"I take orders from the Octoboss."

Death Race 2

tn_deathrace2You know, sometimes life brings you down unexpected roads. I never asked to be the guy who liked Paul Not Thomas Anderson’s gratuitous remake of DEATH RACE 2000. It just didn’t seem like something that would happen to me, especially after I skipped the movie in theaters and everybody told me it was shit. But then the DVD came along and I wanted to see what it was like and I’ll be damned if I didn’t enjoy it. (In other words I will not be damned. I did enjoy it.)

And this week life struck again. Turns out I also like DEATH RACE 2, the DTV prequel.

mp_deathrace2DEATH RACE 2 is what I consider a prestige DTV release – the kind that was not only put out by a major studio but where they put a little bit of money in it and tried to hire good people instead of just dump it out and hope the title attracts suckers. Honestly the production value seems about on par with the DEATH RACE part 1 from 2008, and although it doesn’t do anything drastically different from the first one it’s surprisingly decent and enjoyable. To me anyway, but remember what I said about the first one.

Let’s get the problem out of the way upfront: this is a prequel. Maybe they’re leaving it open in case they want to do a theatrical sequel, so they could continue the adventures of Jason Statham’s Frankenstein and Tyreses’s Machine Gun Joe, and they could expand the sport from the enclosed circuit they used in that one to something more like the cross country, gimmicky-car pedestrian runoverathon from the original. I mean the Paul Bartel directed original DEATH RACE 2000. Man, they make it hard these days – I never know how to refer to the remake that’s being prequelized. I can’t really call it “the original” or “the first one.” I guess maybe “part 1” works.

Anyway that’s obviously the direction it should go. But to do it at DTV prices they had to put it in ‘reverse’ instead of ‘drive’ and do the origin of the Death Race sport and the Frankenstein persona. The new star, Luke Goss, is somewhat Statham-esque. Throw a track suit on him and chase him around town with twelve cameraphones, have some kids cut it together in iMovie and you got a DTV Crank 3. But here he’s not playing the character Statham originated, he’s supposed to be the original Frankenstein originally voiced by David Carradine. I mean, the part 1 original Frankenstein that was a reference to the original DEATH RACE 2000 Frankenstein also played by David Carradine.

I like Goss. He’s a specialist in part 2s, having played Nomak in BLADE 2 and the elf prince sword guy in HELLBOY 2. Here he plays Carl Lucas, a getaway driver in the nearer-than-in-part-1 future. Trusted with the secrets of Sean Bean’s criminal empire, he also has to work with Bean’s dumbass nephews in a bank robbery that does not go well. Not only do they break his 20 year streak of not hurting anybody during robberies, they really break it by dumping a bunch of grenades out the back of his car and blowing up a whole bunch of cops. Then he gets busted and sent to Terminal Island.

I’m sure Joan Allen begged to come back as the warden Hennessy, but unfortunately for the three-time Oscar nominee this takes place before that character’s reign. Sorry, Toots. The prison is already privately run for profit and a sleazy ex-Miss Universe named September Jones (Lauren Cohan) covers their riots live on TV, but they got an old school warden who’s not happy about it. (Later we see Allen’s photo attached to a resume and hear that she “comes highly recommended by Halliburton”.)

There’s a pretty good cast of characters here. Ving Rhames and Danny Trejo play actual roles, not DTV cameos like DAY OF THE DEAD UNSPEAKABLY HORRIBLE REMAKE or URBAN JUSTICE. If you’re wondering which versions of our boys show up it’s actually probly the reverse of what you’d guess: it’s mean Ving, friendly Trejo. Ving is the cold-blooded head of Weyland International (I know, corny ALIENS reference), Trejo is the helpful new buddy in prison who also is the head of his pit crew when the Death Racing starts. And there are two returning (preturning?) cons, Robin MORTAL KOMAT Shou as the Triad 14K and Frederick KATE AND ALLY Koehler as the mildly autistic fact-spewer called Lists. (This is another problem with prequels: there’s not as much tension when we know most of the main characters have to be alive and imprisoned at the end.)

There are lots of villains in this movie and most of them have at least one funny bit of ludicrousness. For Sean Bean it’s his overly convoluted attempts at snappy dialogue. Before killing a guy he says, “The box, with its implications of rigidity and squareness, symbolizes unimaginative thinking and painful frustration.” (Bang!) “Sometimes we just need to step back and see if the solution to our problem is outside the box.”

