Archive for the ‘Blog Post (short for weblog)’ Category

Fred talks ‘Iron Fist’ with the RZA

Friday, October 1st, 2010

tn_rzashaolinI promise, I got an actual review coming soon, but I thought this was deserving of a “blog” post. Entertainment journalist and frequent outlawvern.com commenter Fred Topel got a chance to speak to Wu-Tang mastermind and soon-to-be-director-of-kung-fu-movie-starring-Russell-Crowe the RZA at Fantastic Fest. This is the RZA we’re talking about so Fred doesn’t get a normal concrete type of description of what the movie is about, but instead some abstract musings about RZA’s approach to the martial arts, the philosophy of the movie, why he thinks Crowe will be great and unexpected news about his plans for the music.

I was gonna post the link even before I saw that he dropped my name in one of the questions. Thanks for that one, Fred.

article on Crave Online

short one from Screen Junkies

Black Dynamite cartoon photos

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

tn_blackdynamitecartoonOkay friends of the nerd community, things are really going your way this week. Don’t ever say I didn’t do nothing for your chosen mediums of expression. This is a followup to the earlier post about BLACK DYNAMITE in cartoon and comics forms. This time Scott Sanders sent me a couple pictures from the cartoon so you can see what it’s gonna look like. (read the rest of this shit…)

Nerd shit

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

tn_batmansupermanOkay guys, since every conversation lately seems to turn into Batman or Superman, here is a thread to do it without derailing important The Phantom or fighting owls analysis. This could be kind of like the potpourri thread except limited to comic strip movies and what not.

To show that I’m not above it I will comment on the news that set off the recent Superman conversation: that Zack Snyder is on a list of potential directors for the new Superman picture. I thought about it and I think actually Snyder might work well with David S. Goyer, who wrote the script, so I’m for it. Also on the list is David Bowie’s son Duncan Jones, who did MOON. I have no idea if he can pull off a big studio movie, but he seems like the most interesting director on the list.

Also they’re saying Darren Aranofsky now. I’d see that. It could be Matt Reeves (CLOVERFIELD, LET ME IN, co-creator of an old TV show called Felicity). And Jonathan Liebesman (TEXAS CHAINSAW reprequel) most likely based on the alien invasion movie he has coming out, but he’s also supposed to do CLASH OF THE TITANS 2: THE RE-CLASH.

But the rule is they always go with the worst guy on the list, so congratulations to Tony Scott, who will direct the first Superman movie where nobody can tell if the guy is supposed to be flying or not.

Required reading: David Bordwell’s Bond vs. Chan essay

Friday, September 24th, 2010

tn_bordwellMouth and several others have sent me the link to this blog post by the film academician David Bordwell. (Unfortunately he never mentions Seagal in there, so I can’t call him ‘fellow Seagalogist’ or ‘my esteemed colleague.’ And I’m not familiar enough with his work to call him ‘Dave.’)

It’s a good one and I figure it oughta be on the reading list. Basically he does a shot-by-shot analysis (with screen grabs) of a fight scene from the Pierce Brosnan James Bond movie TOMORROW NEVER DIES and one from the Jackie Chan movie RIGHTING WRONGS. He shows how in the Bond scene the hits or even the enemies are often off screen, and shows how the Chan scene is designed to show fluid and clear movement. He also makes a good point about how the Chan scene is able to use very quick shots and still be understandable, which proves that the problem with that Michael Bay style is more than just the editing.

(read the rest of this shit…)

Black Dynamite cartoons and what not

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

tn_blackdynamite3You know when you got a relative who thinks you’re into, say, motorcycle races or whatever, so every time they find a newspaper article that has a motorcycle in it they clip it out and send it to you? And you don’t really feel like you need to read about “Motorcycle Trail raises money for scholarships” or “Harley-Riding Lawyer Part of Biker Group That Helps Abused Pets,” but it’s kind of sweet anyway? Well, that’s gonna be me right now, I am that relative for you guys.

But this is one clipping that’s gonna bring us closer together. You know how some of you guys love comics strips and cartoons? And you know how we all love the movie BLACK DYNAMITE? Trust me, this is going somewhere, these two things are gonna connect together somehow, you’ll see when you click to the rest of the article. THis is gonna blow your fuckin mind right out the back of your fuckin mind container. (read the rest of this shit…)

RZA to direct Academy Award winner Russell Crowe in kung fu movie

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
The RZA (right, with colleague)
The RZA (right, with colleague)

My buddy Telf tipped me off to this one. E! Online is reporting that Wu-Tang Clan abbot/GHOST DOG scorer the RZA is claiming that Russell Crowe is in his long-in-development kung fu movie THE MAN WITH THE IRON FIST. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, man, but we live in a world where Steven Seagal co-stars with Robert DeNiro and Jessica Alba, where Dolph Lundgren fights Jet Li on the big screen, and where the guy from THE INSIDER and GLADIATOR is hanging out with Bobby Digital. These are some pretty good times, in my opinion. (read the rest of this shit…)

I didn’t know this: J.J. Perry choreographed HAYWIRE

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

undisputediiOtto S. kindly sent me this link to an interview with J.J. Perry, a veteran stuntman and the fight choreographer of UNDISPUTED II, BLOOD AND BONE and THE TOURNAMENT. The interview, on the blog of somebody named Doba Nevinosti, is pretty good and talks about Perry’s approach and his place in the new age of DTV action.

But I was most excited about it because Doba immediately asks about something I didn’t know about – Perry’s work with Steven Soderbergh on his upcoming action movie, HAYWIRE (it used to be called KNOCKOUT, but they changed it to HAYWIRE. Also they changed the entire premise from when they first announced it). (read the rest of this shit…)

New low budget action label

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Courtney Solomon, the guy who did “After Dark Horror Fest/8 Films To Die For,” which shows 8 low budget horror movies for a weekend once a year and then releases them all on DVD, is starting up an action version of the same kind of thing. He tells the San Francisco Chronicle, “We’re developing a new generation of action movies and looking for the next Jean-Claude Van Damme, the next Wesley Snipes. We want to get people from Ultimate Fighting Championship and World Wrestling Entertainment into these pictures and do smart, smaller action movies.”

He says he told Warner Brothers, “I bet in your system there’s a whole bunch of smaller movies with good writers and directors attached that cost $5 million or $6 million, but they can’t fit into your system because you make $100 million movies.’ And they’re like: ‘Yeah, we’ve got tons of them.’ ”

I’ve only seen a couple After Dark movies and they didn’t impress me, so I got no idea what kind of quality to expect. But here is somebody with money doing exactly what we’ve all been saying somebody should do. We’ll see if they have the kind of quality control we hope for.

found via Chud complaining about it having the same name as Chuck Norris’s Brother’s Action Fest film festival

The Expendables early bird thread

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

tn_slyandmjOkay, since a bunch of you are dying to write about it, here is a place where you can discuss THE EXPENDABLES. I can’t see it until tomorrow night Seattle time so I’ll be sitting it out for now.

Also did you know that Stallone and MJ used to hang out.

From Uganda With Love

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Patrick Newman, winner of the Yippee Ki Yay Moviegoer Youtube contest, has called my attention to another thing that is on Youtube, which is this trailer for a low budget Ugandan action movie called WHO KILLED CAPTAIN ALEX?. I don’t think it has anything to do with WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT or WHO IS HARRY CRUMB?, but I could be wrong.

I’m not really sure what to say other than excellent use of a scissor kick and I’d like to see this thing.