"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Child’s Play 2

tn_childsplay2“It doesn’t matter. Wherever I go, Chucky will find me.”

CHILD’S PLAY 2 is an unnecessary but entertaining continuation of the story of young Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent) and that time when his mom accidentally bought him a doll that was possessed by the soul of Chicago serial killer Charles Lee Ray, a.k.a. The Lake Shore Strangler.

We pick up two years later. Andy is being put into foster care while his mom Karen is in a psychiatric hospital for believing in killer dolls. We only see her in a photo, but I’m gonna assume she’s in there doing pullups and getting buff like Sarah Connor when she was locked up for similar reasons. Andy goes to stay with Phil (Gerrit Graham, POLICE ACADEMY 6) and Joanne (Jenny Agutter, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON) Simpson, though Phil doesn’t seem to like him and has very reasonable concerns about whether they’re qualified to raise a horribly traumatized kid.

Andy grew up in a small apartment in the city, now he’s in this huge house, he gets his own room with a bunch of toys, which he’s excited to see, but obviously he misses his mother. He doesn’t know when he’ll see her again, or how long he’ll be able to stay here. And he’s never had siblings before, but now there’s this teenager named Kyle (Christine Elise, BODY SNATCHERS). He walks into her room and she’s smoking and gives him attitude. She’s been the for three weeks but hasn’t unpacked because she’s never been able to stay anywhere for more than a month, and doesn’t expect that pattern to change. Andy overhears the Simpsons talking about him and feels bad, he gets scared of dolls, he’s not used to having a dad at all, let alone a strict one. But Kyle reassures him that Phil’s not that bad (she’s had much worse). So it’s just a movie about the challenges of being a foster child or a foster parent and stuff like that. That’s pretty much it.

mp_childsplay2Well, except actually I should mention Chucky comes back to life too. The movie starts with the ridiculous but visually appealing notion that Play Pals Toys Inc. feel they need to painstakingly restore the burnt Chucky doll to prove (two years after the fact?) that it wasn’t tampered with by someone at the factory to say scary things to a kid. He now seems to have metal inside instead of human flesh like last time we saw him. Not sure what happened there, but he’s revived and kills him up some toy company executives.

Lucky for Chucky there’s another, non-possessed-by-serial-killer Good Guys doll named Tommy in the house. They were gonna get rid of it because it scared Andy, but it’s still around when Chucky shows up and switches places with it. Even though it’s alive he feels he has to murder it by bashing its head in and burying the body. That’s just how Chucky is.

I’d say there’s a little more humor than in the first one, but it’s mostly very dry. I like this tone. There’s a great sequence of him digging a grave for Tommy with a plastic sandbox type shovel. There’s a POV shot from inside the grave as Chucky, lit by lightning, hair blowing in the wind, tosses the dirt in. Then a bird’s-eye-view shot pulls up to reveal this is going on under a swingset.



It makes sense that cinematographer Stefan Czapsky then became Tim Burton’s guy for EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, BATMAN RETURNS and ED WOOD. That’s a nice visual gag, starting with this sort of gothic horror movie look and then revealing that it’s happening in a backyard. But it also sets up another great moment when Kyle is lounging on the swing with pretending-to-be-an-ordinary-doll Chucky nearby, watching her feet kick at the dirt. There are some really funny reaction shots.


I guess they built off the technology they created in the first one to get a more sophisticated performance out of Andy. He’s still a tiny kid but he handles a bigger part because he’s more natural at it. Phil Simpson is kind of a dick sometimes, but also sympathetic because it would be hard to take care of a kid that’s screaming about his doll Chucky being back and “please listen to me, I’m not lying! You have to kill him or he’ll get me!”

There are some actual sweet moments, like when the Simpsons are surprised to see him casually holding what he thinks is the Tommy doll, trying to move on with his life. And I really like how Kyle becomes his protector after she learns that Chucky is real. They form a sibling bond stronger than a biological one because they share having lost their parents (and foster parents!) and having faced a Chucky threat together. Kyle brings a little bit of that DREAM WARRIORS troubled-outsider-teen appeal, and just like in part 1 Andy earns some respect by holding his head up high while living a shittier life than your average horror protagonist. Like, he couldn’t afford to go to Camp Crystal Lake, and he doesn’t have his own phone to have a tongue come out of.

