"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Don’t Breathe

tn_dontbreatheDON’T BREATHE is the new film by EVIL DEAD remake director Fede Alvarez, and the most up-my-alley new horror movie I’ve seen in at least a couple years. Once it really got going I found myself alternating between wincing and having a big smile that I couldn’t get off my face. It’s produced by Sam Raimi, and I daresay it is almost a non-supernatural spookablast. I’m not gonna say it’s as good as DRAG ME TO HELL, but that might be the last time I had this much fun watching a horror movie in a theater.

Now, keep in mind, I also liked EVIL DEAD. I had a great experience with some friends who all got a big kick out of its eviscerating-all-previous-standards-of-what-can-be-done-in-an-R-rated-movie audacity. Then almost everybody else I knew, both in life and in the comments here, seemed genuinely offended that I found any redeeming quality of any kind in that movie. It might be the most backlash I ever got for a positive review.

But I think this is different! It’s dark, and it definitely Goes Too Far at one point, but I think it’s more of a crowdpleaser. I think some of you guys will love it?

If I saw the opening without knowing anything else I would think it’s the American remake of LIVID. Three young burglars – Rocky (Jane Levy, also the lead of EVIL DEAD), her douchebag boyfriend Money (Daniel Zovatto, IT FOLLOWS, LAGGIES) and their more reasonable friend Alex (Dylan Minnette, PRISONERS, LET ME IN) – want a big score so they can get the fuck out of Detroit, and they decide to rob a blind veteran who they believe has a bunch of cash from a well publicized court settlement.

mp_dontbreatheBad decision, young people. They get into this place, they creep around, making us nervous, but of course they’re hugely underestimating the guy who lives here, credited as “The Blind Man” and played by Stephen Lang (BAND OF THE HAND, AVATAR). They fail to knock him out, and he comes after them. So there are many sequences where they really do have to try not to breathe, to not gasp, to not step on a creaky board, so he doesn’t know where to aim his gun, or where a neck is to strangle.

It’s a great role for Lang. He’s old enough that they have to say he’s a veteran of the Gulf War, not anything of more recent vintage, yet he’s a musclebound badass who you have no question will pound the living shit out of these fucking people that he can’t even see. For most of the movie he doesn’t talk, just makes weird grunts, and when he does talk it’s an unexpectedly croaky voice. The voice of a broken weirdo who never leaves his house.

But wait a minute, how are we supposed to root for these kids to get away? Good question.

These are not heroes, they are bad people, so they make one of them way worse so the other two will seem more likable. Money is a douchebag who wears cornrows, has a dollar sign tattoo on his neck and likes to pee in the houses they rob. Fuck that guy. But Rocky is trying to get her little sister away from their shitty alcoholic mom, and Alex looks after his dad and has more moral qualms than the others, so they’re easier to have sympathy for. I like the way the movie kept messing with me. My thoughts went from “I don’t know about these assholes” and “I can’t disagree with this poor guy beating the shit out of people who broke into his house” to a much more complex scenario. It’s not a total surprise to find that he has some bad shit going on in there, but they have to keep revealing worse and worse to try to get us completely on the side of the young people. And meanwhile his skills seem to increase. You do not want to fuck with this guy!

It sort of paints a portrait of our times, at least in that vague way that so many good horror movies do. There are no real good guys here, just shitty situations. The kids are bad people, doing an immoral thing. The old man fought for his country, he suffered a tragedy, and an injustice due to economic inequality, at least the way he tells it, and now he’s being victimized by these kids. But also he’s a total psycho who has victimized someone else. And these people are fighting over money that came out of a tragic death, within an economically depressed part of Detroit that has practically become a ghost town. I love how they set up that the neighborhood is abandoned for four blocks around. On a practical level it establishes their isolation, that there is no neighbor to run to for help, or to hear the gunshots. On another level it shows us the hopelessness that they’re trying to get away from in the first place.

But within all this bleakness, and underneath this pile of bad decisions they’ve buried themselves in, they have choices to make. Do I take this chance to get away, or do I try to help an innocent person? Is it more important to stop this guy or to get his money? Can I save my sister and start over and maybe she’ll be a better person than me? And there’s a moment where it becomes clear that what Rocky wants to do has major implications, and a male character tells her that he will support whatever decision she makes. Good man.

