Dracula Untold

If DRACULA UNTOLD isn’t forgotten, then it’s kind of notorious. From what I remembered it was the start of the Dark Universe, the planned shared universe of action-oriented Universal Monster reboots. The public scoffed at that whole idea, then everybody (besides me) hated THE MUMMY and the whole thing got scrapped and became a punchline.

But it wasn’t originally intended to be part of that anyway. The script had been around for a while. I remember reading about it years earlier when it was gonna be an Alex Proyas movie called DRACULA: YEAR ZERO. Sam Worthington was to star. It wasn’t about starting anything, it was about prequelizing Dracula as a thrilling 21st century fantasy adventure character – to give the iconic cape-wearer a heroic backstory, or at least good intentions and motives. Basically it asks what if before he was the Count we all know, he was what I call a Fantasy Sword Dude: the pretty cool, unevenly charismatic hero of a digital era studio b-movie.

There was then, and still is today, a prevailing attitude that this type of high concept remixing is laughable, shameful, symptomatic of a creatively bankrupt Hollywood. But that’s a viewpoint built on two snobbish premises:

1) The beloved stories of our culture like Dracula are either old hat or sacred, and either way retelling them in absurd new ways for fun is low class

2) Action/special-effects-oriented movies are low class

Nope. Sorry. DRACULA UNTOLD may not be one of the top Dracula pictures, but Fantasy Sword Dude Dracula is a great idea. I support him.

Like Francis Ford Coppola’s BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA, this one opens with narrated tales of Vlad Tepes (Luke Evans, NO ONE LIVES)’s war crimes and shocking mass-impalements. In this telling, though, he’s one of a thousand boys enslaved by the Turkish sultan, grew up a child soldier, and became their scariest warrior, earning the nickname “Vlad the Impaler, Son of the Dragon.” Though he ends up abandoning them, “sickened by his monstrous acts,” he later tries to defend them in Machiavellian claims that terrorizing one village by being “a monster” prevented multiple villages from being killed in war. I don’t think the movie endorses this point of view, but it still feels like it’s brushing over the whole “our hero is the actual historical tyrant known for impaling people” concept. I mean, it’s asking us to forgive quite a bit.

When you just think of him as the literary Dracula, though, it’s pretty cool. Returned to his throne as Prince of Wallachia and Transylvania, he personally leads the band of elite knights that guard from enemy incursions. When they track evidence of a Turkish scout to a bat-filled cave on top of uninhabited Broken Tooth Mountain, they’re confronted not by hiding invaders but a hissing vampire played by Charles Dance (ALIEN 3). I like that they don’t just say “a vampire,” but instead explain him as a demon cursed to hide in the dark until he can find someone to take his place. His look seems like a conscious homage to both Count Orlok from NOSFERATU and Death from THE SEVENTH SEAL.

Later, Sultan Mehmed II (Dominic Cooper, NEED FOR SPEED), the Turk who grew up as a brother to Vlad but who’s a total prick to him, sends an emissary to interrupt the big Easter feast with demands for “one thousand boys” plus Vlad’s son Ingeras (Art Parkinson, voice of Kubo in KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS) to revive the inscripted army tradition of the good old days. Remembering that he was given to the Turks by his father as a peace offering, Vlad decides he can’t ask the same of Ingeras, even though the kid is willing to do it as his patriotic duty. Instead Vlad chops up the emissaries and sacrifices himself by going back to that cave and asking that vampire to do his thing.

It works in a cool fairy tale type of way. The Master bites his own wrist and uses a broken skull as a cup for the blood. When Vlad drinks it he’ll have three days, to sample being a vampire, try it on, take it for a test drive. He can use vamp powers in a fight, or whatever he wants, and if that’s all he does – fine, back to normal, no strings attached, glad I could help, cancel at any time. But if he gives in to the “insatiable thirst for human blood” side effect… well, then he’s stuck like this forever, and the Master is free. I think for Vlad it’s kind of like joining the BMG Music Club. He doesn’t really realize how hard it is to remember to send in the card before they mail you a bunch of stuff you didn’t want and now have to pay for.

