK THIRTY. She and Mark Boal have their names on it as executive producers, and Boal still has screenplay credit along with Chandor. I don’t know what Bigelow’s version would’ve been like, but Chandor’s feels less capital-I-Important than Bigelow’s last three films, leaning a little bit heavier on a standard genre template, while reflecting much of her seems-heavily-researched-and-authentic feel. So, somewhere on the spectrum between best picture winner THE HURT LOCKER and best picture you ever saw POINT BREAK.

You know me, I like a good extended recruiting-the-team sequence, from HIT! to UNCOMMON VALOR to OCEAN’S ELEVEN. Here I guess it’s more of a buttering-up-the-team sequence. We have a group of guys who are already kind of a family, but they’re off doing their own things. He starts with William “Ironhead” Miller (Hunnam), who spends his days making speeches about duty and PTSD to new recruits. Seems like he’s a longshot, but he says he’s in if the even bigger longshot “Redfly” is. That’s Tom Davis (Affleck), their old captain, now trying to pay bills for an ex-wife and a daughter (Maddy Wary) who resents him. Redfly is trying to sell real estate when Pope finds him, he says he’s out of the business but asks Pope if he’s going to “the fight,” so they all discuss it further at Ironhead’s brother Ben (Hedlund)’s low-level MMA bout. Francisco “Catfish” Morales (Pascal) shows up too and hey, getting paid to get together with old friends for a vacation to Mexico doesn’t sound so bad.

The subtle original thing about this is the casual way it combines military and crime movies, showing a not-so-distinct line between them. The heroes are all good people, actual heroes, who sacrificed for their countries and didn’t turn evil or anything. But post-military life leads to using all their skills for “security” and mercenary work leads to… this. Mission creep. At least in their case. Yet they stay sympathetic all the way through.

I like the more nuanced way it deals with the “we gave it all for our country and this is how they treat us?” motivation familiar from bad guys in everything from UNDER SIEGE to DEN OF THIEVES. Pope tries to use that line of reasoning to get his friends on board and they pretty much all call bullshit on it. “Fuck you, ‘Nothing to show for it’.” But for Redfly the temptation of the money that could solve so many of his problems combines with a realization that the only time his life felt like it was going right was when he was shooting people. “I miss this,” he admits.


There’s a feeling from the beginning that Pope is kind of full of shit and everyone is aware that they’re giving in to his charms, otherwise how could they forgive him for misleading them into this? And yet he doesn’t ever become the bad guy. During the heist, when he convinces them to do one more sweep for Lorea rather than the one more load of money Redfly is asking for, it’s clear that money really was not his motive. I guess this is another testament to Isaac’s talent for characters who can be read multiple ways, like in DRIVE when he really is a nice guy but it seems like he might be pretending to be nice as a threat to the guy who got close to his wife while he was in prison.

Redfly is the one they all seem to idolize. It feels like maybe they’re doing it partly just for one last chance to be on his team. Pope is in charge, but whenever Redfly switches over to Captain mode they defer to his leadership. Then they see him crack. As they’re smashing open the walls and finding more and more money, he’s like a junkie. At first they’re all giggling and yahooing at their fortune, but a few minutes later they’re like what the fuck is this guy’s problem? We need to leave. And that’s their hero.

It’s pretty standard for heist movies to illustrate the dangers of breaking one’s code. They always have some rule and they break it this one time and it fucks up everything. In this one it’s a special ops rule applied to a heist – they’ve never known Redfly to miss a “hard out.” Everybody on the team makes some bad choice that makes things worse and someone else blames them for it before realizing really it’s on all of them. Because in this story the real problem was choosing loyalty to their brothers or to providing for their family over a higher morality. Each little step they hesitate because they know they’re crossing a line, but they talk themselves or each other into it, come up with a justification. And each line they cross puts them in a position of crossing another worse one, and you can see it on their faces that they know which way they’re being pulled.

Part of the reason the movie works well on me is because they’re all very good and convincing as a team. You can see how they come alive when they go into action, each very comfortable in their expertise and ability to improvise, calm when they have to shoot somebody, choke somebody out or light something on fire. They have a rapport (including bro stuff like pounding each other on the back or arm or with something they’re handing to each other) and share a style of humor and know how to coordinate with each other’s movements. But of course also things go horribly wrong and later they get at each other’s throats, but that never quite overpowers the brotherhood they have. They’ve been through it all together so they’re not shy about hugging and saying “I love you” and knowing it’s not bullshit.


