Hardware (1990) Poster


The head of a cyborg reactivates, rebuilds itself, and goes on a violent rampage in a space marine’s girlfriend’s apartment.

Zero Internal Reviews on outlawvern dot com

1 Jibber-jabbers

  1. A must watch for any horror or sci-fi fan. Hardware is an ambitious, artsy, exploitative, perverse, poetic, British low budget scifi/horror/action movie from 1990. It was originally supposed to be a 1-million-pound low-rent Terminator clone, but writer/director Richard Stanley gave it all he got, and made one of the defining cult classics of the 90’s. Dystopian future, killer robots, hard-hitting gore, explicit nudity, Iggy Pop, Lemmy, and the greatest soundtrack to any film ever. Don’t let the middling IMDB grade fool you, this is a love-it-or-hate-it affair. Most people hate it, but those who love it, REALLY love it.

Your Jibber-jabber

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