Also, Andy is pretty pro-active for an 8 year old. There’s a cool part that seems like a Chucky POV opening the kitchen drawers looking for a good knife, and then you realize it’s not Chucky, it’s Andy. He chooses an electric carving knife and goes down into the basement looking to carve himself up some Chucky meat. For his troubles he gets bit on the ear and blamed for the murder of his foster father.

Oh yeah, and hats off to Kevin Yagher, because the puppets are also improved. Chucky’s on camera way more, has much more dialogue and action and changing expressions. He even walks around and you can see his whole body. He rides the hood of a car, gets thrown through a window, holds various people hostage at knife and gunpoint.

This is the beginning of really seeing the personality of the character. There’s still some of the spooky motionless doll stuff, and director John Lafia knows how to play with the audience, for example when Greg Germann from Ally McBeal keeps gratuitously manhandling the doll, holding it by the face, letting it get soaked in the rain, slamming the trunk on top of it repeatedly, etc., while we wait for Chucky to have something to say about this. But before the 20 minute mark Chucky has already come to life, made a phone call and committed a carjacking.

It’s a cool idea for the showdown to take place at the factory where the Good Guys dolls are made. They have really lackluster night time security, and it’s weird how much of the assembly line can operate without any humans, but it’s a perfect place for a long battle with a doll. There’s running through a maze of doll boxes, riding on conveyor belts, trying to injure Chucky with the machinery that created his corporeal form. I have to say, I do not particularly believe the part where the security guard is killed by the machine inserting Good Guy eyeballs into his head, but that’s okay. I’m not complaining. The climax just keeps coming up with more cool visual gimmicks, like when they dump hot rubber on him and he comes out looking like some disgusting Cronenberg monster.


The way they kill him this time (which actually might remind you of a specific Cronenberg movie) is a beaut. And then they just walk away, a couple of kids without parents or a home, but they’re alive and they have each other. The end.

There’s a not as good alternate ending for the TV version, not even included on the DVD, where Chucky is still alive:

This is of course part 2 in the series, and I noticed some weird parallels with another part 2 that you all love unconditionally called STAR WARS 2: ATTACK OF THE CLONES. It occurred to me when Kyle and Andy are on the conveyor belt trying to dodge the machinery coming down at them that it was the same idea as when Anakin and Padme are in that factory on Geonosis. And then if you think about it there are all those stacks and stacks of Good Guys doll boxes, it’s like the clone army. And part 2 is where Anakin gets his right hand cut off. Same thing happens to Chucky in his part 2. (Actually, his is more badass. He tears off his own hand to escape a cage, knowing that his insides were now human and it would be all gory muscle tissue and veins and shit. Then he rams a knife into the stump to use Ash style.)

Anyway my point is that Don Mancini based this partly on George Lucas’s early prequel notes, and vice versa.

Here’s another little thing I noticed: the Simpson family has a subscription to the Chicago Sun-Times. Later, Chucky gets into the back of a Sun-Times delivery truck for his I believe third attempt to do a voodoo spell to transfer his soul into Andy’s body. That made me wonder if Roger Ebert liked CHILD’S PLAY when he reviewed it for the Sun-Times. Turns out he gave it 3 stars and called it “a cheerfully energetic horror film of the slam-bang school, but slicker and more clever than most.” But the ads just quoted his line “Chucky is one mean SOB.”

Ebert doesn’t seem to have written a review of CHILD’S PLAY 2, but he did review it on the show and provided what could’ve been an even better quote:

“Malignant and unwholesome… it’s good filmmaking but it made me feel unclean and disturbed… as a human being I wish I hadn’t seen it!” raves Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times.

I agree with Roger’s head, but my heart likes it much better than his heart. In fact, I think I like it a little better now than I did when it came out. In the CHILD’S PLAY series it stands out for balancing a high volume of Chucky scenes like the later sequels with the more serious approach of the first movie.

But don’t take my word for it. Listen to Eazy E, who had the poster on the wall in his studio at least in STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON if not in real life.


Now, allow me to connect Chucky and his part 2 to some of the other great horror icons.

1. The stunt coordinator of CHILD’S PLAY 2 is Dick Warlock, who played Michael Myers in HALLOWEEN II.

2. Warlock was also stunt coordinator for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 5: A NEW BEGINNING, but I guess technically that doesn’t connect him to Jason since… well, SPOILER.

3. In between parts 1 and 2, screenwriter Don Mancini wrote an episode of Tales From the Crypt that was directed by A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2: FREDDY’S REVENGE director Jack Sholder. Also, director Lafia had previously done two episodes of Freddy’s Nightmares.

