Posts Tagged ‘Eva Green’
Monday, March 17th, 2025
DIRTY ANGELS is not the newest Martin Campbell joint – that’s CLEANER starring Daisy Ridley – but the one from 2024, now on DVD in Canada. I don’t exactly know the events that shifted Mr. Campbell from A-lister who kicked off the last two eras of 007 and did the motherfuckin MASK OF ZORRO to journeyman in the trenches making barely released, mostly generic but pretty cool female-driven action movies, but I’m not gonna knock it. There are many worse trajectories to take in life.
This one is Afghanistan War Movie #562 (set as the war is ending, like most of them now), but the female stars and commando nature of the conflict do make it stand out a little. You have your vicious terrorist leader (George Iskandar), local contacts and lack of trust, but there are no raids on houses, it’s low on desert, and it’s about rescuing hostages ISIS abducted from an all girls school in Pakistan. Can’t object to that cause. (read the rest of this shit…)
Tags: Afghanistan War, Alissa Sullivan Haggis, Aziz Capkurt, Christopher Backus, Edmund Kingsley, Emily Bruni, Esti Yerushalmi, Eva Green, Gene Quintano, Jojo T. Gibbs, Jonas McCord, Laetitia Eido, Maria Bakalova, Martin Campbell, Reza Brojerdi, Rona-Lee Shimon, Ruby Rose
Posted in Reviews, Action | 4 Comments »
Friday, October 7th, 2016

MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN takes place in a quirky, goth-y world of young outcast monsters, a story for young people who enjoy the macabre, a premise that sounds like X-MEN but plays more like THE ADDAMS FAMILY. It seems tailor made for a Tim Burton comeback film. Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe he needs to find something off the rack that looks good on him. No, actually that’s probly what he did here. Maybe he needs to sew something himself. I don’t know. This metaphor got away from me.
Asa Butterfield (HUGO) plays Jake, our protagonist and first person narrator, who lives a boring life in a Scissorhandsian Florida suburb until one day he finds his Grandpa (Terence Stamp, ELEKTRA, THE PHANTOM MENACE) dead in the woods with his fucking eyeballs plucked out. (The police soothe him by explaining that dogs ate ’em.) Also he sees a giant.
Kinda like BIG FISH, he finds himself tracing the seemingly-fantastical tales Grandpa told him and left behind in letters, journals, photos and maps. (Burton has been past his prime long enough that he’s harkening back to movies from past his prime.) He convinces his dad (Chris O’Dowd, CALVARY) to bring him to Wales to see this children’s home where Grandpa once lived. (read the rest of this shit…)
Tags: Asa Butterfield, Chris O'Dowd, Eva Green, Jane Goldman, Judi Dench, Samuel L. Jackson, Terence Stamp, Tim Burton
Posted in Fantasy/Swords, Reviews | 12 Comments »
Monday, December 1st, 2014

I’m not saying I liked SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR exactly, but it wasn’t as bad as reported. Considering that its two directors’ last films were THE SPIRIT and MACHETE KILLS, which I would consider among the worst things I’ve ever paid to see in theaters, this almost seems like a real movie.
It has all the same problems as the first SIN CITY without the novelty of being a weird new approach to a comic book adaptation, and with very little technological or stylistic advancement considering it was done 9 years later. But I think maybe things bugged me about the first one that people overlooked at the time and now are having a problem with, so they’re being harder on it than me. I don’t know. (read the rest of this shit…)
Tags: Bruce, Bruce Willis, Eva Green, Frank Miller, Jessica Alba, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Lady Gaga, Powers Boothe, Ray Liotta, Robert Rodriguez, Rosario Dawson
Posted in Comic strips/Super heroes, Crime, Reviews | 36 Comments »
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014
300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE sounds like it would be the name of a DTV prequel to 300, from the producers of DEATH RACE 2. In fact it is a major, successful theatrical release and it is a sepremidquel. A sepremidquel is of course a followup that starts out after the first movie, then skips back to before it and goes into during it (with references to some of those events) and then continues a little bit after it too. You may be sick of sepremidquels, but I think it was a clever way to continue a movie where all the main characters were horribly killed.
(read the rest of this shit…)
Tags: Eva Green, Frank Miller, Lena Headey, Noam Murro, Rodrigo Santoro, Sullivan Stapleton, Zack Snyder
Posted in Action, Fantasy/Swords, Reviews | 53 Comments »
Thursday, May 31st, 2012
I remember when this movie came out everybody said it was terrible, then the longer director’s cut came out and it started to build up a reputation as underrated. Just to be safe I wanted to allow some time for that rep to foam over and then dry up and harden into a solid surface. The effects of oxygen on the polished surface create the ideal viewing circumstances. So I watched it 7 years later. (read the rest of this shit…)
Tags: David Thewlis, Edward Norton, Eva Green, Jeremy Irons, Kevin McKidd, knights, Liam Neeson, Marton Csokas, Michael Sheen, Orlando Bloom, Ridley Scott, The Crusades, William Monahan
Posted in Fantasy/Swords, Reviews | 124 Comments »
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
I didn’t expect to write a review of this movie, but I think I liked it more than everybody else, so I figured I should stick up for it. I mean, I don’t necessarily plan to watch it again in my life, but it has an odd tone that I enjoyed and shows signs of life in ol’ Tim Burton. (read the rest of this shit…)
Tags: based on a TV show, Chloe Grace Moretz, Eva Green, ghosts, Helena Bonham Carter, Jackie Earle Haley, Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tim Burton, vampires
Posted in Comedy/Laffs, Horror, Reviews | 46 Comments »