This sounds like one of those things you just say, but my heart really was beating fast during the robbery, especially during the parts where they haven’t run into any problems and seem to have the run of the place. Chandor gives them plenty of time to fuck around knowing the whole time you’re worried that they’re not taking this seriously enough. And the whole journey home is full of intense confrontations and complications, mostly not the standard shit. I love that how much the money weighs and how high the helicopter can fly with that weight is an important part of the plot. Another weird bit is the chaotic car chase with teenagers hired by Lorea’s gang. Like, not scary teenagers, they really look like kids, and there’s the haunting sound of young screams in an otherwise cool car crash scene.

Also for some reason there’s a bunch of Metallica in the movie. I think it’s what the bros were into listening to in war zones, maybe. It works. I like it.

Though the story starts with Pope, everyone’s always reacting to what Redfly does, including starting to lose his shit, so he’s kind of the messy heart of the whole thing. Affleck holds it well, surely in a very different way than original choice Tom Hanks would’ve. I’m even impressed by Affleck’s build for the movie, which looks kind of doughy compared to the unrealistic standards set by super hero fitness regimes (including his own), but resembles some of the real life SEALs. He has two scenes where he rattles off strategies and plans that I didn’t entirely buy as coming off the top of his head. They’d play fine in a normal heightened world, but I think they clash slightly with this more reality-based character.

Hunnam has one of the more compelling performances I’ve seen from him even though his accent drifts quite a bit. I couldn’t tell if the sort of California surfer sound was intended to be goofy, but I dig the oddness of it. Not the obvious choice.

I’ve seen Pascal in a couple movies (THE GREAT WALL, THE EQUALIZER 2, IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK) where he didn’t make much of an impression on me, but here he was a highlight as the guy who’s most flippant about taking part in the job, as if it’s on a whim, but becomes the most outraged at everyone’s lack of discipline. But the fact that they get mad and then make up, rather than entirely turning on each other, is their saving grace.

One thing that’s unusual for a heist movie is that even as the mission spirals out of control, causing worse and worse moral lapses, with increasing danger and death, the team doesn’t turn greedier. At many different steps of the journey they willingly give up some of their earnings – to lighten the load on the helicopter, to pay off some villagers they fuck over, to stay warm at night! – and they rarely complain about it. You can feel the pain of getting way more money than expected and then ending up with less, but they’re not gonna let you see them cry about it. Ultimately they realize they have to dump almost all of the money and instead it becomes a fight to escape with the more important cargo – their friend’s body. Back home, when it’s time to collect their share, each of them decides to give it up, so that Redfly’s ex-wife who only let him into the garage and daughter who seemed to hate him can become millionaires.

(I do think Ironhead having the coordinates to where they dumped the money, though very satisfying for the end of a standard heist movie, takes away some of the purity of them willingly giving up their take.)

I don’t know what the consensus is, I’ve seen some complaints, but I really think TRIPLE FRONTIER is a good one. Seems to me it’ll be satisfying for most people who just want to see a heist/crime movie, but it’s able to do that with a seriousness about the consequences of violence and immorality. It walks the tightrope of seeming kinda highbrow but not at the expense of being enjoyable. Like, if you’re a fan of SICARIO but it’s too heavy to watch today, maybe it’s a TRIPLE FRONTIER day. If it were able to have a future on video and cable I think it would catch on over time, but we can’t have everything. So if you have a Netflix subscription check out TRIPLE FRONTIER before you forget it exists.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 at 10:20 am and is filed under Action, Crime, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

23 Responses to “Triple Frontier”

  1. Is this another movie marketed like an actin movie but the director isn’t interested in an action movie so there really are no action sequence? Like Sicario

  2. Watched this last week and dug it. Not a classic of the genre, but it was a fun way to spend two hours.

    Isaac is just fantastic in everything he does. Always brings a solid humanity to his character, even if it’s a guy planning to rob and execute a druglord.

    I liked Affleck in this a lot too- he really nailed the defeated divorced dad.

    And even in a movie with multiple murders of innocent farmers and dumbass teenagers, the donkey death was the most awful.

  3. I mean, let’s be honest- Oscar Isaac could show up and ask me, a guy with no weapons training or military experience whatsoever, to help him rob a drug dealer’s South American mansion and I’d absolutely be too charmed to say no.

  4. Unpopular opinion here, but after LAST JEDI and EX MACHINA, I don’t think I like Isaac anymore. He just feels toxic. I realize this is because of the parts he was asked to play, but there’s a little Billy Zane In TITANIC action going on here where he played his asshole parts a little TOO well and now I don’t even want to look at him anymore. This is irrational on my part, I realize, but his vibe went from the guy who brought unexpected humanity to scumbag roles to just kind of a gaslighting prick who gets by on his looks and charm. I tend to hate that fucking guy, and Isaac is a little too good at playing that fucking guy.

    I’m still gonna watch this but it’s not because of him.