(In other words, “Let off some steam, Bennett!”)

He also has a part where he throws a fit and smashes a flat screen TV. Funny, because those things have been around for a long time, and there’s a grand tradition of dramatic TV smashing in movies, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it done with a flat screen until now. History is made.

For September Jones I gotta say the greatest moment is when she makes a proposal to Lucas while he’s naked in the prison shower. Not only does she comment on his junk but there’s a long shot of her eyes looking conspicuously downward. Funny stuff.

Rhames isn’t phoning it in the way he sometimes does. He deserves credit for adding a few weird moments. It’s not a mega-performance in my opinion, but he makes some funny decisions and does some good reactions. His best scene is when he comes up with the prize and the name for Death Race, which plays out kind of the way it would if Death Race was a real sport and a TV biopic was made about its creator. When he’s explaining that life and freedom are a prize more valuable than money he takes a long breath through his nose like he’s smelling life and freedom. I bet that wasn’t in the script.

(By the way, attentive Death Racists will note that in part 1 they said Hennessy invented the Death Race, now they’re saying somebody else. Don’t worry, there’s a goofy line that explains the discrepancy. Like I said, they make an actual effort on this one.}

I also love the scene where Rhames turns his back on September Jones and gets on an escalator, and she makes him finish the conversation by hitting the emergency stop button. He just stands there on the step, even though I’m pretty sure he would be capable of, you know, walking down. He takes a look, considers his options, and decides to stay and listen. I think maybe he just figures she’s earned the chance to talk to him by having the balls to do that to him. If that’s not it then the guy must be really, really lazy.

The director is Roel Reine, who also found lots of odd little character moments like that in PISTOL WHIPPED, the last Seagal picture that I thoroughly enjoyed. He did a pretty good job on the car races, which like part 1 are pretty much all real car stunts. I noticed a couple green screens, that’s it. Not a bunch of digital shit.

There’s all kinds of mayhem, and a good car chase before he even goes to prison. And his car is yellow in that one, not grey like all the prison cars. Livens things up. There are lots of explosions, a random flip, some gruesome car deaths (both satisfying and upsetting). My favorite action moment is when a driver climbs out of his car onto another one to shank the other driver. Hey, it’s a prison movie, you gotta have one of those.

The big missed opportunity is the Death Matches before the invention of Death Race. We learn that the video game type format where the cars can be armed if they drive over a certain spot when it’s lit up comes from an earlier carless form of televised combat. We get to see some of this and there are plenty of cool things that happen (including a blowtorch duel), but the shots don’t really flow together and the editing is way too choppy, it’s hard to get very excited about what’s going on. This would’ve been a way to distinguish it from part 1 if there had been some really topnotch fight choreography right here.

By the end of the movie we’ve seen Lucas get burned up and put on his Frankenstein costume and I started thinking about the DARKMAN sequels. I gotta admit, I’m ready for a part 3. I don’t know where there is to go in the world of pre-Jason-Statham’s-character death racing, but hopefully they’ll figure out something good. Maybe a secret international Death Race tournament that nobody is allowed to ever speak of, even in part 1.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 at 10:17 am and is filed under Action, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

70 Responses to “Death Race 2”

  1. Sorry to start off-topic, but I just want to mention a brilliant essay by David Bordwell, “The Dragon Dances”. A great, great exploration of action movies, mainly via Hong Kong. It’s on his website: Vern, everybody: check it out.

  2. Great review, I am going to check this one out. I liked the Statham remake as well, so I was curious about this one. I am glad to hear that it is fun.

  3. “Death Racists”. Brilliant. As for where to go in part 3, maybe explain the origins of the phrase “We’ll see who shits on the sidewalk” from part 1?

  4. CC, I think someone already posted a link to the article you are referencing.

  5. If they do another Death Race it needs to be like a triathlon with different stages. One part of the race would be with cars like we are used to seeing then another stage could be more like The Running Man, and the final stage could be like the Iron Chef and they could have a cook off or some shit like that.