He’d also done the 1988 Dylan McDermott action comedy THE BLUE IGUANA, but his qualification for this was a co-writing credit on part 1. According to Tom Holland on that film’s commentary track, Lafia’s draft provided the classic checking-the-batteries scene, maybe the biggest scare in the movie. Here he’s obviously building off of Holland’s style and the existing Chucky doll and everything, but he does a very good job.

Despite that, he was never involved in the CHILD’S PLAY series after this. I guess his most notable subsequent work would be the killer dog picture MAN’S BEST FRIEND. Then he got into video games and interactive movies and TV including the earthquake movies 10.5 and 10.5: APOCALYPSE.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016 at 9:19 am and is filed under Horror, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

23 Responses to “Child’s Play 2”

  1. Don Mancini is a producer in the Syfy anthology show, Channel Cove. The first story, Candle Cove, is the scariest thing I’ve watched in forever. The creepy kid pirate show literally gave me nightmares. Thanks Don Mancini.

  2. May I recommed John Lafia’s late 90s meta TV horror movie MONSTER? In it M. Emmet Walsh plays a former horror movie star, who stayed in his home town all his life, because every year he has to fight the monster from his movies for real. It’s not great and is obviously held down by TV restrictions (especially in the FX department), but is entertaining and has some fun takes on classic monster movie tropes. (A producer on this movie was btw Robert Duncan McNeill of STAR TREK VOYAGER and the Dolph Lundgren MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE film.) It might be hard to track down. It came out on VHS in Germany, I don’t know if it even got that treatment in the US and I’m damn sure it never was released on any other medium.

  3. I also liked MONSTER. I don’t remember why I even watched it, but I’m not gonna lie: There’s a good chance reading the words “from the director of CHILD’S PLAY 2” had something to do with it. Most of the movie ain’t that great but even Leonard “Won’t Someone Please Think of the Children?” Maltin had to give it up for the bravura finale. Anybody who can put together a sequence like that deserves a second look.

  4. I’m talking about the bravura finale of CHILD’S PLAY 2, not MONSTER. Thought come to think of it MONSTER had a pretty bravura finale too. Maybe bravura finales are this Lafia guy’s thing.

  5. I love that this series never really acknowledges how fucked up it is that Karen loses her kid and gets shipped off to the nut house. Which means that that asshole Chris Sarandon from part 1 didn’t back up her story, what a total fucking douchebag. Unless he’s locked up in the nuthouse too, I guess, that might be more forgivable, but arguably even more depressing. And by the next one, Andy’s such a tainted property that he can’t even get adopted and has to be shipped off to the military (and no mention of the surviving adopted sister from part 2, so I bet there’s a tragic story there too). Jesus fucking Christ this kid had a miserable Dickensian life, and that’s not even mentioning the whole part about the killer doll.

  6. I have no idea why I stayed away from this film as long as I did, given how much I enjoyed the first CHILD’S PLAY. But when I finally caught up with it, I was again impressed beyond expectation. The foster element gives the storytelling a lot of ballast, while not detracting from the overall fun of the movie. And that climax is just wonderful.

  7. That bit where he literally rips off his own hand…the effect was disturbingly awesome back then.

  8. @Mr. Subtlety

    I think there’s a brief mention of “disgraced police officer” Mike Norris, with the idea being he backed up Andy’s mom but no one believed him either. But it’s been awhile.

    If IMDB is to believed, the filmmakers did try to get Catherine Hicks and Chris Sarandon back but their scenes were cut due to budget constraints.

  9. Oh my god, the cinematography in this one is awesome! Without having seen parts 3 and 5, I say that this is the 2nd best looking one after part 4! Czapski really shoots the shit out of this and I love how he keeps the camera on kid/puppet eye level for most of the time.

    Apart from that: It’s an okay slasher sequel. Watchable, but not good good. I laughed hard at: “You act like you’ve never seen a corpse before”.

  10. Grimgrinningchris

    November 23rd, 2016 at 4:18 pm

    Gerrit Graham will forever and ever be Beef from PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE. Now there is a DePalma joint that I’d love to read your thoughts on.

    Also, the climax of this movie is one for the books, for sure! It tips this one from “very solid sequel” into “probably my favorite of the series” territory.

  11. This is the one I like the best, it’s the most entertaining.

    There’s something about these circa 1990 sequels to 80’s movies that have this one of a kind, amped up, weirdly cynical vibe that I love, think ROBOCOP 2 and GREMLINS 2 in addition to this.

