Hey everybody, it’s another chance to destroy my carefully cultivated aura of mysteriousness! The podcast Zebras in America invited me to be on their new episode, so I did, and it was fun. I’m afraid to listen to it, but I remember questions we addressed included what is Jean Claude Van Damme’s best movie, was Dave Bautista a good wrestler, is Bruce Willis phoning it in, should The Rock make better movies, who are my favorite rappers, and how do I know about Ram El Zee. I like these guys alot because they knew most of the DTV action movies I dropped but also are way more knowledgeable than me about art movies. From what I can gather, two of Marcus’s biggest interests are pro-wrestling and the films of Claire Denis, and obviously I respect that kind of range.
Note: when listing favorite West Coast rappers I forgot Digital Underground, Xzibit, and I think even Snoop.
ZEBRAS IN AMERICA EPISODE 66 is on iTunes and stuff or you can check it out HERE.
P.S. I just now figured out that the title is a reference to FREDDY GOT FINGERED.
August 8th, 2018 at 9:28 am