There’s kind of a super hero movie here. He has the thrill of learning he can turn into a swarm of bats, and figuring out how to use that. Pretty soon he’s wearing a long black coat like he doesn’t give half a fuck what time period it is, cracking his knuckles, his hair slightly blowing in the wind, he uses sonar to survey the approaching army, bares his fangs, runs into a mob of like two thousand armored Turkish knights and single-handedly fucks up every last one of them – stabbing, punching, slashing, breaking their swords with his bare hands, appropriating a halberd. There’s a cool shot where he stabs a guy and the camera stays close on the sword stuck in the guy’s belly and watches Vlad kill some more guys in the reflection of the blade before he pulls it back out. Eventually it cuts to later and he’s surrounded by a couple city blocks worth of corpses, many burning. This is a PG-13 movie by the way.

For a while he hides from his old lady Mirena (Sarah Gadon, ENEMY) that his skin burns in sunlight, but she notices all his childhood whipping scars have somehow healed, which she considers suspicious. She comes across as a bit of a killjoy about all this vampire stuff, but she’s obviously right. It’s actually very believable that a guy would be this stubborn about his reckless vampire flirtation.

When he gets outed as a monster Mirena tries to convince an angry mob “He is your prince, he deserves a chance to explain!,” so he makes an angry speech, surrounded in flames, about “You’re alive because of me! Because of what I did to save you!” We know because she tells him “This isn’t you!” that he’s on his way toward being a bad guy. But he’s not a full nosferatu yet. He can still go into an empty, candle-filled church to ask for forgiveness, like a John Woo protagonist.

He figures out he can wave his hands like a conductor to control giant swarms of bats that wipe out waves of soldiers and even form a giant fist that punches down at them. Also he grows claws. Claws are cool. I would go for pointy ears and black eyes too but they try to keep him handsome most of the time.

I won’t try to convince anybody that this is some great misunderstood movie, but it is definitely the type of shit I enjoy at a weekday matinee. I don’t know why I didn’t see it back in 2014, but I’m glad I finally rectified the situation. It has what I want out of the Fantasy Sword Dude genre: shameless pulpiness done in earnest, a large scope achieved with lots of digital show-offery, fantastical digital matte paintings, flailing virtual cameras, a loud and rousing score by Ramin Djawadi (BLADE: TRINITY, CLASH OF THE TITANS, FRIGHT NIGHT remake, THE GREAT WALL). I would also compare it to movies like the RESIDENT EVIL series, with all its fun uses of cg like vampire skin and blood burning in sunlight, the Master having a long wiggly tongue, Vlad’s bat-swarm powers and sonar-vision, and the impalement of a vampire where his skin drips off leaving a cool skeleton.

Though I wouldn’t mind it leaning a little more into its horror imagery, I think DRACULA UNTOLD succeeds at mixing fantasy-action-adventure with notes of Dracula-ness: scary castles and mountains, lots of bat imagery, lightning strikes portending his arrival to battle. I like that he wears scary dragon-themed black armor with a red cape. We see him scaling mountains, the cape blowing around. Young badass pre-Count. They don’t really get into wooden stakes and coffins, but being a rich guy with lots of treasure the Sultan comes up with a great idea of filling a chamber with silver coins to duel Vlad in.

If they made this now I don’t think they’d let Cooper play Turkish. He had also played Iraqi in THE DEVIL’S DOUBLE. The movie’s portrayal of wicked Turks feels gross, but I suppose it’s in the tradition of Stoker’s novel and its movie adaptations treating someone from Transylvania as the scary Other invading our turf.

The last scene has him still around in the present, meeting a woman who looks exactly like his wife, and her name is Mina. So basically it’s setting up a retelling of Stoker’s novel, but set in 2014. What a crazy time – Richard Linklater puts out the movie he filmed over 11 years, D’Angelo and Aphex Twin drop their first albums since 2001, the Dark Prince crosses oceans of time to find his lady. Lots of things coming to fruition that year.

I remembered the reports that the epilogue was a reshoot designed to connect it to the Dark Universe. I had forgotten that some sources at the time denied this, and I tend to believe them. If they were really trying to do that they probly would’ve involved Russell Crowe’s Dr. Jekyll character from THE MUMMY. I suspect the truth is that they were considering using this Dracula in those movies if people liked him, but were deliberately leaving their options open.

