Well here we are friends.
Right on the edge of the cliff looking down. Pretty sure we can jump all
the way to the other side, but not COMPLETELY sure. Very soon we could
be having a celebration like the "ewok" aliens used to have at the end of
the movie RETURN OF THE JEDI before the footage was mysteriously lost under
suspicious circumstances. On the other hand we might find ourselves throwing
flaming garbage cans, rolling SUVs or, you know, rolling up in a ball in
the corner sucking our thumbs. We, as a nation, might have to start drinking
again. We might have to fly our asses to Washington to protest the inauguration.
Eggs would be in such high demand that protesters would have to start bussing
in thousands of free range chickens to pump out enough eggs to catapult
at the presidential limo from behind the protest barricade 200 miles away.
Hopefully it won't come to that. No, it won't come to that. We're
gonna do it.
We've come a long fucking
way to get to this day. We have journeyed courageously while the economy
trickled down from the sky, dripping all around us but somehow never hitting
anybody. We have seen the wonders of the world, from the abandoned caves
of Afghanistan to the naked butt pyramids of Abu Ghraib. From Enron Field
to Halliburtonland. From the plane hitting the fucking Pentagon to Governor
Bush getting his ass whooped in all three debates even while wearing a fucking
earpiece. And they tell us somehow the race is still close!
(Yeah, I said it. The fucker was wearing an earpiece. And he should be ashamed of himself not coming up with a better story than "poorly tailored shirt." Okay, so I've never had a shirt tailored in my life, but I think I got a pretty good idea what is and isn't possible in the tailoring of shirts. For example, I think it is NOT possible for a tailor to accidentally sew a large rectangular box into the back of a shirt. If there in fact IS a tailor that bad somewhere in this world, you would think he would not rise to the level of presidential debate shirt tailor. Okay, so these people are completely inept at pretty much everything they've ever tried to do. So maybe they'd promote somebody like that. And yeah they'd probaly hire some oil executive to be the tailor and he wouldn't know what the fuck he was doing. But still man, how do you EVEN sew a large rectangular box into the back of a shirt? Even if you're trying? I don't care who you are, that is some BAD god damn tailoring. And if you get that kind of poor service from your tailor, what you do is, YOU DON'T GO ON LIVE INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION AND DEBATE WHILE WEARING IT. I'm supposed to believe this asshole only has one shirt? And even after the first debate, he wore it to the other debates too? Doesn't it get uncomfortable being up there in the hot lights, trying to answer difficult questions, wearing the most poorly and freakishly tailored shirt in the history of tailoring? And did this preposterously bad tailor at least get a talking to for accidentally reinventing the shape of the human shirt? Or does the lack of accountability we've seen with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, everybody, etc. extend all the way down to the White House tailor? What sort of bizarre lump would you have to sew into that shirt to get fired? I mean really, this brings up so many questions. I could go on all night.)
Remember the Y2K scare?
We were all worried that some assholes had fucked up programming computers,
forgot to put an extra digit somewhere and now our whole society was gonna
go Mad Max on us. When the clock struck midnight nothing happened, but
I think we really got our Y2K problem later in the year. We thought what
we needed was one more digit, what we really needed was one less corrupt
Supreme Court judge.
I remember getting my check
for two hundred something bucks with a note from the government saying
how we got this great tax cut and why don't you spend it on a DVD player
or something. Here ya go kid, go buy yerself some ice cream. And
I remember thinking yeah, when the country has gone to shit I'll be happy
and I'll say hey, at least I got that two hundred something bucks that
one time. So I don't care that my health insurance costs more and does less
and my friends got laid off and there are baboons running loose eating children
and the city can't afford enough tranquilizer darts to shoot them all so
they're training wolves to hunt them. I was wrong about the baboons and
wolves but otherwise I was actually underestimating. I had no idea how bad
it was gonna get. I couldn't have imagined.
Well who knows what the
fuck is gonna happen, so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna make some guesses
and if at least one of them turns out to be right, I am allowed to brag.
1. I think John Kerry is gonna win. The polls have it close, but those are polls of "likely voters." That means people that have voted in the last couple elections. It doesn't include the people who haven't voted in years, or haven't voted ever before. People who turned 18 since the last election or have always been too apathetic to vote or who didn't believe in voting because they are disillusioned with the corporate one and a half party system. Think about how many people fall into these categories but have signed up this year SOLELY for the honor and pleasure of throwing that rat fucker out in the cold. There are a LOT of these people.
