I did Larry’s podcast!

Longtime commenter Sternshein has a podcast called Reel Early where he talks to people about their history of movie love. I had a great time finally having a conversation with him, and we talked about video stores, working as a projectionist, writing reviews and other stuff. I talked about a few parts of my life I haven’t talked about before – sorry if it ruins my mystique. But check out the podcast, there are some good episodes with other people you’ve seen around here like Fred Topel and Mark Palermo. Thanks Larry, I had a great time!



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6 Responses to “I did Larry’s podcast!”

  1. Hey, I saw THE INVISIBLE MAN all alone in the cinema. I guess it’s a Leigh Whannell thing.

  2. I actually listened to it, even in full, despite my short attention span when it comes to hearing people talk without seeing them. It was a good conversation. I enjoyed it.

  3. Vern, that’s awesome and I’ll check it out.

    Always enjoy you on podcasts.

  4. Thanks for everybody who has listened. I also have episodes you might be interested in with:

    Mark Polermo – https://shows.acast.com/reel-early/episodes/mark-polermo-screenwriter-and-podcaster


    Franchise Fred Topel – https://shows.acast.com/reel-early/episodes/fred-topel-entertainment-writer

  5. I really enjoyed it. I also had that House 2 comic I got at a video store.

  6. Did I know you were also a projectionist? Moving Bride of Chucky to the big theater for the employee screening is a baller move.

    Funny about Godard. I saw Weekend in film school and loved it so I actually am a Godard fan. Hit and miss but the good ones are great and the bad ones (some of which you’ve reviewed) are unwatchable.

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