Men in Black (1997) Poster

Men in Black

Science fiction comedy film based on a comic book series. It follows the adventures of two agents who work for a secret organization that monitors and regulates alien activity on Earth.


Men in Black

August 30th, 1999 | 84 Jibber-jabbers

Anybody seen this movie. its probaly pretty old but – I just got out so I haven’t seen that many movies, but i just saw men in black at a girl’s house and it wasn’t that bad. personally i thought it was pretty stupid but there was some funny shit at times. she liked it i think i will ask her if i see her again (probly well, wink).

a couple a comments – number one, the black guy is okay i guess, but i don’t think he would last long inside. number two, i guess it was pretty funny at times. the woman, whatserfuck, she looked pretty good. (read the rest of this shit…)

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