Archive for the ‘Blog Post (short for weblog)’ Category

Potpourri 4: The Crackdown

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

bronsonstickersOkay, here’s your spot to talk about Josie and the Pussycats or whatever. I know there were alot of good suggestions for the subtitle, and I forget who to credit for suggesting this one, but he was correct. All part 4s should be called either THE CRACKDOWN or STAR WARS.

Thanks everybody

Stallone has confirmed Van Damme and Norris for EXPENDABLES 2

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

tn_breakingnewsThank you for tuning in to outlawvern.com, your headquarters for the very latest in linking to other websights that have the very latest on EXPENDABLES 2: TRY TO BE OPEN-MINDED, GUYS. A new article at Entertainment Weekly dot communications has confirmed some of the rumors and might start a couple new ones too. The short of it is that Stallone is going to pretend to go toe-to-toe with Van Damme in a fight. But it gets better. More summarizing and paraphrasing after the clicking thing. (read the rest of this shit…)

What we know about THE EXPENDABLES 2 so far

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

tn_expendablesBruceAll the comment threads keep getting eaten up by every new crumb of EXPENDABLES 2 news. I don’t really mind because it’s interesting to me too, but I figured I’d do another post about it so this can be the spot to add up-to-the-minute info in the comments and leave the other threads pure. We all pretty much know the basics of what’s going on but I’m gonna sum it up here, pose a couple of action-nerd questions and then we can discuss if applicable.
(read the rest of this shit…)

2001: A Summer Movie Odyssey wrapup

Thursday, September 1st, 2011
the thrilling conclusion
the thrilling conclusion

2001posterYesterday I ran my last review from the Summer of 2001 10th Anniversary retrospective series, so let’s go over our findings. I hope I didn’t ruin it by spreading some of the reviews out to the anniversaries of their releases. I actually watched them all close together in chronological order and wrote about them but I wanted to have an ongoing series throughout the summer. At the end of this post I have the links to all of them in order in case anybody ever wants to read them in one long chunk. (read the rest of this shit…)

Why I’m taking credit for TOM YUM GOONG 2

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

vernpredictsThere’s alot of action movie news going around (I guess Jet Li’s not gonna be in EXPENDABLES 2, and they’re trying to get Donnie Yen?) but to me the big one is TOM YUM GOONG 2 (aka THE PROTECTOR 2). We already knew that Tony Jaa had returned from the monastery to do this sequel. We maybe were so fixated on his return to civilization that we didn’t properly acknowledge what good news it is that Jaa has patched things up with director Prachya Pinkaew (ONG-BAK, TOM YUM GOONG, CHOCOLATE, ELEPHANT WHITE) after their falling out over ONG-BAK 2: THE WEIRDENING.

Now comes word that TYG 2 will co-star Jija Yanin, that badass little asskicker who starred in CHOCOLATE and RAGING PHOENIX. (thanks to rewrite in the comments for tipping me off.) (read the rest of this shit…)

Black Dynamite: The Cartoon: The Pilot

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

tn_blackdynamitecartoonI know most of you have already seen this (and sent me the link – thanks for that) but I just realized I could embed it on here and it’s like I’m personally presenting it to you. I’m coming out and introducing it, or inviting you over to my apartment to watch it. There will be a Q&A and light refreshments afterwards.

I’m not sure how close they are to having the actual BLACK DYNAMITE cartoon series ready, but the Adult Swim cartoon people have made this 11-ish minute pilot available to prove that it’s a good idea. Click on the thing here for the video and some comments.

(read the rest of this shit…)

DIE HARD 5 to be directed by guy who did MAX PAYNE

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

tn_diehardBruceOkay, that’s not official, but I’m going by the time honored rule that if the insider Hollywood people report a “short list” of possible directors it will go to one of the worst or least interesting on the list. For example this happened with THE WOLFMAN (Joe Johnston over John Landis, Frank Darabont, Bill Condon). In this case Deadline is reporting three directors people around here like and John Moore. (read the rest of this shit…)

Ladies and gentlemen, the HAYWIRE trailer

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

tn_haywireFirst we waited for them to decide to release HAYWIRE (it’s set for January 20th), now thanks to the nerds of comics conventioning they decided to also try to advertise it. They had a panel at the San Diego Comics Club (anybody go?) so they also released the poster and the trailer online.

The trailer seems to support my theory that Steven Soderbergh + Lem (THE LIMEY) Dobbs + “The Face of Women’s MMA” Gina Carano + topnotch supporting cast + fight choreographer JJ (UNDISPUTED II) Perry = thank god they finally decided to make a real action movie and release it in theaters.

Click on the click here thing for the trailer and more comments (read the rest of this shit…)

Nic Cage on J.C.V.D.

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

mega-faceoffThis guy Vlad Martinescu contacts me every once in a while to keep me up to date on Jean-Claude Van Damme happenings. He wrote to me today to tell me I should post about the upcoming super-limited theatrical release of ASSASSINATION GAMES starring Van Damme and Scott Adkins. I already did, and you can click the title there for the official websight which still has the same theater listings I posted earlier. But Vlad also mentioned a little video clip I hadn’t seen before so I thought I would share it with you guys in case you didn’t either.

(read the rest of this shit…)

Movie pitch: MARSUPERMAN

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

tn_marsupermanIf you’re waiting for another highly insightful movie review, move along. This post is all about paying bills. See, my dream is to get some bread from selling some movie idea or something, then live on that and not have to work a day job anymore so I can dedicate my life to creative pursuits and/or sleep. Of course my preference is to write a really good novel or script and have it turned into a really good movie, but let’s face it, I have not done that. So just getting paid would also be acceptable.

That’s why I have created Hollywood’s next great super hero movie idea, MARSUPERMAN. Are you tired of different Green heroes such as Hornet and Lantern, and are looking for something entirely new? Please contact me to buy it from me, Hollywood.
(read the rest of this shit…)