It’s a dark movie, but it’s not a rubbing-your-nose-in-the-dog-shit movie. There’s a light to run toward.

So there’s themes ‘n shit, but what it has over many of the fine arthouse horror movies we’ve had in the last few years is some seriously effective thrill ride chops. EVIL DEAD had amazing cinematography and special effects, but here Alvarez displays a new level of filmatistic mastery. I love the way the camera floats in and establishes important geography and props: here is a hammer hanging on the wall. Here is a gun hidden under the bed. Here’s what the upstairs looks like. Here’s the door to the cellar. The vicious dog they drugged is sleeping right there.

Within this space and using these elements he builds a series of increasingly complex set pieces, masterfully revealing new threats and complications, or bringing back old ones just when you had forgotten about them.

One clever scene has the lights go out, and then it slowly fades up so that we can see them, but we can tell they’re in pitch blackness by the way they stumble and by their hugely dilated eyes. And the blind man just stands there and she’s slowly moving toward him with her hand out in front of her…

There’s a moment when I realized I loved this movie. A convoluted series of dangers and responses to the danger had found two of the protagonists in simultaneous cliffhanger predicaments. One was wedged into a small place about to either fall face first or be horribly mutilated. The other had fallen and we didn’t know if they were dead or unconscious, and we’re looking at them knowing that if they wake up it will likely cause a chain reaction involving another fall directly onto the blind man. And Alvarez gleefully draws it out, dangling them there, letting us imagine and fret about what’s going to happen, knowing that it would be delightfully awful whether we got what we expected or something else entirely. All this mayhem has actually been meticulously orchestrated to come together and create this feeling, a high similar to what I get from a beautiful DePalma suspense sequence.

In all the great minimalistic horror movies with their existentialist dread I’ve missed that feeling, that knot-in-the-stomach, oh-shit-hold-on-you’re-about-to-fall, can-she-survive-by-the-skin-of-her-teeth excitement of good cat and mouse type of horror. Not enough of that these days.

If he has any interest in it I think Alvarez could do a great action movie. Think of the things this one has in common with DIE HARD. It’s an intense chase in a confined space, constantly escalating, twisting, inventing new things to do within the setting, with different dangers and tools. The geography and things contained within the space are established early on and elegantly communicated through visuals. Nobody gets off easy; the protagonists are slammed, stabbed, smashed, dropped and shot, in serious pain, and have to keep going. It’s brutal and intense but with room to be fun. It was great to see with a crowd to hear gasps and nervous titters and eventually cathartic laughs when you realize that this shit is just gonna keep getting worse and worse.

All I can say is don’t miss DON’T BREATHE unless you don’t like movies that don’t disappoint!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 31st, 2016 at 10:31 am and is filed under Horror, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

35 Responses to “Don’t Breathe”

  1. I’m with you on Evil Dead, Vern. I had a freakin’ blast with that movie. It gave me exactly what I wanted out of an Evil Dead movie, which isn’t Ash and one liners, but darkly over-the-top cruelty and gallons of blood. I think I’m the only person in the world that’s sad that there’s gonna be more of Ash Vs Evil Dead instead of a sequel to the remake.

  2. Yeah, I like the EVIL DEAD remake a lot. Saw it in theatre and had a blast with a howling and laughing audience. Rewatched it on blu ray and still find a lot to like. The cinematography and the gore especially. And the tongue kiss is fantastic.

  3. Like pretty much everyone else, it seems, I really liked this one. I was in a pretty filled theater for a Monday night showing. That added to the excitement with the reactions everyone had to it (special shout-out to the lady in front of me who was greatly over-exaggerating her reactions for attention, you legitimately helped make this one even more fun). In fact it was such a fun experience I left really happy and not resentful that I was the only person there all alone!

    One weird thing about the movie (for me only!) is that Dylan Minnette looks very similar to me (except he’s much more attractive) and his character of fake-ish-nice-guy-overly-faithful-to-lady-he-wants was a bit too much like me as well. Kind of took me out of the movie and will have to dock a few points off for that one Mr. Alvarez. Sorry man but you knew what you were doing when you cast Minnette in that role.