2. Yeah, obviously, the republicans are gonna cheat. They're already cheating. But they can't shred 'em as fast as we can sign 'em up. Unless the fix is in with the computerized voting, hopefully we can take 'em.
3. I think shit is gonna get ugly though. The media is preparing for a long drawn out process, so we won't get that same shock and confusion that leads to goofy late night fun where the anchors all lose it and start yelling out weird shit about omelettes. What we will get though is people going ape shit at the polls. I think the republicants really will go through with their plan of "challenging" voters who may or may not have forgotten to include an apartment number or a zip code on their registration form, holding things up in heavily democratic districts to make the lines long and force people to go back to work without voting.
I think this is gonna backfire on the assholes though. The blatant racial targeting will not go over well. I think some of the republicant thugs will find that their service earns them more than the $100 the GOP is providing. They will also be provided with free knuckle sandwiches. I am saying there will be scuffles and even riots at polling places. It will be a notorious moment in American history. But it will also be sort of cool.
3.5 Maybe you think I'm being too optimistic here. You remember how fucked up 2000 was and how the bastards got away with it. I know, I know, these guys get away with everything. But what I'm saying is, this isn't 2000. In 2000 we were comfortable and apathetic. After 8 years of Clinton, only the most hardcore liberals were fully paying attention. We didn't like Gore and we wanted Ralph allowed in the debates. I remember some assholes saying that if Bush won, it would re-energize the lefties. Well it wasn't worth it, but it was true. In 2000 we didn't have moveon.org or True Majority or Air America or Buzzflash or "the blogosphere" (I hate that fucking word). Michael Moore didn't have hundreds of cameras to Rodney King the polling places with. We didn't know who the fuck Greg Palast was, now we're waiting to see what else he'll be able to dig up. It's gonna be hard to stop them, but we're ready.
(Have you noticed how democrats are worried about people who are supposed to be allowed to vote not being allowed to vote, republicants are worried about people who aren't supposed to be allowed to vote being allowed to vote? Could there ever be a better illustration of what's wrong with these assholes? We want to protect people's rights, they want to make sure people don't get more rights than absolutely necessary.)
4. BLADE 3 will be nominated for best picture
5. Or at least be awesome
6. The lights actually WILL go out at midnight and we will wish we had those water bottles you were supposed to have for Y2K
7. Some asshole on TV, possibly on a cable news network of some kind, will say something really fucking stupid.
8. When Bush loses, they will go live to the republican headquarters for his concession speech. After a long, awkward pause, it will become clear that Bush actually isn't there. The camera crews will eventually find their way to a restricted hallway where Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Bush Sr. and some guy from NASCAR (in full uniform and helmet) will be standing outside a locked door, trying to coax Bush into coming out. "Come on buddy, we know it's tough." Eventually they'll figure out that Bush actually climbed out the window and took off. For years republicans will speculate on Bush's whereabouts, imagining a poetic life of mystery and adventure. Rumors will surface on the internet and talk radio that he actually went to Afghanistan to personally fight terrorism and teach women how to read. Within six years he will turn up bloated and dead after a poorly planned fishing trip just off his private resort island near Costa Rica. His body will be sporting a soul patch. New generations of republicans will be taught of a fictional George Bush who spoke in English and accomplished things for our nation. He will be honored, Tupac-style, on airbrushed t-shirts sold at gun shows and in the gift shop at the George Walker Bush Presidential Library. The library will not contain any books, but they do rent Playstation games for pretty cheap, and they have a decent selection.
I don't know guys. There's
so much I wanted to write about before this election. Like this thing
where Bush and his people spend weeks on an argument entirely based on
PRETENDING to misunderstand something Kerry said ("global test," etc.)
They can't come up with anything legitimate so they PRETEND that they are
too fucking stupid to understand simple concepts and then spend hours of
air time criticizing an argument that nobody ever made, ever. Also I wanted
to talk about that big blob of mayo or something that Bush had on his
mouth during the third debate. That was funny. And I had a story I wanted
to tell about a run-in I had with Naderites, but I don't really see the
point in that now. Instead I will just share with you one thing. A few
months ago I read Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing: On the
Campaign Trail '72. I was surprised how relevant it was to this year's
election. It's a great book, I highly recommend it although it starts
to get boring when it drifts off into verbatim transcripts of discussions
with political strategists.
