Unless you’re saving it for the inevitable The Expendables 3 Countdown, how about RHINESTONE? It’s no Clint boxset but I think it might be disturbing enough to get you thinking about diving into some of the other Sly’s like FIRST RAMBO II: THE BODYCOUNT and ROCKY III: MR. T ON ICE. Even though you’re light on Sly flicks I can understand the resistance to LOCK UP and DAYLIGHT, but aren’t ya itchin’ for a GET CARTER VS GET STALLONE drunken alley brawl? RHINESTONE. There’s just nothing not wrong about it. Except Bob Clark. It’s his secret shame.
As long as the late Bob Clark has BABY GENIUSES 2 on his filmography, RHINESTONE will never be his secret shame.
dude WHAT? Vern, I can’t believe you said that, RHINESTONE is fucking awful and I should know because not long ago I tried watching it
RHINESTONE is OK. A lot of the Razzie etc. like to pretend it was a legitimate attempt by Sly to become a singer, which it obviously wasn’t.
And maybe it’s just childhood nostalgia talking, but I don’t think STOP! OR MY MOM WILL SHOOT would simply be forgotten if it didn’t have such an, er, idiosyncratic title. It’s a shamelessly broad comedy, but not much less
“hey, I told ya I had a big organ”
Yeah Vern, you haven’t reviewed either version of GET CARTER, if you do a search with “get carter” (include the quotes) you’ll see it’s been mentioned in HARRY BROWN and a couple of others.
Didn’t mean to stir up any kind of hornet’s nest, was just testing the new Icon pages to see if the comments worked the same throughout the system.
So apparently Sly is producing a US version of the German Hit TV show DER LETZTE BULLE, which is a light hearted crime show about a tough cop who fell into a coma in the 80s, wakes up in our time and solves his cases now “the old way”.
I’m actually looking forward to this, because while DER LETZTE BULLE is a very entertaining show, it’s also very German in its depiction of 80s toughness and the US version might depict all the cool 80s stuff, that we love so much. Especially with a real 80s action icon on the producer’s chair.
CJ – thats too good of an idea if you ask me. Hate to be cynical, but they’ll find a way to drop the ball an such an awesome pitch.
Reminds me of how the American remake of LIFE ON MARS took that terrific UK show (and brilliant pitch) and found a way to drop the ball. Hard.
Maybe. The German version is no masterpiece either, but benefits from a good cast and entertaining scripts. So far there is not much known about the US version, except for Sly’s involvement and that the script is written by one of the creators of CHUCK, which means that the show might be already less badass than I wanted it to be, but might still deliver on the entertainment factor.
Did anybody else see the news that they are making a CREED film about the grandson of Apollo Creed being trained by Rocky. Stallone will return as the Italian Stallion, and Ryan Coogler the director of FRUITVALE STATION will helm the project. Michael B. Jordan also from FS will star in the title role as Apollo’s grandson. This exciting news. I haven’t had the chance to see FS yet but I have heard nothing but good things, and I think this an awesome way to both extend and reboot the ROCKY franchise. It also sets a very cool president of a successful franchise character appearing as a supporting character in a new franchise.
Did anybody else see the news that they are making a CREED film about the grandson of Apollo Creed being trained by Rocky. Stallone will return as the Italian Stallion, and Ryan Coogler the director of FRUITVALE STATION will helm the project. Michael B. Jordan also from FS will star in the title role as Apollo’s grandson. This is exciting news. I haven’t had the chance to see FS yet but I have heard nothing but good things, and I think this is an awesome way to both extend and reboot the ROCKY franchise. It also sets a very cool president of a successful franchise character appearing as a supporting character in a new franchise.
Sorry for the double post. I am having technical difficulties.
Yeah Charles, this may be the first time I’ve ever thought a sequel/prequel/spin-off was actually a good idea! Rocky Balboa was a perfect note to end the series on but I don’t mind the idea of Rocky being a supporting character/mentor at all. I really hope they don’t kill him off in Creed III though..
I also noticed this news.
Hopefully this student doesn’t turn on Rocky like what happened in ROCKY V.
Will Creed’s grandson fight Lundgren’s son in the climax?
Fred, I knew this would be on your radar.
RAMBO V appears to be on the way.
Rambo goes up against a Mexican Cartel. Its being preemptively titled as RAMBO:LAST STAND (in homage, or competition to Arnie?)
I like that Stallone says it will be Rambo’s NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN!!
I’m okay with this.
I’ve learned never to believe a word Stallone says about his movies before they come out, but more Rambo is always welcome. Sly always emotionally connects with the character and that makes all the difference.
I’d prefer JOHN RAMBO to be the last Rambo movie. I thought he ended the character on a perfect note. But hey, if it’s great, I guess I won’t be complaining.
Still, I’m dying for Sly to create another iconic character. Would much rather see him portray another veteran war machine character taking on the Mexican cartel. It’ll probably make the shift in tone (if the NO COUNTRY comparison is true) go down easier. A shift in expectations is usually a good thing.
It would just be a half-assed Rambo clone. Sly is best when he’s really internalized the character, and the only ones he’s been able to do that with thoroughly are Rambo and Rocky. I agree that RAMBO would have been a great place to leave the character, but if more Rambo is what it takes to get the best out of Sly, so be it.
So….. Are we supposed to hate Stallone now or assume he is innocent until proven guilty or what?