    So what do you guys think is the funnier revisionist history going on with the Internet Movie Guys: The ‘I ALWAYS liked and appreciated the EVIL DEAD remake” (that is to no one here of coarse!) or the “I always knew Stephen Lang was a great character actor, so happy he’s finally getting his due!”

  4. I literally remember nothing about the Evil Dead remake. Nothing.

  5. Did you fell asleep again, Sternshein?

  6. I really liked this movie, even though it was a premise that was good for about 1:15 worth of movie stretched to cover 1:30. BUT…….


    I cannot remember a recent movie that was ruined by a trailer as much as this one. Probably the two biggest jaw droppers of the first half of the movie were 1) The asshole thief getting shot during the initial confrontation and 2) the girl being held in the basement. The scene where the chained girl leaps out of the darkness would have made me shit my pants had it not been blown by the trailer and commercials. And it really was such a huge reveal, that this guy isn’t some wily vet with ninja skills, but actually some sort of demented….turkey baster. It really is such a left turn into “what the fuck is going on here” land, I cannot believe they spoiled it.

    The whole time the thieves were looking at the padlocked door, I was thinking “oh, that girl is down there in the basement”. Just horrible. And the latest commercials actually show Rocky in the apparatus, which is even more of a spoiler. It blows my mind that those scenes/shots made it to the advertising. It was completely unnecessary.

    The other moment I thought they blew they did on their own, and that was the opening shot of Lang dragging Rocky down the street. The whole scene in the car with the dog was really ruined by this. I sat there watching it knowing she wasn’t getting away, that Lang was going to pop up behind her once she got out of the car and dealt with the dog, and that he was going to drag her back to the house. Cheers for them for not having the keys stowed in the sun visor. Seriously, who does that? Every horror movie ever, that’s who.

    All this being said, it was a great flick. Only a good movie could get away with the silliness of that dog jumping on the dresser and crawling into the vent. A lesser film would have lost me with that, but quite a few folks clapped when that happened in my theater. And there were so many moments where you just said “would you fucking just kill the guy for Christ sakes, you know he is coming back”, but that is standard for horror movies. This movie was good enough to overcome all of that.

    Overall, well done.But holy shit, someone fire whoever made the trailer. I would love see someone ask the director about it, I am sure he was livid.

  7. I think the hatred towards the EVIL DEAD remake depended on the nostalgia factor, how much you love the Sam Raimi’s original. On its on terms, was a above average horror splatterfest, ultra intense and well made.
    In my case, the original EVIL DEAD saga was the only 80s horror classic that I didn’t see when I was a kid (at eleven, I watched Re-animator more than 20 times). I saw it in my late 20s and, frankly, I didn’t like it much. I’m not a Drag me to hell fan either. I enjoyed Ash vs Evil Dead though, for all its madness. First time in ages that Sam Raimi don’t suit up to direct a film (seriously, no black suit + black tie) and you can tell by the freedom and liveliness of his creative choices.

  8. Not that time Shoot but it was a while ago and completely unmemorable I guess. I’m going to rewatch it though.

  9. But…I really always knew that Stephen Lang is a great character actor and I am happy that he finally gets his due. (Still not a fan of the EVIL DEAD remake, which is basically a boring string of morons mutilating each other without any suspense, although I don’t HATE it. Good job on the make up department.)

  10. I was one of those people that pretty much hated the Evil Dead remake. The gore was good and all, but I love the originals too much, and the writing and inability to even stick with it’s own lore and the utter stupidity of the characters just annoyed me too much. That said, I still really want to check this out, and I feel like Fede Alvarez is someone who could do something cool if he wasn’t saddled with the impossible task of remaking one of the best movies ever made.

  11. Yep, Stephen Lang is one of the great character actors. Highlights for me are his Freddy Lounds scumbag in Mann’s MANHUNTER, his brutish repressed homosexual union boss in LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN (a movie I like, but just thinking abouts it’s depressing tone makes me want to hang myself), and my favorite, his bleach-blonde sweaty psycho in THE HARD WAY, where he goes MEGA alongside James goddamn Woods.