  12. Grimgrinningchris

    November 24th, 2016 at 7:11 am


    I’d never thought about it like that before- but now that you point it out, you’re right… that was definitely a trend in tone and execution very prevalent for about two years there…

  13. One thing I feel like no one ever points out about these movies is that Chucky’s plan is to transfer his mind into Andy’s body, right? So how does it help him to frame the guy for murder and fuck up his life so bad? Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to surreptitiously help Andy until he can make the switch? The way he does it, he’s gonna be lucky if he doesn’t get into a new human body right as it’s being locked up in a mental hospital with no money or prospects. Frankly, he’d probably be better off as a doll.

  14. But it fits into Chucky’s arc over the course of the series, which finds him finally accepting that he likes being a functionally immortal killer doll. That’s what makes him special and gives him power, which is all a malignant narcissist like the Chuck really wants. It makes sense that he would subconsciously self-sabotage every time he gets close to achieving his stated goal of going back to being a boring old human being. That includes wasting time fucking with the person he’s supposed to be transferring himself into instead of just saying one lousy little chant that seemed to take all of 30 seconds the first time he did it.

  15. Good point, actually. That can’t have been intentional, but I support it.

  16. Okay, CHILD’S PLAY 2.

    CHILD’S PLAY 1 had a decidedly 80s urban gothic feel, and this one makes a hard turn toward 90s suburbia. Gray, muted tones are swapped out for brighter-hued primary colors. The slower burn is gone: it’s Dourif in full wisecracking one-liner mode from the jump. Lots more humor, lots more gore, far less grounded. This film also double’s down on the canted floor and ceiling angles and the dark-and-stormy night vibe. More great casting in my opinion, top to bottom. From the cruel, crow-faced school marm, to the also bird-like social services lady (Susan’s mom from SEINFELD), to the bug-eyed Joe Flaherty-esque dad, to the weaselly, spectacled corporate stooge douche trying to cover up Chucky’s clearly sinister nature: Most characters look little exaggerated and hyper-real, and this is amped up by the oddball, cock-eyed camera angles. The urban verisimilitude of Part 1 is swapped out for a more cartoony, nightmarish vibe. Everything’s a bit off.

    Misc things I liked.
    -Looks different but great in its own way. Bright, popping color with lots of weird, pseudo-Hitchock/DePalma camera angles.
    -I love the juxtaposition and change of scenery vs. part 1. The shift to a predominantly suburban, Haddonfield/Springwood-esque locale is an inspired choice. Trees, lawns, single family homes, residential streets, school buses and small towny classrooms.
    -Great score.
    -Alex Vincent. He’s a great protagonist, and the film really benefits from the continuity of his journey, vs. the more typical shtick of the baddie just showing up somewhere to torment a new, throway cast.
    -The broader, gorier, more comedic horror is a lot of fun. I’m a sucker for a slow, from-behind camera creep-up on an obviously dead person staged to look like they might be alive only to reveal their bulging, dead-eyed visage. I’m a softy like that.
    -Dourif chewing the scenery. I like how the first film was slow to give us animate, Dourify Chucky, but this film blows it out in the Dourif hamminess department, straight out the gate. This is a fun progression and it fits the times. Dourif’s Chucky goes full NIGHTMARE 3 Freddy wiseacre here.
    -Climax in a warehouse full of Chucky dolls. Inspired. Everything is bigger and broader here.
    -Death by assembly line doll eye-gouging and subsequent appearance of googly dolly-eyed cadaver.
    -Another stellar extended Chucky-mangling to cap off the film, escalating but carrying on the tradition established in Part 1.

    I love this country!

  17. You forgot to mention the most important and best thing about CHILD’S PLAY 2… it has the greatest poster of ALL TIME:


  18. Great poster, indeed. Didn’t figure heavily into the plot, but menacing nonetheless. Not to call you out in public GJ, but a simple search of snopes.com will reveal that the original theatrical poster for Wes Craven’s NEW NIGHTMARE is the greatest poster of all time.

  19. Knew I remembered that Jack-n-the-box committed to celluloid somewhere:

  20. Well it also having the best teaser trailer goes without saying.

  21. Vern, have you ever seen Jack Sholder’s THE HIDDEN? I caught this the other night and thought it might be of interest to you. A lean and effective thriller, with great performances from Michael Nouri and Kyle Machlachlan, would work well with THEY LIVE as a double feature.

  22. The Hidden is great.

  23. I’ve been meaning to watch THE HIDDEN. Supposed to be good. Thanks for the reminder.

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