Okay, it’s not called NINJA 2, there is a different subtitle involved. But, let’s be honest, it’s called NINJA 2.
On one hand, I don’t really understand why Scott Adkins and Isaac Florentine are (from what I understand) so ashamed of the more absurd Cannon-y elements of the first one (souped up ninja armor, oil company run by robe-wearing cultists, etc.), since that’s part of why the movie is so awesome. On the other hand I like sequels that take things in a different direction, so if this is as grim as it looks that’ll be cool too. At any rate it’s clear that it’s jam packed with fights and has at least one great badass line in it. And it’s been a while since UNDISPUTED III, it’ll be good to have the ol’ Florentine/Adkins team back. It’s also written by David White, who previously did SPECIAL FORCES and UNDISPUTED II-III.
NINJA: I’M GOING TO TRY TO BE NON-JUDGMENTAL ABOUT THEM SETTLING ON ‘SHADOW OF A TEAR’ will be playing Fantastic Fest this year with Florentine and producer Frank De Martini in attendance. (I thought Scott Adkins said on Twitter he was gonna be there too but if so that doesn’t seem to be official.) IMDb lists the release date as December 31st.
my review of the original NINJA
September 9th, 2013 at 9:11 pm
Looks like it has plenty of that Florentine/Adkins fight magic, but I hate it when they arbitrarily kill off the love interest in the sequel just to motivate the hero. It’s lazy, not to mention sexist. I liked Namiko just fine in the first movie, my only complaint was that she kicked ass in the beginning only to be turned into a helpless victim in the climax. Looks good apart from that though. Everybody buy it on Blu-Ray so they can make UNDISPUTED IV.