"I take orders from the Octoboss."

They Live

THEY LIVE is one of my favorite movies ever. It is probaly the very best version of a rare type of movie I love: the badass action movie that also works as a political statement. BILLY JACK may be more political, but it seems so self important and it has no sense of humor. THEY LIVE is kind of saying the same thing THE MATRIX is saying about a society brainwashed by media and advertising, but it’s saying more than that. It’s about the America of the Reagan years, when everything was geared to help the rich at the expense of the working class. Which for some reason seems awfully familiar today. Huh. Weird.

“Rowdy” Roddy Piper plays Nada, a drifter who walks into town with tools and a sleeping bag on his back. (Hey, what happens to that sleeping bag? I think it disappears.) This is a hero who not only doesn’t drive a sports car, but doesn’t have a car at all. Or a house. Or a job, at first. The plants are closing, the jobs are drying up, that’s why he’s on the move. But he happens to get a construction job, where he meets Frank (Keith motherfuckin David from THE THING) and finds out about a homeless encampment near a church where some nice people serve food for the homeless.

They LiveThe first section of the movie doesn’t have alot of dialogue. It’s all about watching. Nada watches people watching TV – an old lady in an apartment, a dude standing outside an electronics shop, even homeless people who have a TV set up outside. We can see that Nada is a little creeped out by the vapid commercials and their hypnotic effect on people. And then they get pissed off when, every once in a while, some weird old man cuts into the broadcast desperately telling people to “wake up.” And then everybody gets a headache.

Nada also starts watching the church, because he notices something odd going on. He watches a helicopter watching the church. He sneaks in and sees that it’s not a real church. The choir he hears from outside is a reel-to-reel tape and there’s some kind of rebels hatching a plan in there. He even bumps into a secret panel in the wall and sees a box inside, but he gets found out by an elderly blind priest, so he leaves.

All this watching is actually very cinematic. I like the good ol’ non-verbal storytelling. And of course the director is John Carpenter and he knows how to pull this shit off. It’s got a bluesy take on the usual John Carpenter driving electronic score, so it creates a real powerful mood. The movie’s actually a little stiff when they have dialogue explaining things, but the story is so perfect that I don’t care.

One night an army of riot cops come raid the church. Not just that, they bulldoze the entire homeless camp and beat everybody up, including the elderly, blind priest. This might seem over-the-top to some people, but not to me. If you’ve been around WTO or any big police riot like that you know this movie is accurate. Except there is less chanting in the movie version. It might make you lose respect for Keith David’s character if he kept chanting, “This is what democracy looks like! This is what democracy looks like!”

The next day, Nada goes into the church, opens up the secret panel, steals the box, brings it to an alley… and finds out it’s just a box of sunglasses. Shit.

But you guys know what happens next. It turns out that the sunglasses were created by the rebels, they somehow break through a hypnotic signal that has brainwashed the world. So as Nada walks around he sees the truth: billboards and magazines that say things like “OBEY” and “CONSUME” and “MARRY AND REPRODUCE” in plain black letters on plain white backgrounds. Money that says “THIS IS YOUR GOD.” And some people, many of them coincidentally with ties or fur coats, have ugly skeletal alien faces. Because the ruling class are aliens, keeping us “asleep” with our competition and greed so we won’t notice they’re infiltrating our world and slowly changing our climate to theirs. (I wonder if Al Gore likes THEY LIVE? Maybe if he said that in 2000 he would’ve won by enough to stay president.)

The section of the movie where Nada walks around with his sunglasses and sees what’s going on is undeniably classic. Especially when he tells off some rich alien ladies in a high end grocery store, and all the aliens start talking into their Rolexes. “I’ve got one that can see.” Nada ends up killing two alien cops, stealing their shotgun and shooting up a bank, which is where he says his most famous line, “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubble gum.” Apparently John Carpenter gave Piper free reign to ad lib dialogue, and he made that one up. There’s lots of funny lines like that. My favorite line actually I always remembered completely wrong. I thought he said, “It fuckin figures” when he saw all the rich people were aliens. But he actually says the equally perfect, “It figures it would be something like this.”