Anyway, there's a passage
I found in there that applies to those few out there still not convinced
they should vote for Kerry. Read this here:
There may not be much difference between Democrats and Republicans; I have made that argument myself--with considerable venom, as I recall--over the past ten months. . . . But only a blind geek or a waterhead could miss the difference between McGovern and Richard Nixon. Granted, they are both white men; and both are politicians--but the similarity ends right there, and from that point on the difference is so vast that anybody who can't see it deserves whatever happens to them if Nixon gets re-elected due to apathy, stupidity and laziness on the part of potential McGovern voters.He goes on to quote Bobby Kennedy saying, "Richard Nixon represents the dark side of the American Spirit."
Somewhere in the blue-colored upper left corner
of the map, under a horrible black cloud, we find Vern, chewing on his fist.
Well, shit.
Let me start by saying to
the rest of the world, IT WASN'T ME, MAN. I had nothing to do with this.
I can't justify this but please don't think this is all of us. It's nobody
I know, none of my friends, none of my family. It's nobody that writes to
me. Whoever these people are who are rewarding that type of behavior, who
saw 4 years of horror and corruption and said, yeah, give me more of that...
I seen some of them on TV but that's it.
You know, I was really hoping
to travel to other countries some day in my lifetime without having to look
over my shoulder thinking, is that guy looking at my head? Does that
guy want to cut off my head? And now these people go and
make it look like America approves of Bush. It's like when you're
sitting at a bar (not me, I don't drink anymore) and you're making small talk
with the guy next to you, somebody you never met before. And you're having
a good conversation, then all the sudden the guy throws in some joke about
jews or koreans or something, maybe uses the N word, talking real loud. And
everybody thinks this guy's your buddy, so you get real uncomfortable and
try to either end the conversation or talk loudly about how great it is to
meet the guy for the very first time ever. That's what these Americans are
doing. Guilting us by association. Thanks alot, assholes.
I'm sorry, other countries. I know you don't like living under the all
seeing eye of the naked butt pyramid. And neither do I. This is a dark
fucking week. My first instinct was to pick up and move to New Zealand.
Maybe there is a hobbit hole available on that property Peter Jackson owns.
But then I cooled down I realized no, I'm staying. They're the ones who
should move. They're the ones who don't believe in the Constitution. They're
the ones with the offshore tax shelters too. Wait for them to move to some
island resort somewhere. This is my land.
I'm sorry about all the optimistic
predictions in the last column. Getting everybody's hopes up. At least the
one about BLADE 3 being awesome could conceivably come true. If I didn't jinx
You know what it feels like?
It feels like they came up with some new science to miraculously revive
JFK. But then they just shot him in the head again. They tossed him in a
shallow grave somewhere along highway 99, took a piss on it, maybe marked
it with a crushed Taco Bell cup. Then they laughed at us and snorted, "God
bless America" with that shiteating ratfucker grin that Bush has been known
and despised for since he was in college.
On Wednesday, America tore
out my heart and stuck a plunger up its ass. It stuck me with a catheter,
sucked out my soul in painful slo-motion, then sexually humiliated it and
posed for novelty photos with it. Locked it up for 4 years without charges
or access to hope.
I wasn't faking it. I really
believed it. I thought we were gonna be able to have the Ewok celebration,
with the dancing and drumming on helmets and shooting off fireworks. Ding
dong, the witch is dead, etc. But they special edded this one up. Now the
Ewoks mount their log and rock offensive, but they are no match for the
machines. The stormtroopers just crush them, massacre them, burn their villages
and sell their babies into slavery. Luke is paid off, moves in with Darth
Vader and the rebels are all executed. The end.
Right now I have about as
much faith in the system as those 14 year olds with the giant pants and
the evil clown makeup. I never been so disillusioned in my life. I think
of all those people we begged to come out and vote for the first time. We
said their vote would count, that they would make a difference. We all got
together and still they crushed us and spit on our graves.
Now that I've had a couple
days to mourn and punch things, I'm still asking myself the big question:
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? The consensus, especially with those heads I see
talking on the TV, seems to be that the republicans secretly signed up about
ten billion religious fundamentalists who had never voted before. They Rocked
the Church Vote. We Liberal Elite over here in the parts of the country
where there is water, we just lost touch and didn't realize that the Real
Americans cared about these Moral Values we're hearing about. Everybody's
feeling like, "Wow, I had no idea this was so popular" the same way I did
when they came out with a sequel to BAD BOYS. I forgot they even had a part
1, suddenly part 2 is a big deal.
