"I take orders from the Octoboss."

The Exterminator

THE EXTERMINATOR is a crude but enjoyable vigilante action movie from 1980. It’s kind of in the vein of ROLLING THUNDER but closer to the quality level of THE PARK IS MINE. Robert Ginty plays a troubled Vietnam vet whose best friend (Steve James, more on him later) gets paralyzed by a gang so he kills them in revenge, then decides to declare himself The Exterminator and go murder various criminals. Now that I think about it this is actually in the vein of THE PUNISHER (either version), but it came before those movies.

You know this movie means business when the very first shot is the main character being tossed through the air by a huge explosion. There’s not even a studio logo before that, that is the very first shot. It starts out with a gruesome battle in Vietnam that explains why a dude would be troubled enough to become The Exterminator. There’s a very realistic and disturbing beheading in this scene. Stan Winston was one of the effects guys. It’s one of those action movie paradoxes because on one hand these things are what torments the main character, they are what cause him to go crazy and what he flashes back to when he’s murdering criminals. But on the other hand we think they are awesome. We want to see explosions and beheadings. As viewers, what’s worst for him is best for us. We are cruel gods.

The Exterminator(Not so, by the way, in most horror movies. In horror movies if they’re working you are hoping the person gets away. I mean how many beloved horror movies can you think of that show very little violence? HALLOWEEN, TEXAS CHAIN SAW, and many earlier classics. There are many. But an action movie is not an action movie if it doesn’t show the action. That makes it a drama. I don’t know why these “torture porn” people aren’t up in arms about action movies. I guess we’ll have to wait until they start making good ones again, then they’ll go after them.)

Once he becomes a vigilante, The Exterminator goes on a pretty good rampage. He puts a mafia don through a meat grinder. He kills a chicken hawk senator (chicken hawk as in pedophile, not as in warmongerer who avoided military service, although I bet he’s that too). He kills a doberman with an electric kitchen knife (but in self defense). I’m not really sure if the movie wants you to think he’s a hero or that he’s a nutball, probaly a little of both. They also keep switching to the story of the cop who’s trying to catch him (Christopher George). I liked that because it’s good to have a hero in his ’50s and because in one scene he plugs a hot dog into the wall so he can cook it at his desk. That’s a technique you see in real life but not in too many movies.

Also this cop is dating a doctor (Samantha Eggar) and that relationship gets a surprising amount of screen time. He even gets laid at the hospital. Way to go, Detective. And this sets up his first encounter with the Exterminator. He sees the Exterminator getting into an elevator, they make eye contact, and the Exterminator tells him his fly is down. A few moments later he realizes who it was he just saw. He later catches up to him but man that would be sad for him if that was the only time they came face-to-face. “Yeah, I could’ve caught him, but I didn’t realize it was him. And he told me my fly was down.”

That could be an alternate title for the movie too: THE EXTERMINATOR TOLD ME MY FLY WAS DOWN.

I think this Exterminator guy is flawed, and not just because of all these murders. I think we know right away because of how him and his friend Steve James handle some assholes stealing beers from their workplace. See, these two work at the docks. They catch some WARRIORS type gangsters drinking some beers from a shipment and they confront them. This is admirable because we’ve already seen how the boss gave Steve James a raise but wishes he could afford more. He’s not doing too well financially because the mob takes too big a cut of his money.

But in the process of stopping these guys from stealing a couple beers they end up destroying a couple pallets of beers! They knock a bunch of them over and Steve bodyslams a guy on top of a stack of them. Ultimately I think they end up costing the company way more money than if they just let it go. That might even be symbolic of what happens later, he’s cutting off people’s noses to spite crime’s face, or something.

These gangsters are mean. They’re called The Ghetto Ghouls and they have a flashy hot rod with flames and their logo painted on it. They’re some cold-blooded dudes but then you see their “clubhouse” where they bring girls and dance to “Disco Inferno.” Are you kidding me? You guys are still listening to mainstream disco in 1980? And we’re supposed to be afraid of you? I know The Warriors listened to some pretty bad music, but Disco Inferno? No way they’ve would’ve listened to that.

I also question The Exterminator’s relationship with Steve James’s wife. It seems like he thinks he does a real good job of looking out for her, but he really doesn’t. For example, at the beginning of the movie Steve gets attacked, and he’s in the hospital, and then the Exterminator goes to the wife and tells her that her husband was mugged and he may never walk again. You can only interpret that he went to the hospital and waited around for hours to get the diagnosis from the doctors, and only then did he go tell the wife.

Then near the end of the movie he goes one step further. Steve is still paralyzed at the hospital. They communicate through blinking, Steve gives his permission to pull the plug and put him out of his misery. The Exterminator does it, then goes to the wife and tells her. Motherfucker, include the wife in all matters of euthanasia. It’s called etiquette, Exterminator. Come on. Be more courteous next time.