It’s perfect because it’s true, it does figure. The details of the alien takeover all fit the world as we know it. Alot of rich people are our alien controllers. We see two guys talking, the alien got a big promotion and the human didn’t. Who’s an alien and who’s not always seems to fall along class lines. The assistants aren’t aliens, the waiters aren’t, the people of color aren’t. Some cops are aliens but most of them aren’t, they just work for the man anyway. Alot of humans benefit from the takeover too – as they sellout, they find themselves getting raises and promotions. There are even humans who know about the aliens and still sellout, and in addition to getting money and power they’re honored at a fancy banquet in the aliens’ underground tunnel system.

And you know one give away that they’re not on our side? They got these fancy watches that work as walkie talkies and as teleporters. You always thought why can’t I have one of those fancy rich people watches? Because I can’t afford it. But actually it’s because you’re not a they live. In the ’80s those watches were a big thing for yuppies and shit, now in the 2000s it’s mostly rappers that are they lives, such as P-Diddy is definitely a they live and he hands out watches to people at awards shows to secretly honor their collaboration with the they lives.

Once Nada finds out the secret, the movie is less about watching and more about shooting. There’s alot of shooting in this movie. But the greatest and most distinctive action scene in the movie is the famous alley fight between Nada and Frank. Nada wants Frank to put on the sunglasses to see the truth, but Frank doesn’t want to. He has a wife and kid, he just wants to mind his own business, stay out of it. So the result is an amazing 5 1/2 minute wrestling match on concrete. There is some bodyslamming, alot of punching, a whole lot of kicking and kneeing in the balls. I mean they just beat the shit out of each other, and these are our heroes. This scene is both legendary and infamous because it goes on for so long, and most people (including people who like it) seem to think it is completely gratuitous. I disagree. I think it’s a perfect symbol for the distance somebody will go to not see the trouble in the world. I don’t like politics. I just mind my own business. All Frank has to do is look, but he must know instinctively that it is a seditious act, it will change his life. Once Nada gets those glasses on him, Frank can’t look away. He’s on the team, and the two of them set out to see what they can do to take the planet back.

Actually first they limp to a hotel room, all bloody, and check in together. I wonder what the hell the hotel clerk thinks is going on?

I mean, THEY LIVE has everything. The brilliant Twilight Zone type premise. The dead-on social/political satire. The catchy soundtrack. The hilarious tough guy oneliners. The wrestling. The shooting. The cool alien monsters in ties, making speeches. The violent rebellion against the oppressors. The badass kamikaze conclusion. Keith David. Roddy Piper. Everything. That right there was a list of everything.

Piper is clearly not as good of an actor as Kurt Russell, but he’s perfect as this particular John Carpenter hero. He seems believable as a homeless construction worker. And even though I think he has a bit of a Canadian accent, you believe him when he says he believes in America. When he puts the glasses on and finds out what’s happening to America, he knows he has to fix it. This is a movie about real partriotism.

Unfortunately for patriotism though, the Americans really fucked up on releasing THEY LIVE on DVD. There’s a German version with a commentary track by Carpenter and Piper (in English, of course). The region 1 version went out of print for a while so I assumed they’d put the commentary on when it came out again. But when the “special edition” finally came out there was nothing extra. (It figures it would be something like that.) If you can get a hold of it, and if you enjoy Carpenter’s commentaries as much as I do, this is as good as the other ones.

The most interesting thing to me is when Piper explains the effect this movie had on his wrestling career. He was at the WWF of course, where he was the Joker to Hulk Hogan’s Batman. But he wanted to do this movie. Vince McMahon didn’t want him to do it because he always wanted to control all aspects of his wrestlers’ careers, and this was an offer coming from the outside. Apparently they told Piper just to forget about it, don’t do the movie, and the WWF will find a bigger movie for him to do instead. But Piper said yeah, you can get me a bigger movie, but it won’t be directed by John Carpenter. He quit the WWF to work with John Carpenter. So I like the guy! Just for that, I might try watching HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN again. I haven’t seen that since the days of USA Up All Night.

My only complaint about THEY LIVE: the title is not so hot. I know, it comes from the graffiti that says “They live, we sleep.” They’re living their real lives which is to fuck with us and put us in a dreamworld. Just like those god damn machines in THE MATRIX. So it makes sense, but it just sounds kind of awkward. I mean you can’t really make a THEY LIVE 2 or a THEY LIVE AGAIN, it just sounds bad.

Oh well. Still one of the best movies ever. And every time I watch it it’s better than I remember it being. And I like to think it’s just because it’s a great movie, not because it’s getting more and more relevant by the day.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006 at 12:21 am and is filed under Action, Reviews, Science Fiction and Space Shit. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

14 Responses to “They Live”

  1. Just saw this for the first time and it really is an awesome movie. John Carpenter put together most of the great sci-fi action movies of the ’80s, at least in my opinion.