  5. I love how this movie is almost proud to be a blatant metaphor for every war since WWII – SPOILER – we go in pretending to help the poor, but we’re really after the money, and all goes fine until we get into trouble with the population and we get chased out with dead comrades in body bags and no glory, and when we get home all we have to hold on to is the respect for each other – but it’s a good one. I doubt that Bigelow’s version would have been like this.

  6. I had much the same feeling about this as TJ. I was excited at the prospect of a J. C. Chandor action film — what would the guy who made Margin Call do with a macho genre pic like this, something that looked like a movie my buddies and I would have rented on VHS back in the mid 80s? And with that cast??? Ultimately it felt a bit generic–great performances that outshone the material. I was quite surprised when (SPOILERS I guess) the movie became much more about the logistics of moving the money than anything else — I had expected our gang to spend the second hour fleeing on foot through the jungle from the drug lord’s guys, not slowly grinding themselves up and over the mountains. I saw a review that mentioned The Wages of Fear, and it’s a fair comparison. (though by no means would I say Triple Frontier is up to that level of quality and intensity)

    I 100% bought all the main guys as super-competent soldiers with tons of experience together in crazy situations. And I liked the way their tempers would flare up, then die down–different characters would blow their stacks at each other, then calm down and apologize, if only to maintain the calm teamwork needed to stay calm to get through the situation.

    So, this was less distinctive to me than I would have hoped for from a movie directed by Chandor with so many great performers in it, but a very enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.

  7. Yeah, bit of a letdown considering the pedigree of everyone involved. There’s the classic set-up of them accidentally stealing from some very scary people, characters specifically saying that stone-cold killers are going to be coming after them to get the money back–and all they end up facing is yokels and yahoos. Maybe that’s supposed to be the point, but I don’t think there are so many R-rated men on a mission action movies coming out for it to really land as subversive. It kinda feels like they just didn’t have any budget left over after getting all these great actors to give them much to actually *do*.

  8. I’ve yet to watch this, and I’m not even sure I’m ever going to, but the amount of reviews calling it kind of generic has been giving me a chuckle. I guess it’s the one case of correctly judging a book by it’s cover because freaking Triple Frontier has to be one of the most generic titles I’ve come across in a long time.

    It succeeds in evoking absolutely nothing, which I guess it’s sort of hard to do if you think about it. Why one would want to do it (and did!) is a different story…

  9. Giorno Giovanna

    March 19th, 2019 at 3:09 pm

    My problem with this movie is that it seems more interested in the characters than on the action part, BUT NOT INTERESTED ENOUGH SO LET’S JUST END RIGHT HERE, FOLKS, YEAH, THIS IS THE CLIMAX, YEP, BYE.

    I mean (SPOILERS): after the “thing-that-happens-and-everyone-is-fucked” we have some little scenes with them talking about what happened, thinking about their goals and so on, but it felt too rushed for me. At first I tought they would go to the “Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid trying to go to Bolivia” route, but they didn’t try too much. So, you don’t have a lot of action (that’s ok, it works), but there’s no real weight to their choices to make up for the “character arc” part. Ok, people get killed, a lot of fucked up things happen, but Oscar Isaac, Affleck and co. just brush them off and keep going. The only difference is that they change the discourse a little. (END OF SPOILERS)

    It felt a little flat to me, sadly.

  10. That magic fish line is one for the ages.

    I haven’t watched this yet but we seem to be at a turning point for bottomless moneybag Netflix. They’re cancelling shows as popular as One Day At a Time, and Marvel (admittedly a tad more complicated because of Disney). It won’t be long before this affects their movies too.

  11. Thanks for recommending this, I thought it was very very solid. Nice to see professionals deal with the catastrophic aftermath of the heist with the same level of skill they brought to the original job.

  12. This is the kind of unoriginal-yet-enjoyable movie that I will probably never see because it’s on Netflix. I might have rented it or seen it at the cinema, but since I know it’s on a streaming service then I will just add it to my queue of shame and forget it exists. Do younger people have this problem too or is it just those of us too old to giggle at the mention of a Blockbuster Video.

  13. It worked for me but it was not anything special. This time surprisingly I like every member of the cast. I have a soft spot for Affleck who I think is a genuinely good actor, love Charlie Hunnam (recently completed Sons of Anarchy and loved it, so), Oscar Isaac is a good actor and Pedro Pascal did wonderfully in Narcos (I didn’t see him in anything else – yeah I like to read GoT rather than watch it). And their group dynamics were fine.

    I’d have liked this one better if it was an action film (the first action scene with Isaac was really good) and Ms. Bigelow would have made this so much better. But it was not bad at all.

    Loved Vern’s comment on how some days Sicario may be too heavy and you can watch this one. Spot on.

  14. Eliza, considering the politics in Bigelow’s other movies about men in war I doubt she would have gotten the anti war message here right.