  6. As a fellow Death Racist, I look forward to seeing this unfortunately boringly named DTVer ASAP.

  7. Charles, it’s not the article on fight scenes. It’s a new one, and it’s even better.

  8. Thanks CC I will check it out.

  9. Vern, I’ma let you slide on this one because I know you fell asleep watching it on two or three separate occasions, but Statham smashes a flatscreen TV in the first few minutes of CRANK. But since this is a prequel to another Statham movie maybe we can assume that this flatscreen smashing actually occurred chronologically prior to that other one, despite it being set in the future. Or maybe the scales could balance if we make that hypothetical Luke Goss-starring DTV CRANK sequel a prequel instead and we learn that in his younger days Chev Chelios assassinated the inventor of the flatscreen TV, destroying the prototype in the process.

  10. Has anyone thrown a flat screen tv out of a hotel window yet?

  11. I have. They’re not nearly as aerodynamic as you might initially surmise.

  12. How big was it?

  13. I would imagine them sort of flipping around and gliding haphazardly like an index card. Only Dave Letterman has the experience to throw one properly.

  14. I was thinking of it getting much more distance, like a 40″ ninja star clearing the hotel swimming pool.

  15. CC, that is the post I thought it was. Someone beat you to the punch on that one. I think the link to the article is in the Potpourri 2 thread, but regardless it is an excellent piece. It made me go online and track down a copy of TIGER ON BEAT as soon as I read it.

  16. Mr Postman brought me a copy of TIGER ON THE BEAT last week and it’s great. Gordon Liu has hair in it. Kind of like seeing Bruce Willis in SURROGATES.

  17. Caoimhín, how was the chainsaw duel?

  18. Sounds like Sean Bean gets to deliver some snappy lines.

  19. I thought this was very good, although I’m sure they used some race footage from the previous film (the stuff that looks overly choppy at the start of the first race). Luke Goss is cool, hope he gets some more roles like this. My favourite part is at the end though, and Ving Rhames’ last line of the film is genius – made me laugh out loud.

  20. Can you imagine booking the hotel for the Death Racists convention?

  21. So crummy-looking sequel to a crummy movie?

    I’ll pass, thank you very much.

  22. You’re welcome.

  23. RRA is Racistist.

  24. The problem I had with the 2008 Death Race (well, the main problem) was that it jettisoned all the satire and edginess of the Carradine/Stallone version, and basically re-used the script to The Longest Yard. As this was “one movie removed” from the original source, it ws much easier to enjoy it for what it was.

  25. Thanks for the review, Vern.

    Make sure to check out Luke Goss’ past career in the boyband Bros on YouTube. Talk about badass juxtaposition.

  26. A flatscreen TV also gets smashed in Green Hornet.

  27. It might be worth noting for those who don’t know that Luke Goss was half* of a UK boyband named Bros, with his brother Matt, who were massively popular and filled out UK stadiums with ease but quickly (and irreversibly) became a cheap national joke, so his ascent to B-movie badass is quite impressive. He’s the British Donnie Wahlberg

    *Well one third, but the third guy got no attention and left quickly

  28. A red leather jacket and Grolsch bottle tops on his DM’s, that’s how I will always think of Luke Goss.

  29. Somehow it really bothers me when a prequel gets a number at the end. Death Race 2 implies a chronology that just isn’t there. I guess it would be acceptable in this case if it was Death Race 0. Aside from the Haliburton comment, does this prequel attempt to resurrect any of the social commentary from the original?

  30. I am going to attempt a Vern-esque summoning…

  31. This movie was shot in Cape Town. I have some buddies who worked on it. They say the director’s a dick, but Trejo is the coolest motherfucker on the planet. They can’t stop singing his praises. Kinda jealous I didn’t get to meet the legend himself.

  32. Looking forward to this one. I’m still waiting on it to arrive *damn netflix*. I didn’t like the Paul “What Script?” Anderson version but Luke Goss is always cool with me. Then again I’m a Statham fan too so…ah who am I kidding the fact that the other Paul Anderson is not directing this time is enough to give it brownie points.

  33. I liked DEATH RACE, even though Anderson’s direction was an insult to the fine art of looking at things. In a review I wrote of it, I ended with this admonishment: “Shame on you, Paul W.S. Anderson. Death Race is a fun movie, but in spite of you, not because of you. You need to put down your viewfinder and learn to see with your eyes again. The world is more interesting than your petty ‘vision,’ and until you and your kind realize that, you are not fit to film it.”

    So take that, Paul W.S. Anderson! Cry yourself to sleep on your pillow stuffed with money that smells like Milla Jovovich’s hair!