I don't know man, this whole
thing smells like a dead fish to me. I mean that story is kind of
believable. It was a classic Karl Rove sinister masterstroke to get I Hate
Fags initiatives on the ballot in 11 states. A little of that good ol' KKK
spirit to get the base excited. (Okay, so not all of these people are bigots.
They don't hate fags. They don't mind what adults do in the privacy of their
own homes, as long as they don't do it in loving, monogamous relationships.)
But really, are there really
that many more gay hating wackos out there that didn't vote last time?
We're talking about a president who has had below 50% approval ratings
for months. Polls show that the majority of Americans now think the Iraq
invasion was a mistake and that we are losing the war. 55% think our country
is going in "the wrong direction." Bush clearly lost all 3 debates and seemed
to get increasingly confused and irritable as the campaign went on. He even
yelled at the moderator in debate #2 and had goo on one side of his mouth
for #3. Nothing has been going well at all. Iraq has been getting worse
and worse (there will be a major bloodbath in Fallujah any day now, now
that everybody's voted), the economy and job levels are terrible, Cheney's
company is under investigation by the FBI, Osama bin Laden just showed
up on TV to remind us that Bush let him go. (No comment from the forgotten
anthrax terrorist.) Kerry was pulling ahead in pretty much all of the polls
for the week before the election. And even on election day he was winning
all of the swing states in the exit polls.
But then suddenly, WHAM,
nope, they tell us actually Bush won.
Next thing you know, Tucker
Carlson is complaining about these exit polls, why do we believe these
exit polls, clearly they are wrong.
And then Robert "I betrayed
my country and I'm still on CNN" Novak starts saying how everybody has
been saying Bush is so unpopular, but this isn't true, because the computer
says Bush won. So actually he is popular. Actually, we do
approve of him, we are going in the right direction, Iraq is not
a holy fucked up hellhole, Osama bin Laden did not get away, the
economy is not in the shitter, the whole world does not despise
our fucking guts because our leaders are assholes.
Jeff Greenfield, the senior
political adviser or something for CNN, was amazed because he had always
been taught that if there was more than a 1% margin in the popular vote,
then the electoral vote could not be close. But he was gonna throw that one
out because here on the magic computer map he could see that it was wrong
for the first time ever. It turns out that mathematic impossibilities are
possible in Bush's America.
What they're telling us is,
the Great Unverifiable Computer never lies, so reality must be lying. Everything
we thought was true is not true, because the screen has been touched.
I don't know man. It's hard
to be trusting after these last 4 years. It's hard to just take it on faith
that the most corrupt president of all time's corrupt brother who helped
rig the last election just decided to sit it out this time. It's hard to
trust that when the guy from Diebold promised to "deliver" Ohio's electoral
votes to Bush, he didn't mean it that way. I mean maybe we could feel halfway
confident about it if they weren't continuing to install these touchscreen
voting machines without receipts. Elections are pretty important and you
can't really run them on the honor system. And you kinda gotta figure that
anybody trying to STOP the addition of a paper trail (Jeb Bush, etc.) is
up to something, don't you? Nah, he's probaly on the level - despite all
appearances, recent history, common sense, etc.
Yes, what I'm saying is,
I don't believe the election was legit. I got no information on this, I
just got my gut. And my gut tells me this wasn't a "re"-election, it was
a re-"election". I'm saying that alot of those unexpected votes that magically
appeared from the sky were actually Kerry votes when they went into the
computer and Bush votes when they came out. I think this probaly happened
with the scanning software in Ohio and I'm fucking positive it happened with
the touchscreens in Florida. (Pure speculation, but try to convince me otherwise.
You can't.)
Maybe I'm just in denial.
It wouldn't be the first time that all the experts were wrong about everything.
(Isn't that what I always tell you to expect?) But I just have a hard time
believing the guy could lose the popular vote in 2000, get installed by
the Supreme Court, then fuck up, damage and divide the country as bad as
he did, and the next time actually WIN the popular and electoral votes.
The worst president of all time, and that gets him MORE votes. As if everybody
was voting ironically.
To be honest, I just don't
want to believe that my country is THAT FUCKING STUPID. It's either "our
democracy is lost" or "51% of us are fucking morons." As a proud American
I'm going with option number 1.