  12. Shit, I’ve been a Stephen Lang fan since THE HARD WAY.

    I have not, however, always been a fan of the EVIL DEAD remake. You can check the original review for my long, painful journey from outrage to acceptance. Suffice it to say that in the end I liked almost everything about the movie except the fact that it was an EVIL DEAD remake, since every single thing that reminded me of the real movies just reminded me of how much better, smarter, more entertaining, more distinctive, and more exciting they were. But as standalone studio splatter it was solid, so I was onboard to see what the director could do when unshackled from a preexisting template.

    But really, I’d have gone to see it no matter what. I didn’t even see a preview. All I knew was it was a horror movie, in theaters, rated R, and not about ghosts. Those come along once every three or four years now so I wasn’t going to miss it.

    And it didn’t disappoint. I agree with everything Vern says about its De Palma-esque elements, but I’d also like to add that, like a De Palma movie, it starts out seeming fairly classy (elegant camera moves, good acting, restrained violence) and then sucker punches you with a really fuckin’ trashy bad-taste climax.

    I’ll definitely watch the inevitable DTV sequels if Lang is in them, because I think they could do some interesting moral flip-flops with the character. He’s irredeemable but not necessarily unsympathetic, so you could use him both as a queasy, Roddick-esque anti-hero or as a scenery-chewing monster. I could even see some fun strange bedfellows type stuff with future victims/tentative allies, like when Leatherface joined forces with his hot cousin to kill some even worse assholes. Could be fun to see where they take the character, one of the few horror villains in, christ, damn near a decade that has the personality and storytelling potential to be franchisable. I’m in. Bring on DON’T BREATHE AGAIN.

  13. I saw this last night and was really surprised how much I liked it. I go to the theater almost every Tuesday (a discount day around here) and see whatever. This one I was like “sure, why not.” About 20min in or so, I was like “I think this is actually good!”

    The crowd really seemed into it as well. Yelling at it way more than I’d heard in years. One lady’s “OH HELL NO!” when its revealed the dog is after them too got applause!

    Love the turkey baster ending!! Doesn’t top John Waters in his basterings…but an honest attempt!

    This is a good one guys!

  14. I guess I was smart to avoid the trailer or even knowing exactly what it was about. I don’t usually do that, but in this case I knew I was going to see it based on the director and had enough restraint. Weirdly, though, I heard him on the Shockwaves podcast and he said he was very involved in the trailers and that it was important to him to not ruin surprises.

    One nitpick I didn’t mention in the review, I thought it was funny that the police apparently checked out that house and didn’t notice anything that seemed unusual to them. Maybe they just thought the dungeon was a sex thing? I’m sure they thanked him for his service and sent him on his way.

    But I agree, I really want this to be a franchise with him stalking her in California.

  15. I enjoyed the EVIL DEAD remake, but it’s the kind of movie I see once and move on with my life, not the kind that I dig out every six months just to marvel at how great it is like I do the original. It did demonstrate Fede Alvarez had some serious horror chops, so it’s good to see him do something without the baggage of being compared to untouchable classic.

  16. In the sequel Rutger Hauer should reprise his role from BLIND FURY and take on Stephen Lang. Battle of the grizzled old blind guys!

  17. Oh no. Well, I guess this is where I absolutely set my rep on modern horror movies in black gunk and bury it under a cross-section of the floor once and for all because I didn’t like this thing one bit. Rote, completely uninteresting characters, repetitive suspense sequences, exasperating plot holes, mediocre to terrible acting and writing and an overly aggressive sound design that carpet-bombed the movie rather than attempting any kind of precision strike left this one dead in the water for me. It was also predictable and felt, to me anyway, really uninspired. I guess it was well shot and some of the staging was pretty accomplished as far as that shit goes but as a thrilling, oh-shit-here-we-go type rollercoaster it didn’t work for me at all. The “Goes Too Far” moment was the only part of the film where I sat up and took notice and even then it was only because I found all the rest of the shit surrounding it so familiar and dull.

    Glad to see so many people enjoying it though, including the majority of the people in my theatre tonight, but I was completely bored and disinterested for the majority of the running time so I can’t front and pretend like that wasn’t the case.

    By the way, just to balance this out a little, I did see THE SHALLOWS earlier in the week and really fucking enjoyed it so my ability to appreciate these crowd-pleasing carnival rides is, I don’t think, diminished all the way. It’s just that one example happened to work for me and the other one didn’t.