  34. Mr Majestyk> You speak the truth. Amen Padre.

  35. Damn. Now I’ve got to watch THIS? Suppose it’s only fair for bitching about religion meanly in the off topic section…

    beeteedubs, I think it’s rather impressive that ya’ll have kept the potpouri section rolling for this long. Most sites would have assholes commenting on totally off topic shit all across the boards…sorta like I’m doing now.

  36. Just finished watchng this , and it wasn’t bad . I liked the caged fights with weapons and flamethrowers , that’s a plus in my opinion . I enjoyed that part of this movie way more than Austin’s “The Condemned” , a movie completely dedicated to fights between prisoners streamed on the ‘net. Then is off to the races with weaponized cars , and I liked when that girl ripped the gun from the front and used it as non-fixed weapon . That was good improvisation !
    I think there’s a lot of variety in the action , in this movie . And…ehm… Goss was in a boyband ?

  37. Whoever mentioned Bros really put the cat among the pigeons. I wonder if Luke Goss considers himself to be famous these days.

    In case anyone was wondering, this is what they were like.

  38. If The Stath is the Bronson of our time, who’s Luke Goss supposed to be?

  39. Goss looks like Peter Weller.

  40. Danny Tejo is the Bronson of our time.

  41. If Trejo does 50 good movies before he dies he will undeniably be the Bronson of our time. But considering his age, Statham’s much more likely to achieve that goal.

  42. Luke Goss is the Frank Sinatra of our time.

    Frankie also started out in music, then appeared in a car-related sequel (Cannonball Run II). And they both have blue eyes.

    Now, I know that Death Race 2 is technically speaking a prequel, but I also consider Cannonball Run II as a sort of spiritual prequel to Cannonball Run, if not a chronological prequel.

  43. RBatty024: If you think it’s strange for a film to be called [Title] 2 when it’s a prequel, take a look at the world of video games. They pull that shit all the time. They just keep calling new games 2, 3, 4, etc, even though 2 is a prequel, 3 is a sequel to 1, 4 takes place between 2 and 1, and so forth. Just be glad that they didn’t jump on the “rising” bangwagon and call it Death Race: [Blank] Rising or Death Race: Rise of a [Blank].

    According to Wikipedia, Paul Anderson considers Death Race a prequel to Death Race 2000. I haven’t seen Death Race, but the Wikipedia plot summary tells me that David Carradine’s character dies in that film. So how is it a prequel? And does that make Death Race 2 a prequel to a prequel, like The Scorpion King 2? Is anyone actually expected to watch these things chronologically?

  44. Craig D — I don’t think the chronology really matters in that this sort of ‘series’ is more like a loosely associated group of films about the same topic and set in the same universe. It’s not like all the prequels and sub-prequels are trying to tell one long epic story; they’re just sort of tangentially related. The recurring characters are more nods to the other films than aspects of their story which are being further explored. Seems like there should be different words to describe a loose concept series like this one, a densely structured long-running story like the STAR WARS, and a loose long-running story like the Bond or Indiana Joneses. They’re all called a “series of sequels/ prequels” but what that means varies pretty radically.

  45. Exactly Mr. Subtlety. It’s not confined to the strictest definition of “prequel” or “sequel” per se. No in the sense of having tightly woven continuity anyway. It just is and happens to share the tone of other movies with the words Death Race in the title. Like how Kickboxer 5 had Mark Dacascos and not that guy from Step by Step and Spike of Bensonhurst. Yet it still stood out as it’s own thing like the other Kickboxer sequels. Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised if Death Race 3 – Death Race 1999 are ever made. It’s not like you necessarily need any recurring actor in the damn things they could go on forever and ever like the Bloodfist series.

  46. Thankfully, and I say this as a mild scholar of sorts, the Bloodfist series did not go on and on. Part eight is nigh unwatchable. Part III: Forced to Fight, however, is a masterpiece and I like how the title has multiple meanings. Don D. Wilson had to fight because he was backed into a corner by the bad guys in prison, he had to fight because his friend just got stabbed and he has to fight because motherfuckers just won’t leave him alone. Also, as someone of mixed heritage he is always fighting for a foothold in any world that will have him.

    Side note, all Bloodfist film have a recurring actor. It’s Don Wilson in 1-8, but Joe Mari Avellan who played the frenemy/villain in part one and a random ‘roided up fighter in part two stars in Bloodfist 2050 (essentially a remake of the original with a post-apocalyptic setting) as the MC for the fights.

