It Lives Again (1978) Poster

It Lives Again

An epidemic of mutant monster babies sweeps America.


It Lives Again

July 23rd, 2009 | 24 Jibber-jabbers

tn_itlivesagainAfter seeing the surprisingly-good-although-probaly-still-shouldn’t-have-been-made remake of IT’S ALIVE, I got to thinking that I’d never seen the sequels to the original. And I was wondering about this ISLAND OF THE ALIVE concept in part 3, so I figured I better get part 2 out of the way first. I wasn’t really sure how you make an exciting sequel to a movie about a killer baby, it’s probaly just gonna be more of the same for the first sequel. Even the title, IT LIVES AGAIN, seems to indicate it’s gonna be a rehash. (read the rest of this shit…)

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