"I take orders from the Octoboss."


It seems like a fluke that PEARL even exists. It’s director Ti West’s prequel to his previous movie X, which was a hit for A24 earlier this year. It came so fast because he thought of the idea during a pandemic delay for the first movie, wrote it real fast and built it in as a back-to-back shoot.

X was of course a ‘70s set TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE homage about a very old couple taking out some of their issues on the young people who rented their barn to film a porn movie. One of its novelties was realizing somewhere in the middle that Mia Goth (SUSPIRIA remake), who plays the wannabe starlet protagonist Maxine, is also playing the lusty elderly villain Pearl. So in this one she return as a young Pearl in 1918, and as the central character. You don’t see that every day.

PEARL doesn’t seem like a very commercial movie to me, because #1 it’s not really focused on scares, and #2 it’s done in a retro style inspired by the films of Douglas Sirk. But it’s doing well for its slim budget, and these days you gotta appreciate a small movie like it even getting attention. It’s a darkly tragicomic (but not really jokey) character study built almost entirely on the foundation of how fun it is to watch Goth play this character. I say “almost” so as not to discredit West’s success in navigating the line of how much quasi-old timey trappings (melodramatic acting styles, saturated colors, big orchestral score [by Tyler Bates and Tim Williams], iris transitions, imaginary musical numbers) is enough to be winky but not overly broad. It’s a low budget movie and the (I assume) digital photography obviously can’t match some lush studio classic from the golden age of Hollywood, but his imitation gets the idea across without being embarrassing.

Reigning over it all is Goth as Pearl, a button-nosed, starry-eyed farm girl who has a great relationship with her animals, but not so much with her harsh immigrant mother (Tandi Wright, LOVE AND MONSTERS) and paralyzed father (Matthew Sunderland, THE NIGHTINGALE). Actually, no, on second thought, not with the animals either. She tells the cow Charlie about her dreams and kisses him on the nose, but others meet the end of her ax. She’s a pretty troubled young lady.

It’s all so archly archaic, but much of it is timeless. Pearl feels empty and broken in ways she doesn’t understand, she escapes into a fantasy world (“the pictures”) and sees no possibility of a new life other than a type of fame that drops in your lap. When that doesn’t happen she doesn’t know how to process it other than ugly crying and slaughter.

It’s a towering performance by Goth on many different levels, but the showstopper is (spoilers) a monologue that I would like to compare and contrast to the one from FIRST BLOOD. You know, that’s a story about a damaged guy we root for and relate to, he’s gotten here through enormous stubbornness, but also being backed into a corner. And part of his super-warrior persona is suppressing any human emotions his situation may produce. But after keeping it all in through all that mayhem he comes face to face with his father figure Trautman and the dam bursts. He lets loose everything he’s feeling and thinking about, he blubbers, he becomes completely vulnerable.

Pearl has a moment like that, though the situation is different. She’s killed more people (fewer animals?) than Rambo, but she was barely holding it together much of the time – trying to maintain a Judy-Garland-on-screen facade, with varied success. Still, when her sister in law Mitsy (Emma Jenkins-Purro) offers an ear to her, Pearl breaks open with too much honesty, admitting her fears that something is very wrong with her, then confessing her affair, then some murders. Mitsy did not know what she was getting herself into. Uh, okay, well… thanks Pearl, gotta go.

It’s not overly comical and yet it absolutely plays off of the humor of a character as messy and unhinged as Pearl also being adorable. She’s a disaster, but she’s our disaster. I don’t know what it is, I don’t feel like I’m a messy person, but the older I get the more I like these messy characters as a hyperbolic depiction of relatable problems. I for sure wouldn’t do just about anything that Pearl does, but I watch her trying and horribly failing to keep her shit together and I think yeah, it’s like that sometimes. You can do it, Pearl.

Okay, it’s disconcerting when her delightful cornfield dance with a creepy scarecrow leads to her voraciously humping the thing. But that’s not what stuck in my mind later whenever she wore the top hat she took as a souvenir – instead I thought of Pearl in a top hat as the Pearl she wants to be, Pearl the entertainer. The Pearl who, would you believe, was a humble farm girl, daughter of immigrants, before she was discovered here in this very town? That’s who the Pearl in the top hat is. Not the Pearl who got stuck on the farm for 90 years or so.