I said I’d get back to Steve James, so here I am. I don’t know if you’re familiar with this guy, but he’s a good badass actor who never really got his due. He’s known for playing a sidekick for Michael Dudikoff and Chuck Norris. And I just learned from IMDb that he was a Baseball Fury in THE WARRIORS. He had a small appearance in TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A., and you might remember him as Kung Fu Joe if you saw I’M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA. He died in 1993 so he never got enough chances at starring roles. Unfortunately THE EXTERMINATOR was the one that started him on that career trajectory. He gets to kick ass in the Vietnam scene and the fight over the beer, but after that he spends the whole movie in a hospital bed, where he is so miserable he decides he wants to die. Too bad.

THE EXTERMINATOR is not a good movie. It’s not smart about vigilantism, and it’s crudely put together. But damn, for some reason I liked it. It’s sleazy enough and has enough weird little touches (the hot dog, the fly undone, the cynical ending) that it’s very enjoyable. Bravo.

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 7th, 2008 at 11:37 am and is filed under Action, Crime, Drama, Reviews, Thriller. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

10 Responses to “The Exterminator”

  1. This is one of my favourite exploitation/grindhouse/B-movie/whatever you wanna call it films. Whatever it lacks in brains it makes up for in guts. Sadly The Exterminator himself, Robert Ginty, passed away the other day from cancer at age 60. R.I.P. buddy, and don’t worry you’ll “be back” in my DVD player sometime soon.

  2. Let’s all pour out a little flamethrower fuel for Ginty. Not many people could split the difference between William Sanderson and Charles Bronson the way he did. He really put the “gruntle” in “disgruntled Vietnam vet,” and for that, he’ll be missed.

  3. Oh damn, I hadn’t heard about that. Yeah, I definitely enjoyed him in these. Anybody know any other good Robert Ginty movies?

  4. Sadly, the only other movie I’ve ever seen him in was Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, a personal favorite of mine. (It’s actually my desktop wallpaper.) He plays a helicopter pilot who switches sides at just the right time. That would actually be a good one to review, Vern. It’s got a lot of those weird touches you like.

    However, Ginty’s IMDB page is full of awesome titles that I need to check out: The Bounty Hunter, Out on Bail (Seagal has to be jealous of that one), Code Name Vengeance, The Mission…Kill (love those dots), Three Kinds of Heat, Programmed to Kill (aka The Retaliator), and Maniac Killer (Robert Ginty IS…). With titles like that, I don’t see how you can lose.

  5. I just watched this. It’s pretty much insane and unintelligible. Lots of pyro though, so that’s good and the violence is suitably extreme. Not the greatest but better than staring at a blank screen.
    The hot dog scene is great. I’d be willing to bet the director’s commentary explains how he once knew a real cop who had a very similar setup on his desk. Love those weird details.

  6. I love how the cop barely even tries to solve the case. He’d rather spend the day at the jazzfest with his ladyfriend. And who wouldn’t? Christopher George specialized in these ineffectual authority roles. He did something similar in PIECES. He was in the whole movie and never affected the plot one iota. Then there was DAY OF THE ANIMALS, where he was the worst park ranger in history. But he had to be, because if he was good at his job, we wouldn’t get to see anybody get eaten by bears. If there’s a plot afoot, you can count on Christopher George to stay the hell out of its way. I respect that.

  7. Weird, sleazy yet somehow really effective film. I saw it in the theaters years ago, and once or twice since, but that theater experience as a teen-ager, with a bunch of friends, was great. We quoted that movie for years.

    Robert Ginty was very good in whatever he was in. I remember him for this, as well as playing the father to Patrick Dempsey in Loverboy, which is one of my great “guilty pleasure” movies.

  8. That awesome cover/poster makes it look like way more of an eighties action movie than it is. It’s more like a moody seventies vigilante movie. Apparently there’s a sequel that’s more of an eighties movie. And Steve James did deserve to be a bigger star.

    To fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 Robert Ginty will always be fondly remembered as the star of Warrior of the Lost World, where he plays a stubbly post-apocalyptic drifter reluctantly recruited into the rebellion against a dictator (Donald Pleasence). To the writer/performers of that episode he was less-charitably remembered as “The Guy from The Paper Chase.” He’s an episode or two of Murder, She Wrote.

  9. I got a soft spot for Ginty, just because he was such an unlikely action star. He looks like the guy who works in a chop shop that the rogue cop hangs off a rooftop to get information, but for some inexplicable reason, this movie was enough of a hit that he became an action hero for a few years. The sequel is MUCH more over the top, the DEATH WISH 3 of the series, with Mario Van Peebles turning in a flamboyant performance as a post-apocalyptic warlord who hasn’t noticed that the bombs haven’t actually dropped yet. I believe the very first shot, before any credits even, is a fireball. So I recommend it.

  10. The unlikelihood of Ginty as an Action Hero went double for me, as before THE EXTERMINATOR, Ginty was best known, in my neck of the woods, playing a law student (!) in a popular TV Show called THE PAPER CHASE. THE EXTERMINATOR was a Harvard Law Grad, fuck yeah!

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