Another thing I forgot is that this was kind of a hit, making $217.1 million in theaters, for a genre that even then seemed destined to be watched mostly on video and cable. So if we do consider it part of the Dark Universe then that whole endeavor wasn’t as much of a fiasco as its reputation implies. Oh shit, yeah, and it says here THE MUMMY made $410 million!? But these are both movies that despite making money I never met anybody (besides me) who liked them, so they’re remembered as failures, and that’s the correct approach, I think. The money part is somebody else’s concern.

I finally watched this because of Robert Eggers’ NOSFERATU. I thought it would be funny to watch it and pretend it was the origin of that character. It doesn’t match up though, because #1, the modern day ending, #2 the mustache. Actually Evans would look pretty great with the mustache. Maybe that would’ve saved the Dark Universe.

Apparently there were scenes shot with Samantha Jane Barks (LES MISERABLES) as Baba Yaga and Charlie Cox (star of the Netflix Marvel show The Unbearable Daredevil) as Caligula, but they were cut. Sounds good, though. Two fan-favorite characters who could’ve strengthened the franchise.

DRACULA UNTOLD was the feature debut of Irish director Gary Shore. Despite its success it was nine years before he made his second movie, HAUNTING OF THE QUEEN MARY. The writing team of Matt Sazama & Burk Sharpless got more of a career out of it, and I feel like even more of a chump for missing DRACULA UNTOLD now that I realize I paid to see the entire rest of their filmography in theaters: THE LAST WITCH HUNTER, GODS OF EGYPT, POWER RANGERS, MORBIUS and MADAME WEB. Man, they have a brand, don’t they? The brand of “things I kind of got a kick out of but everybody else thinks they suck.” I can’t wait to be in a mostly empty theater seeing whatever they come up with next.

* * *

P.S. Some of you might be able to help me with something. Watching this made me get excited about this type of movie and want to fill in the gaps. You know, these 21st century studio b-movies, pulpy but taken seriously, big budgets but not blockbusters, not usually released in the summer, lots of digital monsters and fantastical settings, disrespected by critics, many of them considered huge flops. Things with a Paul W.S. Anderson or Dark Universe type of spirit – they could be fantasy-action, horror-action, maybe sci-fi-action, just not YA-oriented. I’m talking VAN HELSING, 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE, KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD, the RESIDENT EVIL series, the third HELLBOY movie, stuff like that. There’s probly not a such thing as an obscure one, but plenty may have been forgotten.

I figured there must be a bunch of them I skipped at the time, but I did some research and couldn’t find much. Any suggestions?


This entry was posted on Monday, January 27th, 2025 at 7:07 am and is filed under Reviews, Action, Fantasy/Swords, Horror. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

23 Responses to “Dracula Untold”

  1. Hard to think of that many examples of films of that ilk not covered here already – maybe some of neil marshall’s recent, detested flop era stuff with his new gf in?

    I have only experienced them as trailers but they’ve clearly been aiming for (and missing) a PWS x Mila vibe

  2. Actually thinking about it – i might have a couple – apologies if i am insulting yout taste by suggesting you didn’t cover these tho if i’ve simply failed to find them.

    Tarsem, of ‘the fall’ fame, trashed his rep with the utterly bizarre 300 riff Immortals which is all the films you mentioned put in a blender and turned up to 11. Interesting just as a mental, trashy aesthetic object and because this is from the guy who did The Fall.

    There’s also ‘the last legion’ which i think is one of those underexplored objects just cos the writer, jez butterworth, is maybe the most acclaimed living english playwright who has routinely worked, in cinema terms, on trash or very divisive franchise movies (the new indiana jones, spectre).

    Both creatives above have also done stuff on tv that in movie form would prob have registered here. I was astonished to learn that Tarsem made a totally forgotten insanely gritty reboot of The Wizard of Oz in the 2010s. The trailer has to be seen to be believed. Butterworth also made britannia, which was a decent but baggy tv series about roman conquest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WgvCprJLkw

  3. Movies in that vein I can think of, and don’t currently have reviews on the site are the aforementioned Immortals and The Last Legion, and also Seventh Son and Centurion.