    All that said, I like recurring actors. It gives sequels a legitimacy high production values simply cannot.

  47. It would be a terrible decision to let your kids watch the STAR WARS EPISODES in order 1-6. The whole spirit and the ending of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK would be ruined if little Mouth had already seen REVENGE OF THE SITH first, etc..

    Oh, won’t someone *please* think of the children?!?

    Show Dan P, Jr. & Broddie, Jr. STAR WARS CHAPTER IV, V, & VI in that order first, as Allah intended.

    Thank you for being competent parents and for complying with this directive from the federal Department of Social Services.

  48. Mouth– obviously got to go IV V and VI before I II and III. The prequels are clearly intended to be watched with the originals in mind — in fact, without a good knowledge of the originals, the prequels lose a lot of their meaning. Still, you have to admit that the STAR WARS has a large-scale story which connects the six movies on a level that the DEATH RACE series does not.

  49. Moriarty had an interesting idea to show the movies to his son. He starts with Episode 4 and 5, then show 1, 2 and 3 as “extended Flashback” and finally ends it with 6.

  50. You know what series actually has an interesting if extremely convoluted and somewhat dubious large-scale story? The PLANET OF THE APES movies. Although the last one kind of drops the ball. Come to think of it SAW just did the same thing, although at least BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES kind of underlines the sense of symmetry to the series. I think TERMINATOR: SALVATION was going in the same direction, but they wont be able to see that through now.

  51. it sounds to me like this was originally intended for a theatrical release, maybe I’m wrong, doesn’t anyone think that maybe as time goes on DTV may actually get better and better?

    anyway I guess I’m gonna have to rent the Death Races now, oh that Vern, always getting me to give things a second chance

  52. also I hope that post still makes sense in the morning, I took an Ambien about 15 minutes ago

  53. Nothing about this suggests it was made for theatres to me. It’s a prequel to an at best mildly successful film starring a semi-famous actor. Admittedly getting Bean and Rhames is a bit of a cou. But for at least a while now there have been a few DTV sequels atypically decent filming and marketing budgets. This is probably because, aside from in 2009, there has been a trend towards home viewing and away from theatre-going in recent years

  54. Yeah PacmanFever Universal Soldier V or whatever it was with Dolph and Jean-Claude is one recent example, the excellent Undisputed sequels are another. I think the days of DTV flicks typically looking like The King of the Kickboxers or any Jeff Wincott movie are pretty much gone.

    Brandon – Bloodfist III was indeed the best. My favorite Don Wilson joint aside from Ring of Fire 3. I think how Vern said that Goss was a reliable guy when it came to holding down Part 2’s you could say the same about Don and part 3’s. Except for Batman Forever since he basically did nothing in that one.

    Mouth – Take solace in the fact that I will never show the future sons of Broddie any of the SW prequels on account of me never wanting to ever see any of those movies again. I’m actually at that point we’re I’m pretty much through with Star Wars anyway. Though if somebody gave me the original trilogy as a gift I wouldn’t turn it down either.

  55. I don’t expect strict continuity in movies like these, but it’s a little weird to claim that your movie is a prequel when you kill off the main character from the first film. I’m just going to assume that Anderson was talking out his ass there.

    As for the order in which the Star Wars movies should be watched, I’ll quote the Rotten Library’s Star Wars article: “As if all this wasn’t bad enough, the ‘Episode One’ concept was undercut by the fact that it would be nearly impossible for someone to start watching with ‘Episode One’ and have the slightest idea what was going on. All the exposition was in the newly rechristened ‘Episode Four.’ If you were wondering what a ‘Jedi Knight’ was, or what ‘The Force’ was, you were out of luck.”

  56. @Broddie- So Don Wilson in Batman Forever is Donnie Yen in Blade 2? That’s gay. Also, they’re both named Don. This is no accident.

  57. DEATH RACE is only kind of like a prequel to DEATH RACE 2000 in the sense that it takes place in the near future and the race has not yet expanded to cross-country. I don’t think they tried to follow any kind of continuity or create the same world otherwise. I never took the Frankenstein at the beginning to literally be the same character from the original. They didn’t make them look the same or anything. But they got Carradine to do the voice as a little nod to the original.