  18. Mix, maybe you would like it more of it took place in the 80s? :)

  19. Goddamn you, Sternshein. Goddamn you.

  20. I liked it, though the whole dungeon thing requires a bit of suspension of disbelief. Okay, we know he’s a capable blind guy, that I can buy. But how did he capture the girl to keep in his dungeon? Surely the chick that killed his daughter didn’t just drive to his house alone without telling anyone. And with him being blind, it’s not like he could drive to her house or work or whatever, either. And since it was established that she was a “rich kid”, she clearly didn’t live right next door to him or something. So, he either managed to walk across town to where she lived, knocked her out, then carried an unconscious person back to his house without anyone noticing, or he got a cab driver(or uber driver or whatever) to take him, alone, somewhere, who didn’t ask any questions when he returns with an unconscious person to drop back off at his place. Although I suppose maybe he has an old war buddy who is perfectly willing to go along with a kidnapping, or maybe he used some of his money to hire a pro?

  21. D.S., There are things in this world which must not be asked!

  22. I think the unlikelihood of a blind man being able to kidnap somebody is exactly what is so cool about it. We have seen that he’s not fucking around and then that reveal takes it to the next level. A real “we are not dealing with a student here, we’re dealing with the Professor” moment where we realize that even in our fear of him we may have been underestimating him. It also makes the end work because it doesn’t seem outside of the realm of possibility that he’ll follow them wherever they go.

    Note: Bloody Disgusting had a post about how the script showed him in the bus (or was it train?) station following them at the end, and that there’s a shot in the trailer that is clearly that would-be-ending shot. I like it exactly how it is, though. We don’t have to see it confirmed, just know that even if Rocky got away she’s doomed to spend her life looking over her shoulder.

  23. Crushinator Jones

    September 2nd, 2016 at 2:13 pm

    Do not keep reading if you don’t want to “see” minor spoilers!!!! D.S. maybe she went to his home to apologize. Or maybe he found her and said “give me a ride home, you took my daughter from me and I’m blind” and then got her. He’s a smart, obsessed guy. It’s not outside the realm of plausibility.

  24. Watched this last night and was pleasantly suprised by it. Suspenseful, with unpredictable twists and just a simple but well made horror movie. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

    A goofy thought entered my head when the woman in the cellar was revealed. We had learned that tehre was three times the amount of money than expected in the safe. So I figured maybe this dude did some kind of insurance fraud, keeping his daughter looked up in the basement. I don´t know what the fuck I was thinking.

    As previously stated it is really funny how a blind guy manages a successful kidnapping. Let alone how he would get away with everything in the long run. As soon as he would have let her go, the police would have arrested him.

    It seemed to me he had no real plan, that he was so unbearably grief-struck that he would go to any length of trying to get back what he lost. It is pretty harrowing and sad.

    Anyway, a good trip to the cinema.

  25. He was never going to let her go. He told her he would, he even told himself he would, but when the time came he’d reason that there was no point in doing all this if it just meant inmediately being separated from his new child via a lengthy prison term. He’d feel terrible about it but brutal logic would dictate what he had to do.

  26. Well, I figured that much, but still. It is a pretty lazy plan. And people would still figure out what happened eventually. It´s not the perfect crime exactly.

  27. Well, yeah. He’s a traumatized war vet driven mad with grief, not a criminal mastermind.

  28. I saw this one last weekend and it’s been staying with me all week. It’s a good one. I don’t have anything new to add about its greatness, so I’ll just leave it there.

    Lang’s performance in THE HARD WAY was so fantastic, it’s been forever burned into my retinas. He’s great in everything he does, but he’ll always be that bleached blond whackadoo first and foremost in my mind.

    I hadn’t seen any previews of this in the theater and only saw a couple of short commercials, so I didn’t know about *SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT* the girl in the basement. I mean, you knew something was going on down there once you saw the padlocks, so it wasn’t completely out of left field, but it was a great turn. You really could feel those kids’ “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!” I did wonder if she had something to do with all the extra money he had. Maybe he cleaned out her bank account. Maybe he ransomed her and never returned her. Although, did anyone even know she was missing? It didn’t come up in that kid’s internet research. Maybe he was just a crap researcher. I did also wonder about the police – did they search his place when she went missing and he had her somewhere else? It seemed odd that she’s just there in the house of the most likely suspect in the world in an abandoned neighborhood rife with places for the police to set up stakeouts, nothing doing. But then at the end the news report didn’t hint at the police doing any further investigation when they found him shot in his basement with a highly suspicious cushion corner. Maybe the Detroit police were supposed to be just that bad.