  15. I felt really bad for the mules, especially the one that fell. R.I.P.

    I liked this flick a lot.

  16. Really liked this one.

  17. Thanks for the review, Vern. Thought it was a good movie. If you are looking for interesting Pedro Pasqual I wonder if you were going to review Prospect? Great little indie scifi flick. Pedro is very cool in it, too.

  18. Iván González

    March 20th, 2019 at 6:36 pm


    Ben Affleck is nothing short of spectacular in this film. I specially like how he knows he fucked up killing that old man and is just immediately deflated.

  19. This was the first Netflix film I watched immediately (I STILL haven’t seen Bird Box, Roma, Bright, etc…) and it’s….kinda like a big-budget version of the other Netflix films I’ve seen – pretty solid, not really bad, but kinda flat and missing something. I wouldn’t exactly be mad if I paid money to see this in theaters, but I wouldn’t be raving or recommending it to people either.

    I agree that the brotherhood and bond between the men is the best thing about the movie, and *SPOILERS* I don’t think it would necessarily be better if the greed made them turn on each other (which the film teases several times), but without some kind of an emotional or character hook, everything post-heist sorta dragged for me. By the time it turned into a mini-remake of Alive with them trekking through the Andes in the snow, I had weirdly checked out for some reason.

    Sternshein – there’s a pretty decent amount of action, a body count in the….30s maybe?, a couple of explosions. There’s definitely more “action” than the first Sicario but no scene as exciting as that caravan scene. Speaking of which, I’d actually say Oscar Isaac’s other Black Ops South American Men on a Mission movie, Operation Finale, was a more satisfying experience even though that one had no action at all.

  20. “This sounds like one of those things you just say, but my heart really was beating fast during the robbery, especially during the parts where they haven’t run into any problems and seem to have the run of the place.”

    Exactly me feelings too!!

  21. It was ok overall but really worth the watch for Affleck’s performance. Man am I really gonna miss that guy as Batman. Flew too close to the sun.

  22. I finally got around to seeing this last night. I liked it. I thought they did a really good job at balancing the action and drama. The message was clear and meaningful without hitting you over the head with preaching. Looking at the trivia in IMDB it’s obvious that it suffered quite a bit in production, what with every actor working in Hollywood being signed to it at some point. It also suffers from the most generic title ever. It’s too bad it didn’t get more traction.

    I thought Affleck, Isaac and Hunnam did especially good. No, you know, they all did especially good. Affleck, though, was very impressive and believable as a moral guy who decides to smudge those lines and then gets carried away. And you can see that he knows he’s getting carried away and is unhappy about it, but can’t help himself. Pascal, though, has my 2 favorite lines. One where the drug lord pops out of his panic room and they get into a gun fight and Pascal comes in, gun ready, saying, “What are we shooting at in here?!” The second is the end when they’re in the truck with teenage drug cartel flunkies chasing them and Isaac is trying to keep them back without shooting to kill and Pascal is telling him to kill them and Isaac says they’re not killing any more people and Pascal says, “If we get to the beach and Benny’s not there, I’m killing people.”

    One thing that kind of bugged me. ***SPOILERS*** And it’s nothing to do with the quality of the movie, just character decision making. I was annoyed that they all gave up their money to Redfly’s family. It wasn’t like they weren’t getting anything. They were getting their fair share. And I know it’s the whole principle of the thing, brothers in arms, yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s just that it’s pretty much solely Redfly’s fault it all went to shit in the first place. Yes, there was questionable stuff that went down, starting with Pope lying to them to get them all down there and everyone went along with Redfly’s bad decisions, but it’s still him that blew their hard out time; it was him that demanded they get the van of money when they wanted to leave it and take off with backpacks into the jungle after the guards came back; it was him that pushed for taking all the money on the helicopter even though it was too heavy (this was the most annoying one); and it was him that started shooting the cocaine farmers. Although, I’m not sure what else he should’ve done once the guy pulled out a machete and lunged at him. Plus, Catfish starting shooting there, too, but not until Redfly did. Anyway, what I’m saying is, maybe give his family some of your money, but not all of it. Especially Catfish, who talked about having a new baby.

  23. I made my wife watch this last week. I really liked it, she hated it. We had the same result a few weeks ago with EXTRACTION so I don’t think she will be watching any more of these Netflix movies. I’m glad I didn’t try to get her to watch POINT BLANK today because even I had to turn that one off halfway through.

    Maggie, I also had huge problems with the decision making here, but in a much different way than you. We were both yelling furiously at the screen for them to —- SPOILER —- leave the goddamned body behind! Why the fuck could they not leave it? They each could have carried a few bags instead. That drove me absolutely nuts. But at the same time, I was disappointed that they did not go full SIERRA MADRE at the end. At least that would have been a satisfying ending…

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