  58. I wouldn’t even say that brandon cause it was nowhere as elaborate a role. All Wilson did was sic his neon goons on Chris O’Donnell and run away like a girl when the Val Kilmer Batman showed up. At least Yen did much more than that.

  59. I still think there ought to be different names for different kinds of sequels/ prequels, to better describe their intent. Regardless of how you feel about the STAR WARSES, Craig D correctly points out that they’re a pretty densely woven series with a high degree of continuity (so much so that its hard to understand one without the others). On the other hand, you have the strictly non-continuous (until QUANTUM OF SHAKEYCAM ruined everything) Bond series, and the quasi-continuous DEATH RACE or Romero’s DEAD films. They’re all called ‘sequels’ but mean fairly radically different things, narratively. Why not come up with a few terms to better describe the particular continuity they’re trying for?

  60. The first seven Bond movies do actually kind of have a loose continuity to them, a bit of an arc. It’s not like they rely on being seen in the right order at all, and there is some debate whether the start of DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER is following on from OHMSS or YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE, but it’s there. That went completely out of the window with the Moore films. They missed a trick by not making Bond an alcoholoic at the start FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, unable to deal with coming down from MOONRAKER. Well, even more of an alcoholic.

  61. Mr. Subtlety: Check out TVtropes.org. Search for pages with “sequel” or “continuity” in the titles. They catalogue all sorts of shit like that.

  62. Complicating things is the fact that DEATH RACE 2000 already has a quasi-sequel, DEATH SPORT.

  63. Mr. Majestyk, is right DEATH SPORT was Corman’s attempt to cash in on the success of DEATH RACE, by making another movie with Death in the title starting David Carradine, but it is not really a squeal and it is an awful movie. They never even really explain or define what Death Sport is. All we now is that it involves motor bikes and funny plastic swords. However, as bad as the movie is the recent Shout Factory DVD release of DEATH SPORT is really good. It comes as a double feature with BATTLE TRUCK which is a pretty good movie, and it features an excellent director commentary track that pulls no punches in laying out how a movie so bad ends up that way. I highly recommend it.

  64. Wow. How can any movie about something as awesome as car battles with guns be so dull? DEATH RACE 2 is how.

  65. I think Andy Richter brought Flatscreen Smashing to the mainstream last night.

    The sketch isn’t that funny, but the blue flash on the screen, when it got hit, looks beautiful IMO.

  66. Just watched part 1 and 2 today. Since I genuinely hate Paul What a Shithead Anderson´s movies, I hade no hopes on that one. Guess what…. I fucking liked it….and you know what. I liked part 2 as well….Now this is onehelluva one-two punch. I´m gonna feel groggy for a while now;Two movies that W.S was behind of! That I ENJOYED!! Am I in Twilight Zone? I´m gonna feel groggy for a while now….better lie down…..feel groggy…better lie down…

  67. I’m glad you enjoyed them, Shoot. Even if you are now questioning your core values as a man. I guess W.S. is one of the villains of the internet I have the most sympathy for, because I also enjoyed SOLDIER and I sort of got a kick out of MORTAL KOMBAT. I could probly get behind him as a decent Hollywood b-movie workman dude except I remember RESIDENT EVIL being boring as hell and I have trouble getting past ALIEN VS. PREDATOR.

  68. Don´t get me started on AVP or RESIDENT EVIL. I liked RE2, but it was directed by second unit man Alexander Wit(h)t much more fast-paced action and a better movie in my opinion. the third one was ok. It seems like the non-W.S sequels are the best. Hmmm…

  69. Finally got around to watch this, and I think it’s a very entertaining movie, until the races start, which are filmed in an even more incomprehensible way than part 1. But the last 15 minutes make up for that, by having some dark humored scenes, that really come close to the spirit of the Paul Bartel classic. (To be more specific: The deservedly inglorious fate of Big Bill, the accidental fate of his pit crew and of course Ving Rhames’ comment on September Jones’ final TV appereance.)

  70. I just wanted to pop up a recommendation here for BROS: AFTER THE SCREAMING STOPS. It’s a documentary about Luke and Matt Goss reforming Bros after many years apart and I think it’s fair to say that there’s a lot of tension between the two. The trailer (https://youtu.be/FrYxJEJd9-U) just hints at the disagreements within and it’s surpising that they’d sign off on its release.

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