It doesn't even matter if
I'm right or if I'm just being paranoid. Either way, we know for sure that
we cannot TRUST in our democracy. Not with this current system. And that's
not acceptable. So what we MUST do, and I think this should be the very first
goal of liberals in this new era of darkness, is get rid of these fucking
machines. I don't know how we're gonna extricate the cancer of voting machines
made by corporations connected to the leadership. But at the very least we
gotta make it harder for them to cheat. They MUST be machines that print
a paper ballot that you can look at to verify and then turn in. And that is
your ballot, not an invisible series of 1s and 0s. And we gotta do manual
recounts of Ohio to prove if the machines are right or not. So we know what
to fix in the next election or so people like me can accept the results as
I don't think I got any Bush
lovers reading this, but they oughta agree with me. If I'm right, then
republicans will rule the country until they kill us all, so you might not
ever have to worry about it. But if it happens that somebody you don't
like wins you will have it in the back of your mind. "Did I vote for who
the screen told me I voted for?" And nobody should have to deal with that
bullshit. Your vote is not like Jesus, where you know it's there because
you have faith. Your vote is just a vote. So it should be written down
on paper. You don't want to lose it.
Let's fix this. Let's make
it verifiable. If we don't, we don't have democracy.
(Somebody sent me this link,
a much more educated and cool-headed look at the issue than mine. And blackbox voting is starting an
investigation - hopefully they'll get to the bottom of this.)
But let's move on for now, and let's assume I'm just being paranoid.
That the guy really won. That brings up the question again: what in shit's
name would this fucker have to do to lose these people's support? I think
I said before that he could go on TV and murder your grandmother and if
you were a republican you'd be able to explain it away as "steady leadership."
The comedian David Cross said Bush could go on TV and "eat a jewish baby."
A friend of mine said to turn them against him, Bush would have to actually
go on TV and personally perform an abortion. But even that I think they
could get past. "Well, I disagree with his stance on personally performing
abortions live on TV, but he seems like such a straight shooter. I want to
have a beer with him*. I just don't trust Kerry, he's a flip flopper."
[*Why do these people always say they'd want to have a beer with Bush? You don't give beer to an ex-alcoholic. That's not cool, man. Plus, imagine how crazy he'd be if he started drinking again! I don't want to see that shit.]
They say these people are
concerned about "Moral Values" because they want to put an asterisk on
the Constitution to stop gay people from having equal marriage rights.
Isn't it ironic that while we are supposedly bringing freedom to people
oppressed by Islamic fundamentalists, we are pushing our own retarded caveman
religious oppression on our own people. Don't you think the Taliban would
agree with those gay marriage bans? I'm proud of some of the things we're
doing up here in indigo blue Washington State. Our two top senators are
still women and it's not for sure yet but it looks like we might end up
having a woman governor too. See that, Midwest? That's how you piss off
terrorists. They don't want to see that. I wonder, if Hillary Clinton really
did become president, who would be more offended? Republicans, or Islamic
fundamentalists? It's hard to say. Doesn't that bother you? Stop trying
to be Taliban lite.
But the thing is, these people
don't really care about Moral Values, no matter what they said on the exit
polls. [And by the way, if the exit polls were wrong about John Kerry
winning, then why are they right about everybody loves Moral Values? Ha!
I caught you in a contradiction, media! I gotchya!] They're so against
gays and abortion because of Jesus, but they don't mind massacring people
in Iraq, or sexually torturing them. I think they are thinking of a different
Jesus because the dude from the Bible was into turning the other cheek.
In fact he was into helping the poor and the sick, that was his whole thing.
I don't remember any verse where he told poor people to stop whining because
they could get a job if they were just willing to work harder. The dude
was NOT a republican.
Forget Jesus's values, these
people don't even care about their own values. They say they are for small
government and fiscal responsibility, but they vote for Bush! They say they
are worried about their security, but they vote for the guy who let planes
hit the Pentagon and started a war on unrelated Muslims to inflame the entire
world against us. It doesn't matter what he says or does. It is completely
irrelevant. They're just voting for him because they're voting for him. It
has nothing to do with having reasons or existing in the world of reality.