    Rowdy is pretty good in it, obviously a big silly oaf, but he has a lot of fun it seems like. I just checked him out on imdb and apparently he’s been in 58 movies/tv shows, not counting Westlemania 1 and 2, so maybe he’s more of an actor than I’d given him credit for. Anywho, I think he compares favorably with someone like Brian Bosworth, which isn’t too bad. “Back in Action” which stars Roddy alongside Billy Blanks looks pretty wild, just judging by the preview. Probably tough to track down though…

  2. Damn fine movie. Damn fine commentary. Carpenter is one of those guys who gives GREAT commentary. At his best with Kurt Russell, but always top notch. Reading this review opens up the wound of losing this and most of my dvds when I had to close the rental store I ran. Man I gotta get me another disc of this one…

  3. “Brother, life is a bitch and she’s back in heat.”

    I can’t believe there’s not more love for this flick.

  4. […] won’t be able to elaborate much further than this man’s infectious enthusiasm for the film –  https://outlawvern.com/2006/08/23/they-live/- but I’ll throw in my two cents. They Live is essentially a tale of Us against Them, partly a […]

  5. RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper.

  6. Watched this again last night to honor The Rowdy One. And it gets better and more relevant every year! Classism, racism, police brutality, pollution, global warming, CEO’s laying people off and giving themselves bonuses, mindless TV placating the masses, said masses acting oh-so-inconvenienced when someone dares interrupt their TV to try to tell them the truth. For a movie made in 1988 it feels very “of today”. In fact, one plot point/hole I noticed would work even better today – I always wondered as a kid what the flying security bot looked like without the glasses (I mean, did people see this weird sphere floating above them or was it invisible without the glasses?) Now that could totally be one of those drones that’s popping up everywhere and will probably be commonplace in 3 years.

    Also noticed another neat thing – this movie is split perfectly into 3 episodes. It’s around 90 minutes long, and it takes almost exactly 30 minutes for Piper to finally get the glasses (the slow-burn first act is probably the weakest but I still loved it). Episode 2 is the best part where Roddy sees the world as it truly is, goes on his murder spree and of course climaxes in the mother of all streetfights (which ends at around the hour mark). Episode 3 is where Keith David finally wakes up, joins Piper and the resistance, and they go out in a blaze of glory and maybe save the world. Not sure if Carpenter did this structure on purpose but it’s pretty neat and made me long for the days when stories could actually be told in one movie. No doubt if they made this movie today it would be an epic trilogy/quadrilogy, possibly climaxing in “The They Live Saga: All Out of Bubblegum: Part 2” Which would normally be a terrible idea except this way they can make the alleyway fight about 45 minutes.

  7. Finally saw this, and had mixed feelings. The satire is brilliant, of course, and remains remarkably relevant. But the second half seems to run out of ideas, both satirically and in terms of action. The fight scene is good, but the big gunfights after that are generic and clumsy.

    I’ve maybe been spoiled since I’ve been rewatching Verhoeven’s films due to the release of Elle, but Robocop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers all keep escalating both the satire and action throughout their length instead of running out of steam halfway through. Admittedly, They Live’s budget was about 1/5 of Robocop’s, and wouldn’t have paid for a day’s catering on the other two. But Carpenter delivered the goods action wise for chump change in Assault.

    I mean, I’m still glad I saw it — it’s entertaining enough, and the good parts are fantastic. It’s well worth a look. But it still doesn’t live up to its concept, I don’t think.

    Honestly, while Carpenter’s big hits keep getting remade, this is the one I’d like to see get remade, with the budget and imagination to actually live up to the amazing setup.

  8. “are generic and clumsy” – John Carpenter has never really been known for his whiz bang action sequences. I love Big Trouble in Little China, for example, but not because of the lame kung fu sequences.

  9. Slate.com is running a conspiracy thriller series of articles, and last week they covered “They Live”. Hopefully the link will work.

  10. Vern how do you not have a review for HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN? I randomly picked it up on blu ray a few weeks ago and just watched it with a giant grin on my face the whole time. According to david j moore’s book they somehow made three sequels to it (the first sequel starring Lou Ferrigno). Doubt I will ever see those but the first one is pretty amazing. I would definitely recommend getting stoned before watching it though.

