Archive for the ‘Blog Post (short for weblog)’ Category

R.I.P. Elmore Leonard

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013


Well, Elmore Leonard passed away yesterday. Not too far from 90 and he was still writing books. Not bad. Others have paid tribute to his unique talents, and around here if I tried to do that I think it would be preaching to the converted. Or preaching to the preachers. But I want to say a few words about a couple aspects of his work that mean the most to me personally.
(read the rest of this shit…)

Time for Expendables 3 news, I guess

Monday, August 19th, 2013

tn_danbradleyI feel like I should post about upcoming EXPENDABLESes, since we’re all fans of several people in the cast, and since we all want to love these movies, though many of us don’t. And though the two so far haven’t in my opinion come anywhere near living up to their potential I have gotten some joy out of them. So I always want them to get it right on the next one. And this has plenty of elements that sound promising.

spoiler: this post is gonna start out optimistic and then end on a bummer


(read the rest of this shit…)


Friday, August 16th, 2013

tn_vernI got interviewed on a websight called The Vulgar Cinema, if anybody’s into that sort of thing. I talk about movies and what not.

2004 Summer Flashback pieces and other reviews are in the works. Have a good weekend everybody.

Ladies and gentlemen, the SUPREME WINNER of The Super-Kumite

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013


Who you got? (read the rest of this shit…)

The Super-Kumite, Round 2, Bout 2 results

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

tn_Super-KumiteThe final bout of Round 2 is another close match. In fact, I thought I had a decision, then I changed my mind. Both DRAGON FIRE (Red Fist Club) and EXTREME CHALLENGE (The Men From Hong Kong) are kinda crappy, and yet kinda good, and in totally different ways from each other. Please join with me to consider their merits.


(read the rest of this shit…)

The Super-Kumite, Round 2, Bout 1 Results

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

tn_Super-KumiteTHE SUPER-KUMITE continues to be a rewarding viewing experience. In this battle between TEAM BOLO and THE WOMEN I was able to see two fairly ridiculous movies, both loosely based on the BLOODFIST template, and by watching them in such proximity I’m really able to properly appreciate them as valid variations on an American-ish artform. So which will it be: the MBA who goes to Hong Kong and enters a tournament after his brother dies of a drug overdose, or the cop who goes to Manila and enters a tournament after her sister is killed for knowing too much about an assassination?

(read the rest of this shit…)

The Badass Cinema Rundown for July 25th, 2013

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

tn_ninja2I’m always reading the movie news but only every once in a while is there a convergence of action and tough guy related news large enough to make me feel like I gotta line it all up and make sure everybody here knows about them. Right now is one of those times, though. Click through to see a few noteworthy new developments. Out of kindness I’m even gonna start with the biggest one and it’s the one that involves a descendent of a character killed by another character played by Dolph Lundgren. (read the rest of this shit…)

Happy 25th Anniversary, DIE HARD

Monday, July 22nd, 2013


I can’t vouch for this game, but I bought this card for it because I like non-likeness paintings of John McClane. He’s so iconic he doesn’t even need his face. Happy silver anniversary, big guy!

I got nothing

Saturday, July 13th, 2013


R.I.P. Jim Kelly

Sunday, June 30th, 2013


Well, Death Is a Motherfucker Part 2. The great Jim Kelly died today at only 67. I’m sure you all know him as the #2 badass in ENTER THE DRAGON. If you haven’t seen it I implore you to watch BLACK BELT JONES, his star vehicle also directed by Robert Clouse. It’s a much sillier movie but to me it’s the pinnacle of that peculiar intersection between martial arts and black culture. It has one of the funkiest theme songs ever, it has freeze frames on the opening credits, it has girls on trampolines, it has a fight in car wash bubbles. It’s awesome and hilarious and you will love it. (read the rest of this shit…)