  4. Vern, you may have already checked this one out but I couldn’t find a review and this fits the bill you describe pretty perfectly – Seventh Son from 2014. It has a respectable cast and the master/student relationship between Jeff Bridges and Ben Barnes is pretty fun. Julianne Moore plays a super-witch (and ex-girlfriend of Bridges’ character) who gets out of witches’ jail and starts rounding up the coven for another shot at Makin’ the World Great Again. The movie may not all work in the end but the journey to get there is pretty entertaining, and it’s not the worst movie to underutilize Djimon Hounsou.

  5. I am pretty sure you have covered all of his movies, but I feel like Stephen Sommers fits into this pretty well, what with THE MUMMY series and those G.I. JOE movies (which I loved) and etc.

  6. SydCarton – Great pick! Totally forgot about that one.


  7. Another one that comes to mind is Jack the Giant Slayer.

  8. I also enjoyed The Mummy so maybe I should give this one a shot, too. As to your request, I wonder would the The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2010) fit the bill?

  9. Actually scratch that, I missed the “not YA-oriented” part.

  10. It’s not out yet (I think) but A Knight’s War looks like exactly what you are grooving on. Bonus: directed by the guy who played Psycho Goreman hisownself. Check out the trailer.

    Also, in this same vein, when was the last time you watched one of the Legend cuts? I think there might be some items to go back to examine.

    If I had my millions of dollars to create a film, why in Crom hasn’t ANY Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane tales been adapted? I mean, everything that a studio would want is right there. Fucking Riddick is “basically” Kane but not nearly as awesome. Nobody would ever do it but holy shit, if someone like Eggars adapted Darkness Weaves With Many Shades I’d probably just let movies happen without ever wishing there was THAT one. I dunno. We were talking about werewolves in another talkback but I kept wanting to pull out Wagner’s “Reflections for the Winter of My Soul”. There’s a werewolf vs. barbarian tale for the ages.

    Vern, I don’t know I’ve seen much mention of Karl Edward Wagner when it comes to your reading but I implore you to explore his works if you haven’t yet.

    He was a fascinatingly flawed creator who did exactly what you do here; champion the unheralded and the sheer thrill of fiction.

    I can’t understand a single person who enjoys gritty fantasy/horror fiction not reading his Kane tales without acknowledging what he’s doing with the form(s). It’s Parker, the Barbarian. And then he travels through time and space to other realities, because he’s also lived for untold eons so, is a bit of a sorcerer himself. So…he might end up carrying a nuclear bomb into the past or dealing sex-altering drugs in the 90’s or fighting with the last giant on Earth.

    C’mon guys, you know this one, right?

  11. Would I, Frankenstein be considered to be in this genre Vern?

  12. SOLOMON KANE? I believe I and 15 other people saw it, but it’s really a lot of fun. Good action and between this and IRONCLAD, for about 10 minutes, James Purefoy looked set for bigger things in movies, which sadly didn’t happen but the guy is still pretty busy on TV so that’s not bad.

  13. And…..I sent that one out blissfully unaware Vern has reviewed it:


    So, am happy Vern’s one of the 15.

  14. I feel like sometimes, Hollywood picks certain guys to be stars, and every once in a while, they miss. Luke Evans and Dominic Cooper together in a movie? Yeah, that’s a double-miss. Charlie Cox was a miss there for a while too — I couldn’t bear him in movies until he became Daredevil, and I’m still not sure I do today.

    I read a little about Gary Shore, apparently he was getting into meetings for a lot of big movies during this time, and he’d come fully prepared with elaborate animatics to emphasize how cool everything would look onscreen. I don’t know if they honestly thought they’d let him direct, say, “The Wolverine” if everyone else said no (I think he was in meetings for that one) or if they just kept inviting him to watch his animatics and maybe steal ideas.

    I never understood the idea to do prequels of these super powerful legendary characters, and whenever it’s time to explain where they got their abilities, it’s because someone more powerful gave them to him. I haven’t seen this, but given that Dracula gets his powers from an ancient revenant, I’m left wondering, what’s the story with the ancient revenant? I hate that prequel storytelling aspect of, “How’d he get X?” “Oh, someone gave it to him.”