    The biggest point for me to overcome in the suspension of disbelief area was that he would be able to properly freeze, store, and defrost his…specimen.

    I didn’t like that they started the movie at the end, but I’ve said before that I dislike that maneuver. It’s just such a tension killer. It was a great shot and all, but sucked out any idea that any of the other kids were going to survive. Especially after they went to the trouble of making you think that kid was dead only to bring him back. You knew it wasn’t going to be for long. Maybe they were trying to make you think it’s possible, like the beginning was another fakeout, but I was still pretty sure she was going to end up the sole survivor.

    I did recently see a movie that used that move well, though. It was INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS and I honestly didn’t have any idea that we got the end at the beginning. Even when it started unfolding again at the end! I thought it was just a pattern with the character. But, that’s the Coen’s. They’re pretty good at this directing thing.

  29. The German TV spots sell this as one of these movies, that have a super shocking twist that changes everything at the end. Seriously. The voice over even says that this is one of these movies, that have such a shocking surprise twists, that it left critics breathless! Which is, from what I’ve heard, not exactly true.

  30. I guess to avoid another situation of what happened after I made a somewhat similar comment in the JAWS thread, so let me clarify:

    -Naturally I’m not singling out any of you guys, I’m talking about our friends on comment sections and nerd blog/news sites
    -My comment about people (not here!) pretending to always like Lang came from years of reading comments about how they feel Lang is some big dumb ol’ meathead hammy actor (especially after AVATAR). Now I see the same talking about what a great character actor he is since, I guess, post-DON’T BREATH Lang is now nerd-approved.

    Also, I too was spoiled thanks to the trailer and feel I would have gotten more out of it if I had not known about the basement. Still really dug it though so no hard feelings.

  31. That opening shot seems to be controversial, and I understand that, but for me it really worked. I kept thinking about it, but questioning what it was that we saw. I had to keep wondering wait, was it this girl or was it someone else? Is it something that happened earlier? As the possibilities seemed to narrow I had to wonder if she was really dead or only unconscious, and it kept you guessing when it would happen. I think the strongest argument against using the shot at the beginning is that it stops you from believing the blind man is going to be an innocent victim at first, but that didn’t bother me. I don’t know if it’s because I just didn’t think about it or I would’ve assumed he was evil anyway or I was open to the possibility that it wasn’t what it seemed.

  32. I really liked this one. Didn’t love it but liked it. My biggest complaint is that the movie goes on much longer than it needs to. The whole sequence with the dog and the car was so unnecessary. It should have just been …

    BTW, if you haven’t seen the movie yet, why the fuck are you reading talkbalks? Seriously, go away and come back after seeing the movie.

    The Blind Man escapes, shoots the boy, tries to take the girl back down, she sees the ladybug, gets the strength to fight back and then knocks him down the basement. The whole thing was so pointless. I get it, she had a bad experience in the trunk of a car, they don’t have to literally take her to the trunk of a car. That was stupid.

    Also, I can only name two or three other Stephen Lang movies but, like Maggie, he’s always the bad guy in The Hard Way to me.

  33. This one was not great, just ok. Very disappointing in a few ways but extremely disappointing because i had seen a few sites, including this one, describe it as a “horror” movie. So i was expecting a completely different movie. It was “suspenseful” i guess but “horror”? Get the fuck outta here.

    Anyway, I’m glad I didn’t see trailers but agree 100% about the first scene. Why in the hell would they put that there? I rarely like that technique but in a movie like this it definitely makes no sense and ruins a lot of the tension.

    I kinda enjoyed this one but don’t understand the rapturous reception it has received from sone places. I’m sure it would have helped to see it in a theater with a crowd.

  34. I just saw the preview for part 2 and I guess he’s the hero now.

  35. I’m pretty sure there will be some bait & switch about his hero status. If you really think about it, he technically was the hero in part 1 too, since the other characters were some criminal assholes who decided to break into a blind man’s house. And then he wasn’t the hero anymore.

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