I just love that she has a relationship with the alligator from X (or that alligator’s mother). She talks to her. Tells her goodbye when she thinks she’ll be leaving for Hollywood. Feeds her other animals and a head or two. Calls her Theda.

I saw PEARL and started writing about it on its opening weekend a couple weeks ago, but took my time so I could finish the summer of ’92 series first. During those weeks I’ve been happy to see the movie (and especially Goth, who by the way shares a writing credit with West) stay in the conversation as much as they’ve stayed in my head. This is a simpler movie than X, but it sunk into me deeper, it turns out. I’m not sure I would’ve said so right after seeing it, but now I know I like it better than X.

A big surprise was reading that Martin Scorsese saw and loved PEARL – even said he lost sleep over it! I bet Ti West never saw that coming. Makes sense that Scorsese would like the homage to another era of filmmaking, but it amused me at first that he found it so scary. Then it occurred to me that yeah, of course it would hit harder if you’ve spent your life as a movie director, with the fates of many Pearls in your hands. We’ll know it really fucked with him if he starts casting all unknowns for now on.

Although I never would’ve thought Scorsese would go see a Ti West movie and rave about it, it actually had occurred to me that the movie has some parallels to THE KING OF COMEDY. It can be 2022, it can be 1982, it can be 1918 – this dream of fame is always gonna mess with people.

Of course we know from the post credits scene and elsewhere that West, Goth and A24 will continue the series with MAXXXINE, a sequel about Goth’s other X character, set in 1985. This one has not shot yet, so it will take longer. Hopefully they can shoot it in the real Hollywood, not New Zealand, if that’s the best way to capture that sleazy ‘80s Hollywood Boulevard feel. (Maybe it’s not.) I think I said this in the X review, but I still hope it’s kinda like the ANGEL movies.

I will, however, miss Pearl, and would like to point out that we have a 50-some year gap here with no explanation of how or why Howard (played briefly by Alistair Sewell [THE POWER OF THE DOG] in this one) got on board with Pearl’s activities once he returned from the war. You’d think that would put a strain on the marriage, but he’s still there covering for her in the ‘70s. Should the X-verse continue after MAXXXINE, how ‘bout something like a HOUSE OF PEARL – black and white Universal style gothic horror set in the ‘30s? That seems like it could be cool.

But they don’t need my ideas, they obviously know what they’re doing. I look forward to seeing what it is.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 at 7:24 am and is filed under Horror, Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

8 Responses to “Pearl”

  1. Although I never would’ve thought Scorsese would go see a Ti West movie

    As many, many people who’ve lived in New York City can attest to, Martin Scorsese sees EVERYTHING

  2. I’m less interested in this than I was in X, 40s melodrama being SLIGHTLY less up my alley than 70s grindhouse, but I’ll still see it. Even when West is working in a format that doesn’t particularly appeal to me (such as found footage or slow-burn ghost movie), his attention to the craft makes them worth watching.

    I wasn’t all that impressed by Goth in X at first. I didn’t think her old lady performance was particularly convincing, and the other character she played for the job done but didn’t seem like a tour de force or anything. The thing was, I’d never seen her in anything else before. It was only when I watched her interviews on the DVD that I realized what a transformation both roles were. She’s this soft-spoken English girl, barely talks above a whisper, seems like she should be playing corset roles in Jane Austen adaptations. But she pulled off this surly white trash wildcat so convincingly, I just assumed that was close to what she was. Made her a little more interesting to me as an actress. It seems like she’s the whole show here so that’s probably a good thing. It’s certainly doing more to keep me interested than Scorsese’s endorsement, which, fairly or not, is gonna make anything sound like homework. I should probably remind myself that this is the guy who stood up for VICE SQUAD back in the day.

  3. I recall Pat Healy recounting on some podcast I listened to ages and ages ago that Scorsese was also a big fan of THE INNKEEPERS.

    As well one should be.

  4. Resident Clinton

    October 4th, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    I really liked X but, yeah, I also ended up getting into Pearl a bit more.

