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Posts Tagged ‘Lung Sihung’

Eat Drink Man Woman

Monday, August 5th, 2024

August 3rd, 1994

Here’s a rare experience: I went 30 years of knowing the title EAT DRINK MAN WOMAN without even knowing exactly what the movie was about. As much as I love several of Ang Lee’s films I never went back and watched the ones that made him so well known. This is his third movie, after the international success of THE WEDDING BANQUET, but before his Hollywood breakthrough SENSE AND SENSIBILITY. To date it’s his only movie set in Taiwan, where he was born and raised.

It’s about three adult sisters and their widower father, an aging master chef who’s losing his sense of taste. And like so many of Lee’s films it’s about complicated family relationships, repressed emotions, secrets and longing.

Also it’s about cooking. It starts with Master Chu (Lung Sihung, EIGHT HUNDRED HEROES) preparing a complex meal for the family. Lots of meat (some of which we first see as live animals) but even for me it’s a beautiful sequence, the precision and ease with which he slices open a fish or dices an onion with his hatchet, the many items he drops into and lifts out of hot oils, the sauces he pours onto them, the delicate ways he folds together dumplings. They’re meticulous processes he must’ve performed hundreds or thousands of times over, all ingrained in his head and muscle memory. The sequence took more than a week to film, with the actor doubled by a real master chef, and it’s several minutes with no dialogue, just some traditional music (composer: Mader, IN THE SOUP) and the pleasing sounds of chopping, sizzling, pouring. He’s in the zone, and he’s at home, all alone, it’s not one of those stressful restaurant settings. It seems so peaceful. It’s for the love of it. (read the rest of this shit…)