They're just doing it. They're for Bush. Why? There is no why. There is only
So we could sit here all
night and bet on what the guy could get away with. I bet he could go on
TV and brag that he enjoys lying and exploiting all Americans. He could say
that he didn't do anything to stop September 11th but enjoyed taking advantage
of it, that the Iraq war was all a lie and poorly planned and that he doesn't
really feel like doing anything to change the situation. Then he could
scroll a list of all undercover CIA agents on the screen, call everyone
who voted for him a gullible white trash dipshit, pull down his pants and
start masturbating, then actually nail the resurrected Jesus to a cross
while laughing and performing a mass gay marriage of everyone watching.
Sure, some republicans might
be upset and disillusioned that evening, but the next morning once they'd
heard the GOP spin on it they would fall right back into line. They'd start
calling in to talk shows to condemn all these partisan democrats and extremist
liberals who are desperate enough to criticize the president's brave and
patriotic display of honesty, sexuality and religious capital punishment.
I don't get it. I don't understand these people. And I'm not the only
one. Everybody I know is looking at that map thinking, shit, we're only
on the coasts and the lakes? What is it about water, it keeps people
sane? If we build some canals through the middle would people start wising
up? Or maybe it's not just water, maybe you have to be hit by a plane on
9-11. New York, Washington DC, even Pennsylvania went to Kerry by pretty
big margins. Hmmm.
But I mean, that map looks
real lonely, us blue states over on the sides. You've probaly seen that
map that shows the blue states connected with Canada as "The United States
of Canada," and the red states are "Jesusland."
But remember, it's not that
simple. Most of the red states were very close. If Ohio and New Mexico and
Iowa were so close, for example, we can't just look at the color coded map
and think "oh shit, those are all Bushies there." In those red states there
are large numbers of people who are more scared to look at that map than we
are. If Bush supporters really are the majority, it's only by a couple
percent. It is NOT a "mandate" as Bush is already pretending, with the help
of shills on the TV and USA Today. It's barely fucking getting by. A guy
who once had an 80% approval rating wins with 1% over half. Not including
the undervotes. We might be outnumbered, but we're not outgunned.
(well, literally we are.
Not figuratively.)
On the second I woke
up feeling real nervous, kind of nauseous, like when I was a kid and I
had to make a speech in class. But I loosened up and started to feel optimistic
like you saw in my last column. I went to bed knowing it was grim but thinking
we wouldn't know until 11 days when they counted the Ohio votes.
On the third I woke up and
it was sunny and beautiful, like it was on the 11th of September in 2001.
And I'm afraid the day's events will have a similar catastrophic affect
on this country.
So here we are trying to
accept it. It's official. He's staying in the White House, at least for
a while. Nixon got re-elected too, and Bush will definitely have to live
down a minimum of 12 major scandals way worse and more blatant than Watergate.
But he's good at this shit. So it looks like we have that thing we've been
fearing for so long: a George W. Bush who doesn't have to worry about re-election.
So now Bush says he wants
to heal America's wounds. By rubbing salt into them. Here we are still
dazed and confused, and he comes out with that smirk on his face, says
he wants to reach out and unite the country - no seriously guys - quit
laughing - no, come on though, no I'm serious though guys, for real this
time though. We just gotta all come together and have unity and what
Well, this isn't gonna sound
real nice, but all I can say to that is FUCK YOU. No. I don't think so.
You had four years to bring us together, you spent it lying to us and calling
us traitors and trashing our economy, world standing, culture, ideals and
values. When we came together to tell you what we wanted from you, you
said you couldn't listen because we were just a "focus group." When
we tried to protest your speeches, you locked us behind a barrier where we
couldn't be seen or heard. When we tried to just watch your
speeches, you had us thrown out or arrested, or forced us to sign loyalty
You don't "bring people
together" by telling them "sign this or you're a traitor" or "vote for
this or you're ruined" or "pass this or blood will be on your hands."
I mean maybe you didn't know that. But you that's not how you do it.
Now Bush is looking comfortable
again, like when he started the Iraq war (when he told Pat Robertson there
would be no casualties!). He's so comfortable he actually did a press conference
yesterday. When one reporter asked if reaching out for unity meant finding
consensus candidates for judges and putting democrats in his cabinet, his
answer was basically no. He will work with "people who share my goals,"
i.e. his cabinet and Osama bin Laden. Another reporter asks if he thinks
world opinion of us is negative because of the Iraq war and if so what he
plans to do to fix that. And his answer was basically, fuck them, they
hate freedom. So I'm thinking, you know, maybe this guy actually
isn't serious about reaching out, healing, etc.? It would be weird but maybe
he was feeding us a line of bullshit? Hard to imagine.