    This movie came out when I was in holding, before my sentencing. I still remember the commercial coming up and some hardened criminal getting excited, going, “DRACULA!” Then he looked around, realized he was sitting alone, and he let out a belated, much quieter, “…un-told!”

  15. Thanks for the suggestions. Some of them I’ve seen and didn’t like, but maybe they’re worth a rewatch. I thought I had seen SEVENTH SON but now that I look at it I don’t think I have. And HANSEL AND GRETEL I will definitely watch.

  16. HANSEL AND GRETEL WITCH HUNTERS is pretty much exactly what you’d expect plot-wise, but I remember being very impressed by the practical effects and makeup. There were scenes with like three or four monsters, physically in the scene, just hanging out and waiting for something to develop. I love stuff like that. Visually, it was sorta Gilliam-esque, even.

    SEVENTH SON I’ve always been wary about, because I think that was one of those cases where the movie sat on the shelf for like three years.

    Vern, I think you’re basically asking to sample the entire Sony Screen Gems catalog here. Beware!

  17. RE: Tarsem. I find it interesting that he had a bit of an “Look, I can make normal movies too” streak. IMMORTALS is pretty bad, but far from ugly looking, although he obviously held himself back. There are still shots and pieces of art direction that you can show out of context to anybody and they will probably say: “Is that from the guy who made THE CELL?”, but it was obviously a for-hire work. Even EMERALD CITY, while being so boring that I never finished it, is probably the visually most stunning Network TV show this side of HANNIBAL. (Seriously, that trailer seemed to be made with the thought of hiding the coolest looking shit to not scare audiences away.) SELF/LESS was by far his most anonymous thing to date and I have no idea why the guy, who was famous for rejecting tons of prestigeous music video offers from iconic artists by saying “Sorry, the music doesn’t fit my visuals” would do such a run-of-the-mill thriller. (I still recommend it, because how Ryan Reynolds kills the bad guy at the end would’ve made Golan-Globus proud!)

    Sadly I can’t really recommend any movies that you might want, Vern. Maybe there are a bunch of international ones buried deep on Netflix? Germany recently actually had a major fantasy motion picture again, with an adaptation of the Nibelungen Saga, but I have no idea if it was any good and honestly, from the trailer it looks more like they were trying to be GAME OF THRONES without the extreme sex and violence.

  18. I was going to also mention Solomon Kane, but I’m glad someone else figured out that Vern has already reviewed it. I remember watching that film expecting some cheapo direct to video movie, and then being surprised that it had good special effects. From what I vaguely remember, it was supposed to be released in theaters, but somehow got sidelined, so it had an impressive budget for a dark fantasy film of the early 2000s.

    I’ve been meaning to revisit it because the same director is also making a Red Sonja movie. And, interesting enough, she came out as trans a few years ago.

  19. For unreviewed ones… I mean, if we somehow stretch the definition out until it covers Full Moon movies and off-brand Marvel properties, I’d love to see DOCTOR MORDRID on here. And maybe the batshit, epic-in-their-own-eyes SUBSPECIES saga, which has the advantage of being all about vampires.
    All the other ones I can think of (JONAH HEX, the newer CONAN) have already been written up.

    Also, this-

    “#2 the mustache. Actually Evans would look pretty great with the mustache. Maybe that would’ve saved the Dark Universe.”

    – is amazing.

  20. I was certain the director of The Seventh Son got the job because he previously directed the Russian medieval fantasy epic Wolfhound. Checking imdb told me it was actually some other Russian director and I somehow got them mixed up. Anyway, I remember really enjoying Wolfhound back in the day.


  21. It’s not a “fantasy adventure” so much as high-budget gothic horror version of Ang Lee’s HULK, but I just revisited 2010’s THE WOLFMAN starring Benicio del Toro. I hated it at the time but it worked a lot better for me now. They don’t make straight-faced campy horror melodramas with this level of production value anymore. And you can’t swing a dead cat in that movie without hitting three gorgeous shafts of light.

    Also I’ve been getting 403 errors when trying to comment from a desktop, but it appears to work from my phone.

  22. I fuckin love this movie, he makes a giant fist out of bats and punches an army.
    Absolute peak cinema

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