    I was thinking of it as a Douglas Sirk take on Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (or maybe Straight Jacket), which is such a nice compliment to the previous film. But it really is Mia Goth that really made this stand out. She is just so dang compelling and fun in this role, and she just made me want to root for this little psychopath – even as I was squealing, “No! Leave Misty alone, she’s innocent!” Can’t wait to see where Goth and Ti West go with Maxxxine, both in terms of style and performance. I am crossing my fingers for a DePalma Body Double homage or something (but I am also excited by the idea of West just surprising us with whatever).

    As a nice X tie-in the website for Pearl has a whole page full of vintage silent porn shorts, the kind I remember seeing during some wonderfully raucous antique adult film events at the Grand Illusion years ago. Worth a peek!

    PS – I think the alligator’s name was “Theda”. I only tracked that because Pearl said that she named all her animals after her favorite movie stars, and there was a big poster featuring Theda Bara at ye olde movie house.

  5. Good catch. I knew it was something like that. Thanks for the correction.

  6. Finally saw X and *loved* it– maybe my favorite movie of 2022 so far. So I had to run and catch this before it left theaters. I think the AMC showed it slightly out of focus, but that kinda helped the aesthetic. I preferred X, but I don’t think I’m going out on a limb by declaring this to be among the best prequels ever made, if not the best. Mia Goth is excellent– I know the Oscars aren’t cool enough for this movie, but hopefully she can get an Independent Spirit Award or something.

    Is it bad if I identify heavily with Pearl? I haven’t axe-murdered anybody, but I get what it’s like to be isolated with your increasingly decrepit family during a pandemic, obsessed with movies and hoping a miracle will sweep you up into the pictures. Maybe after MaXXXine we can get a Pearl 2, because I’d really like to see Howard’s side of the story.

    Frankly, I’m amazed something like this could get a wide-ish theatrical release in the 2022 film landscape, but I’m glad for it.

  7. Finally got to see this (it seems to be stuck in some sort of limbo here in the uk, like the physical release of Everything Everywhere; It’s a mess.)

    LOVED it. West is always dependable, but this takes the pitch-black streak of humor that’s present on most of his films and runs away with it. So many great jokes that don’t, as stated in the review, really count as jokes because they come out organically from character or situation. I loved, for example, how Pearl’s dad manages to become more expressive as the movie escalates. That’s some top-notch, bleak as hell gallows humor.
    Even that big monologue has the comedic underpinning that Mitsy is listening from off-camera. It’s gripping drama, suspense, and the humor of imagining what’s going through Mitsy’s head while she silently listens off screen.

    And it features the prettiest dismemberment scene I’ve ever seen. Top marks, well done everyone.

  8. Just caught up with this and found it delightful. The scarecrow scene was a great and hilarious example of “well, that escalated quickly…” I would totally be down to clown with another Pearl adventure, I’d love to see how Howard handled all the crazy and decided to stick around. And after seeing Pearl’s actions as a young woman and an elderly woman, does anyone really believe she made it the intervening 5+ decades without killing anyone else? I have a feeling that gator got a special treat every once in a while… Also, I just googled it and gators usually live 30-50 years, up to 70 in captivity, so that could totally be the same gator in X!

    I have been deep diving this website’s archives since becoming a regular reader, and one thing I loved to see is Vern’s appreciation of Lucky McKee’s films. I wanted to point out that Pearl reminded me a lot of May. Especially her relationship with the projectionist, when he showed her that porno reel and she reacted with curiosity instead of shock or disgust it felt just like Jeremy Sisto showing his zombie student film to May. The guy is obviously thinking “alright, this one wasn’t scared away, so she might be some fun!” while we know this fool is getting in over his head and has no idea what this girl is actually capable of. And yet both movies and lead performances walk that fine line of making us care about and even root for their weirdo heroines, even as we know things will inevitably get out of hand.

    Between this, X, and Infinity Pool, Mia Goth is out here killing it, both literally and figuratively. Her rolling around on the car hood taunting Skaarsgard and eating KFC in Infinity Pool might be my favorite scene of the last year. Her monologue in Pearl is truly fantastic. And my god, holding on her face for the end credits was brilliant. Her rictus grin turning into spasming tears was some capital-A (Jon Lovitz voice) Actinggggg and it worked. Fucking Amazon Prime tried to kill the mood by immediately bringing up suggestions of what to watch next as soon as those credits started, I hate that shit. And there was no Maxxxine tag at the end credits of the streaming version, bummer.

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