If you're serious about this
Bush, you really want to bring us together - fine. Then we got a few demands:
1. You're gonna have to dump the Patriot Act, bud. This is not negotiable. Remember that oath you made to uphold the constitution? You blew it, bud. We'll let it go this one time if you dump that shit.
2. You got one week to charge all of the prisoners at all of your offshore prisons. If you don't charge them you have to let them go. So if there are any of them who are actually dangerous, you better get to fucking work.
3. Just tell us who outed Valerie Plame. We're not stupid. We know you know. Just tell us.
4. Please transfer John Ashcroft to an Arby's or Footlocker somewhere. He can be assistant manager or something but under probation. If he says some weird racist or sexist shit to anybody he's gone.
5. This one you gotta save for last. I want you to get Dick, Rummy, Condaleeza, Colin and Wolfie, and go turn yourselves in at the International Criminal Court. You can bring Henry Kissinger too if you want. It'll be cool, like a field trip. It'll be fine. If you're innocent you got nothing to hide, right? We have to give up a little bit of liberty to be safe in this post 9-11 world of freedom and democracy. So wear comfortable shoes.
There's a whole lot of other crap but in the spirit of consensus and compromise I'm just gonna give you those 5. Thanks Bush.
So we jumped off the cliff and we didn't make it to the other side. And
it's gonna be a hard fucking climb back up to the top. So, no time for fucking
around. Let's start climbin.
oh god oh god why,
but let's do this though,
I woke up this morning and
it was Martin Luther King Day here in the United States, so I put on "Happy
Birthday" by Stevie Wonder. It's that song off of Hotter Than July
where he sings about giving King a holiday, back when the Trent Lotts and
Dick Cheneys of the world were still preventing it from happening.
"Because it should never be
Just because some cannot see
The dream as clear as he
That they should make it become an illusion
And we all know everything
That he stood for time will bring
For in peace our hearts will sing
Thanks to Martin Luther King"
Listening to the song was
a good idea, but the bad idea was I'd been watching CNN Headline News. I shoulda
turned it off but I just put it on mute. So I'm hearing Stevie singing:
"Why has there never been a holiday
Where peace is celebrated all throughout the world?"
But I'm watching reports about
car bombings in Iraq and what's gonna happen to Iraqis if they try to vote
in the, uh, election, and how they've been doing these secret missions in
Iran to find out where to bomb when they invade there next. (Side thought:
how is it really possible that these maniacs are even more dangerous
than we thought, that they are actually so fucking deluded they really believe
they can start another fucking war at this point and live to tell the tale?)
Well clearly that was a bad way to start out my Martin Luther King Day,
turning on the news. It got me thinking all negative. I looked up at the
giant American flag they fly on the Space Needle for national holidays, and
I thought how can they do this to him? They turn him into a holiday and
now he doesn't mean anything. He's a day the mail doesn't come and the bank
doesn't open. If you're rich you get the day off, you get to go buy shoes
and hamburgers from the people in the jobs where you don't get the day off.
You think that's the dream he had?
And I bet alot of people,
they watch this war on TV and they don't even see a connection to Martin Luther
King. They think oh yeah, that's that black guy that marched for equality.
I'm totally for that. I'm glad they got that all straightened out.
Alot of people, maybe they
know he stood for non-violence. But only in the context of protesting for
equal rights. Yeah,
he was the good one because he didn't want to put a foot up the man's ass.
He just stood there and got sprayed with the firehose until he convinced
us. No white people were harmed so it all worked out well.
These people don't know
what he said about Vietnam, they don't know he wasn't just about black people
and white people, they probaly don't even know he was helping with a garbage
worker strike when he was assassinated. What does worker's rights have to
do with the dream? No, it's only about sharing drinking fountains. We took
care of that a long time ago. Good show everybody.
They don't think of what
he was saying in a modern context, just like they don't do it with Jesus.
Yeah, Jesus and
Martin said to turn the other cheek, but that was a long time. 9-11 changed
everything, including Jesus.
Great guy though, Jesus. But
he was living in a September 10th world.
They gave him a holiday,
they might as well have named a fucking Nike shoe after him. Give him a video
game. They turned him into a meaningless three word phrase like I LOVE YOU
IT REAL or WHERE'S THE BEEF. You say it so many times in so many wrong ways,
suddenly it doesn't mean anything. You don't even think about it as a concept,
it's just a phrase that rolls off the tongue easy.