  11. Great movie, great review! JJ makes a good point, and it’s true of so many science fiction movies that all the big ideas are in the first part and the last part is mostly an action movie.

    Credit for making me aware of this goes to Kenneth Johnson, who said it in a Starlog interview about his then-new Alien Nation TV series; that to him the best part of the original Alien Nation movie was the first part with all the social SF about aliens trying to assimilate as immigrants, and when it turned into more of a straightforward action movie it was less interesting.

    Even in Total Recall the density of ideas goes down in the last third as the action escalates. In a good movie like Recall we don’t notice it the first time through because we’re on the edge of our seat, but inevitably we notice it on re-watching the movie. As I get older I get less out of action scenes, unless something about them stands out. They’re better when they move the plot along by demonstrating a futuristic technology the hero is using, or even just having the hero remove a lot of bad guys, than when they’re inconclusive shootouts that don’t change anything and slow down the plot.

    Pet theory: Count Floyd was trying to distribute the Hoffman lenses to Melonville’s viewers in the form of 3D glasses. “Monster Chiller Horror Theatre” was his hacker signal. Remember, he was a journalist by day. The SCTV station was where the alien transmitter was located. Become part of the new and exciting Zontar team and get rewarded with your own prime-time special. Roddy Piper is from the Great White North.

  12. I remember once mentioning Szulkin’s classic 1986 dystopian sci-fi farce “Ga, ga: Glory to the Heroes!” to a US acquaintance who happened to be a film connoisseur, and she asked me to show it to her (and translate; I believe it is now already available in a translated version), whereupon she drew an interesting parallel: she compared it to “They Live”.

    And while I never had this association myself, after comparing the two very different perspectives, I did see how one could draw this parallel. While they are completely, absolutely different films, with very different comedic approaches, there are indeed quite a few points where they meet. There is the dystopian, absurd and surreal world (far more dystopian, absurd, and surreal in “Ga, ga”, of course). The soulless, merciless, omnipotent “Ruling Power” (alien in “They Live”, very much human in “Ga, ga”). The helplessness of the cog-in-a-machine citizen. The society of mindless, blind, careless consumers. The powerlessness of the reluctant hero who never wanted to be one, and who really only wanted to be left alone. And, of course, the sacrifice.

    To expand a little: “Ga, ga” is the fourth and final – and my personal favorite – entry in Szulkin’s sci-fi tetralogy, consisting of Golem, War of the Worlds: the Next Generation, and O-bi, O-ba – and, like some of the others, it combines elements of sci-fi and horror, while adding something new: a large portion of (very) dark humor.

    “Ga, ga” takes place in a supposedly-utopian-actually-extremely-dystopian future, in which outer space has been explored and exploited so much that all planets worth discovering have already been colonised, humans have become lazy and spoiled, and nobody wants to be an astronaut anymore. Therefore, the demanding and dangerous job of the astronaut is now forced upon prisoners, who are tossed into rusted, clunky rockets and sent out to find new planets. If they’re lucky, they land on a habitable planet, perhaps even one with civilisation; if not, they still have to perform their explorer’s duty, i.e. stick a cheap miniature flag in the surface, claim the planet for Man, and expire heroically in their useless, immobile spaceships.

    The protagonist, one Scope, is sent to one such planet, which turns out to be inhabited, and impatiently awaiting his arrival – and that is because, as it turns out, they are in grave need of Heroes, “alien” characters, who are given free reign to commit any deeds they want for a limited time – the more vile the deeds, the better – whereupon they are expected to be heroically executed in a great public ceremony, and thus give the entire planet a cathartic experience that will keep the populace satisfied and calm for a year or so…

    The film is largely a political parable from the period – a tale of an odd regime that is more outlandishly surreal than dismally oppressive – but it holds up outside it, and works beyond it. It does not have significant presence on the English-speaking Internet, but there is a longer review online here, and here is a scene which might give one a taste of the film’s peculiar, darkly absurdist atmosphere. It has, conversely, gained a somewhat larger recognition in the Francophone sci-fi circles – and here, for instance, is a longer text devoted to it, and illustrated with several screenshots.

    (And, yes, the title is actually addressed in a scene: upon being forced to sign a “voluntary confession” at one point, the protagonist signs it “Ga, ga”, and explains to the interrogating bureaucrat that it is the noise that powerless babies make; the bureaucrat is satisfied and remarks that he’s no disciplinarian).

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