God damn it, it's true.
Most people don't even think of the dream as something we still need to accomplish.
They think of it as a famous speech that was made back in the sixties when
TV was black and white and things were bad. They don't think it's a goal,
they think it's a chapter in their history book.
Stevie sang:
"It should be a great event
And the whole day should be spent
In full remembrance
Of those who lived and died for the oneness of all people."
But how many people really truly thought about Dr. King or equal rights or pacifism or humanism at any time during the day? I mean if you work at some retail place or restaraunt, you probaly had to work. Maybe there's some businesses somewhere that closed so their employees could get the holiday off like they're supposed to. And if that's so then I bet there were people with the day off, they drove up and figured out the place was closed and thought, god damn it, why are they closed? Where the fuck am I gonna get my sandwich now? God damn it, ruining my day off.
I mean, you know that happened somewhere. It had to.
That's what I was thinking
anyway, thinking these negative thoughts. Am I Linus in the pumpkin patch,
complaining about insincerity? Charlie Brown worrying that Christmas has lost
its meaning and become too commercial? Am I about to get fed up and become
the Grinch who stole Martin Luther King Day?
Well the more I thought about
it, the more I thought no. I mean yeah, people are idiots, people don't
like substance and ideas and meaning, they take things for granted and they
don't look beyond the surface and they don't understand history and they
ruin it for the rest of us. But that doesn't mean we can't still have a good
Martin Luther King Day. We can have the Martin Luther King Day spirit.
Don't look at it like they
compromised and commodified Dr. King by making him an official American holiday.
Look at it like this. In his day, Dr. King was not the establishment. He was
the anti-establishment. He was a rebel, in the minority, fighting for things
that most of the country didn't understand, that they were afraid of. He
was smeared, he was hated, he was tracked by the FBI, he was assassinated.
That was then. Now, it's only
the biggest fuckin nutbag kooks that have a problem with Dr. King. Now everybody
knows he was right. He is an American hero and he has a national holiday
and the American flag flies on that holiday, because Martin Luther King,
Jr. is America now. No matter what the past has to say about it and
no matter what Bush has to not understand about it. The problems have not
all been solved but we have evolved enough as a society to know that he is
not the enemy, he is what America is all about, he is who we aspire to be.
Martin Luther King Day shows how things really can change in this country. Now it's hard to even believe there was a time when the holiday was controversial. To hear that the vice president voted against the holiday is kind of shocking. Even that insane bastard with the atomic heart, you would think, would've understood. And that wasn't that long ago. And he knows not to ever talk about it now.
You see what I'm saying? At
the time, Dr. King knew he was right. But the system didn't know he was right,
and most white people didn't know he was right, and the media said he was
wrong. That was then. Now it's different.
Let's extend that to what's
going on today. Right now, we have a government and a media and a culture
trying to make excuses for this fucked up war we're in. We know we're right
about this. We know it. Not just this war, but this whole Bush Regime
approach to life, to the world. We know this is not the way to run our country,
through fear and propaganda and murder and cruelty. Right now, not everyone
agrees with us. They buy the line that 9-11 changed everything, including
Jesus. They got the bumpersticker. But some day they'll understand, that's
what Martin Luther King Day shows us. They'll come around. They'll just have
to find something else to be wrong about.
There's another Stevie Wonder
song I like called "Big Brother." The whole song is great but the last part
gives me chills every time, when he sings:
"You've killed all our leaders,
I don't even have to do nothin' to you,
You'll cause your own country to fall."
Now hopefully these assholes
won't cause our country to fall, but I've been getting a feeling lately, and
I've been hearing this in some e-mails I've gotten from people too, that this
whole fucking machine of death and corruption and insanity is eventually gonna
hafta pop some bolts and start falling apart. Maybe I'm being naive but it
seems to me that it is scientifically impossible for the Bush administration
to go too many more steps without exploding and collapsing and disintegrating
That is not to say we're gonna
just sit here and wait for it to happen. That's not what Dr. King would want
and that's not what Stevie would want. But there is reason to hope, even
after the events of November 2nd. (11-2 - Never forget.)
We are little but we are strong.
Remember the Ewoks, man. Remember the fucking Ewoks. We're gonna overcome
this one.
Happy Martin Luther King Day,